Book Review
How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed it on the Jews)
by Richard Poe
May 14, 2024
At a time when many of our citizens are engaged in day-to-day battles to secure the success of the incoming Trump Administration, it might seem that a work on the 1917 Russian Revolution—and the subsumed issues of Communism and British Imperialism—is only of interest to academics or what are sometimes called “conspirophiles.” But it would be grave mistake to think so.
We are emerging from decades of rule by the warmongering neo-cons. Their continued influence should not be discounted. We continue to suffer from the devastation of 40+ years of “globalization.” And we still find many among leading conservatives who ignorantly rant on and on about communism, while simultaneously proclaiming their admiration of our “Special Relationship” with the United Kingdom.
It is of critical importance that we sweep away the lies that have been told and provide clarity, not only about the history of the 20th century, but also about how we got into the mess we are in and who are the true enemies of America.
If you don’t want to repeat history, you must learn its lessons, and to do that it is necessary to know what, for example, the history of the last 100 years was actually all about.
Richard Poe has stepped forward to provide just such a history lesson. He has produced a remarkable book, one which deserves the widest possible circulation.
Our British Imperial Enemy
Overall, what Poe presents is the evidence that the primary strategic enemy of the United States—from 1776 down to the present day—has been the British Empire. The title of the book portrays only part of the shocking truth presented: the British invented Communist ideology, housed and nurtured its theoreticians, and then imposed it on Russia in order to neutralize that nation.
His is not an all-encompassing narrative. He picks and chooses certain specific topics to drive his point home, beginning with the British creation and manipulation of the French Revolution and the later British attempt to destroy the United States during the 1861-1865 Civil War.
It is not a flawless book, and Poe leaves out a lot. But in all of the most important features it is very accurate, and it is very well documented. A prodigious work, one with truly unique insight. Toward the end of the book, he takes up the paramount British role in creating the post-1945 “Cold War,” as well as the reality that the World Economic Forum is merely the latest manifestation of the British Empire.
The bulk of the book focuses on the 1917 Russian Revolution, Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky. In the course of his investigation, Poe demonstrates how the British have been determined to dismember and destroy Russia for more than two centuries.
The British Led Russian Revolution/Retaking the United States
More importantly, he shows how all of these events, including the Russian Revolution itself, were manipulated, and in some respects directly created by the British oligarchy, led by people such as John Ruskin and Alfred Lord Milner. It is fascinating reading.
Most importantly, Poe details how the primary goal of London’s rulers in the 20th Century, particularly beginning with the Woodrow Wilson administration, was to bring about a re-integration of the United States back into the British Empire. Understanding this is of critical importance today.
For those who have a long familiarity with the career of Lyndon LaRouche, much—but not all!—of what Poe posits is not new. LaRouche was speaking and writing on all of these matters decades ago, and during the 1970s and 1980s LaRouche and his various associates published numerous investigative pieces on many of the topics which Poe discusses.
However, almost all of those writings are long out-of-print, and the younger generations have little access to them. Poe is performing an invaluable role in raising the issue of the hereditary evil of the imperial British elite anew, and his original contributions are extremely valuable. This book is highly recommended.