The Saturday Wrap-Up - The Republican Labor Party is Born; It Must Grow Up Fast - July 20, 2024

The Saturday Wrap-Up - The Republican Labor Party is Born; It Must Grow Up Fast - July 20, 2024
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A new Republican Labor Party was fully born over this past week. A transformed Donald Trump emerged from a failed assassination attempt as the leader of a nation, no longer simply a talented politician. This transformation has put a dissolving Democratic Party on a desperate war path for survival. They will do and try everything. That underlines the necessity for a full spectrum investigation by a Congressional Commission with enforceable subpoena power to immediately intervene in the ongoing coverup of what happened last Saturday. Kash Patel should lead that. The event must be placed in the context of the British Empire's 8 year plot to eliminate Trump if we are to prevent something like this from happening again.

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Transcript: The Saturday Wrap-Up - The Republican Labor Party is Born; It Must Grow Up Fast - July 20, 2024

Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi everybody. It's Saturday at the end of a most momentous and actually transformative week, which we'll talk about. The Republican National Convention concluded on Thursday night. I'm characterizing it like a space mission to a new and glorious future in which failure is not an option. Success will be in the new knowledge and possibilities gained day by day, as we proceed.

The Republican Party of old is dead, a new Republican Labor Party Has been born quite a week. So essentially, this was a monumental backdoor struggle beginning really when Trump actually descended the escalator in 2015, but climaxed by a backdoor battle over who would become the vice president.[00:01:00]

The typical Republican establishment figure. Or a new generation of leadership founded on those principles closest to Donald Trump's heart. J. D. Vance exemplified that. Republican party platform dedicated to the forgotten men and women of this country, the working and middle classes, the producers, farmers, laborers, et cetera, who make the nation work.

Not the Democratic Party's elite professionals dedicated to God knows what. The service economy, I guess. That's the division at this point. And clearly Trump has come out, post assassination for exactly that new Republican Labor Party. The convention spoke to that. It put people's faces on the new platform.

And I've asked my staff to include a link to that new platform with this, the description of this video. You should read [00:02:00] it, absorb it. It's new. It's not just reactionary. It envisions a future, a future which many of us here long time associates of Lyndon LaRouche have dreamed about as that which we would like to come into being.

It's not perfect. It's not everything we want, but the road has been set, and it is indeed a glorious road. So, essentially, we're in a new era. We're in a situation which this country has not been in of transformation for a very, very long time. It is new. It feels that way. Donald Trump coming off an assassination attempt is, as Tucker Carlson described him, a transformed person.

He has become not just a political figure, a politician in the best of all senses, he has become the leader of a nation. As many have commented, the manifest quality of [00:03:00] courage he showed in the midst of an assassination attempt is what defines a leader in all of human history. Courage, bravery, like the heroes who built and defended this nation, people who never gave up, as the platform talks about, a nation of, by, and for the people.

Basically, he wants to turn us into a manufacturing giant again. He wants to clean up and beautify our cities. He wants to push the boundaries of human knowledge by going to Mars. These are all things which are talked about by Donald Trump, if not in the platform, in his Agenda 47, which as he recognizes, is the platform.

Most importantly, no more wars. Trump has even talked to Zelensky in the last 24 hours and informed him that the Ukraine war is going to end under his watch. There's no more [00:04:00] 10 year plan for endless war as under Biden. Essentially what you had at the convention was remarkable. Sean O'Brien, the head of the Teamsters Union, spoke in his Boston Brogue and gave a rousing pro union speech to the party which used to be the party of the corporate country club set.

It included people and friends of Donald Trump through the years, telling us of his actual character, a man who is selfless, who is always thinking of others, who loves his country so much. that he gave up everything. It included the cultural icons of this movement, of this working man's movement, Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock, and yet there was Melania coming into the convention accompanied by the strings and symphony of Beethoven's Ninth.

Trump began his speech by paying tribute to Corey Comparatore, the fireman [00:05:00] who died trying to shield his family as the assassins bullets hit. The overarching impression of the convention itself was expressed by Tucker Carlson. He said, God is among us. God touched Trump. God performed a miracle on a national stage.

And that is the true headline of what's happening, even as the media madly tries to suppress it. They can't recognize what happened here. Or the spirit of Agape, which motivates this group gathered on the convention floor, because they are materialists, and in most cases, atheists.

So, the convention itself provided a brilliant portrayal of the real Donald Trump, of the real MAGA movement, and encourage people to look at us anew. Just think about the vice presidential candidate, J. D. Vance. His life story reflects the platform. He [00:06:00] was raised by his grandmother. His mother was an addict. At the convention, she appeared proud of a son, now 10 years sober.

He comes from the poorest of the poor. He then went to Yale as a lawyer. His wife is a second generation Indian American. They clearly love one another. He tells the story of the globalist destruction of his small town in Ohio, the continuing siege of drugs where his high school classmates are only remembered to him as someone dying of an overdose.

He said, we're no longer going to cater to Wall Street and the globalists. We will do everything to provide a quality of life to every citizen. This is the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity, which is referenced in our Constitution. He talked about the jobs sent overseas, the children sent to war.

This is the heritage of the Democratic Party and our Republican Party elites. [00:07:00] Jobs sent overseas and our children sent to war. He referenced, therefore, the behind the scenes fight between the military establishment and Trump basically concerning the vice presidency. They wanted to saddle him with someone like Pence, someone who would try and control him, someone who would sabotage precisely this agenda.

Increasingly, and over and over and over again, the convention talked about, The issue of courage under fire. The characteristic of people who become much more than politicians, who become the leaders of nations. It was, in a certain sense, karma for the war racket. Here we are with Ukraine. increasingly desperate, and it can't win precisely because we have destroyed the ability to fight a war, the manufacturing platform, the constant innovation, the ideas, the national will required, which Russia most [00:08:00] certainly has.

Otherwise, outside the convention, and I wrote a whole piece about this, which should be posted today, and we're going to be continuing to cover it because of its remarkable transformative character over the course of the next week, we were there as delegates. We experienced the whole deal. Susan Kokinda, in particular, already published midweek an update, which you should take a look at, it's posted on the Promethean Action website.

Otherwise, the Democratic Party is in a state of implosion. One of my colleagues called it the story of an irresistible force, i. e., the elite and the news media, confronting an immovable object, a crazy man who's Irish with his Irish up. Right now, it's unclear how all of this will come out.

Every day, there's more and more defections from Biden as the polls roll in, and forecast the Republican landslide. [00:09:00] The problem is a tar baby problem, as I've said. All the policies, which people hate, forever wars, the green new scam, the government dole for the lower classes, condemning them, to servitude for their entire lives. Open border, and the deliberate kill policies of drugs, porn, and despair. All of those have been endorsed by the Democrats. All of them. They have no program to run on except their lies about Donald Trump. Their lies, which people instinctively hate.

So that's where it stands. That's their problem. We'll have to see how it turns out. But we got to remember that they're just the face of a very dug in military type state apparatus, a totalitarian apparatus, as it has proved itself, run from abroad, by the modern day British financial empire. [00:10:00] That's the target, that's the enemy, that's where the focus of all of our investigations must be.

Finally, I want to talk about the assassination attempt. Obviously, as things have come out, the Secret Service malfeasance is glaring. But I want to focus on the investigation by the FBI, otherwise characterized by Mike Bentz, as the place where evidence disappears. Think about that. Where evidence disappears.

That's been the characteristic of the entire last period. Think about what Seth Rich represented, a computer, which In all probability, may have told the story of the DNC hack in reality, it was never Russian. A computer which has never been made public, which the FBI has, and which has been disappeared.

Think about their effort to set up the 2020 election [00:11:00] with the 20 so called intelligence officials and their pre briefings about how to censor, the Biden laptop story. Think about the entire Russiagate fiasco. It is indeed the place where evidence disappears. We cannot afford to have either them or Homeland Security who are a part of the very apparatus, which probably attempted to pull this off, investigating themselves.

Kash Patel has called for a national commission under Congress with virtually court approved subpoena power. They should be subpoenaing documents right now and enforcing their subpoenas so that the trail does not go cold. And you can imagine, it's been a week, that there's every effort ongoing to cover it up and present the various cover stories which they will try to sell to the population.

A lone assassin, [00:12:00] they say, with no social media footprint whatsoever. Three encrypted foreign accounts, a probable floating of an attempt to make this an Iranian assassination plot against Trump, which first surfaced in 2022, allegedly. Kash Patel knows the full British import of the situation, having investigated Russiagate and seeing it firsthand.

His vision is the type of vision which takes in the necessary total parameters here. Think about the Whitmer kidnapping plot, where the FBI targeted a low IQ individual, or individuals, people who were considered to be losers, and hyped them to take the types of actions we see here. This guy is obviously a lot smarter, a different type of target for precisely this type of plot.

But we'll never get to [00:13:00] what actually happened if we keep simply focusing on the obvious security failures of the Secret Service. A new atrocity in that sense surfaces every day. So many feathers to distract us. After all, think about this entire thing. They've been calling, the British imperialists have been calling for Trump's assassination since 2015 in various forms.

It's a continuity. They manufactured the hateful environment by which to cover this up. The latest security atrocity, apparently this kid was able to fly a drone over the site days before scoping the entire thing out and not be noticed. So that's really the parameters of what must be investigated.

True to form Christopher Steele, the former head of MI 6 for Russia, the man who gave us Russiagate through his phony [00:14:00] dossier, surfaced yesterday, wagging his finger and warning us not to legitimize Trump, that he does indeed represent an exist existential threat to our security, our way of life. our economy.

That's a signal, folks, probably a cover story for activities which have already taken place. We desperately need an investigation now. Kash Patel has offered to run it. He knows how to run this thing. Congress does not. They're trying to put themselves in line to have their one moment of fame, perhaps, or even better, to actually investigate the thing, but they don't have the wits, the knowledge, or the background to do so. This must happen, and that's what we're calling for.

Our other marching orders for the week, get out there, organize, overwhelm them, bring in [00:15:00] new people, but recruit them to this program, most fundamentally, to the love which comes from God, telling you here, you have a purpose. It's not your time yet, just as he told Donald Trump.

We need to expand our footprint throughout the three states that will determine the election, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. We're thin and we need to basically expand. We need funding to do that. Hopefully, you can contribute to Promethean Action and Promethean PAC to keep these types of things coming.

We want to win. Now, for the first time in our lifetimes, the hope of winning shows itself to be a possibly imminent reality. That's the message for this week, and it is indeed a joyful one. So let's go forward. I'll see you again on Monday.

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