Ground Game: Trump's MAGA Blueprint in Action, from DC to TX, MI and CA
We just wrapped up a dynamic week in Washington, D.C., where Promethean Action delivered our literature to every Congressional
The roar of the American people has been heard loud and clear! The next four years will be a defining moment in American history. With President Trump at the helm, the stakes are higher than ever - and the opportunities for growth, innovation, and progress for our nation seem limitless.
The MAGA movement is totally inspired and energized by the election victory of President Trump. Promethean Action has covered this in our recent posts, including Barbara Boyd's article, "Trump Won, Based on Principles Oligarchs Will Never Know" and Susan Kokinda's Midweek Update, "The Return of the American Presidency."
Also worth highlighting is an article in American Compass online magazine, written the day after the election, entitled "Trump's Victory Makes Clear: America Is Still America." The author, Michael A. Needham, is chairman at American Compass and executive director of America 2100. He previously served as chief of staff to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. He writes:
"Last night was the night America roared back. The difference in vision of what America is and what America could be between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris was as stark as has existed in a presidential election in decades. America’s verdict was decisive—the popular vote, the Electoral College, the Senate in a landslide, and, presumably, the House of Representatives will soon follow.
"The American people affirmed the core message of Donald Trump’s campaign: That America is still America, that it is worth all of us fighting for, and that our destiny is to do even greater things in the future than the remarkable things our ancestors achieved in the past.
"The American people showed up, rejected the notion that our best days are behind us, and voted to be a nation that will conquer the stars."
President Trump's victory was aided by a shift in the young voter demographic, including many college students. Even though Kamala won that demographic, the percentages were narrow. Trump picked up his percentage from 2020. And the young people on college campuses were out in force celebrating. Here are some video reports from various campuses, where the students are singing the National Anthem and chanting "USA! USA!"
Ron Kokinda, candidate for State Representative in Michigan's House District 2 sent a "thank you" email to his supporters. Even though he did not win the vote, he certainly shook up the entrenched politicos. The campaign succeeded in ensuring a Trump victory in Michigan by organizing "traditional Democrat constituencies," such as auto workers, Arab Americans, and African Americans.
"We demonstrated that House District 2 is no longer a safe Democrat seat. Tullio Liberati's vote dropped from 61% in 2022 to under 52%. I received roughly 6,000 more votes than the 2022 Republican candidate, getting 42.4%. (A Workers Party candidate got the rest.)
"We accomplished this with a volunteer effort, getting no funding or door knocking help from the Michigan State Republican Party or the House Republican Campaign Committee.
"One of my main reasons for running was to put the Republicans back into the majority in the legislature in Lansing. The good news is that Republicans did regain control of the Michigan House, which means we can stem the tide of the Democrats' lunatic legislation.
"With the Governorship and the Michigan Senate still in Democratic hands, it is going to be a challenge to move much in Lansing. But Donald Trump's pledge to make Michigan a manufacturing superpower gives us a foundation to start to rebuild. I will continue my efforts to foster industrial jobs and protect our children. That is what I will be focused on as we prepare for the 2026 elections for Michigan House, Senate and Governor. I plan to stay in touch as this fight unfolds."
“Defying conventional wisdom about the D.C. area’s status as an increasingly blue bulwark,” the Washington Post reported on November 6, Virginia voters closed the gap between the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates by 5 percentage points. This past summer, the Trump campaign decided to deploy its Trump Force 47 grassroots machine to the state, with volunteers knocking on doors, making phone calls, and getting involved in voter integrity efforts. Statewide, this “helped Trump improve his performance in Virginia over 2020,” when Biden won by 54 percent over Trump’s 44 percent. In 2024, Harris mustered 51.8 percent to Trump’s 46.6 percent.
The shift is most telling in the D.C. exurb of Loudoun County. With an increasingly immigrant population in the county, the GOP reached out to Asian, Hispanic, and Muslim Americans. The “MAGA Caucus” of the Loudoun County GOP, joined by Promethean PAC organizers, held weekly Trump rallies, first at the Courthouse in Leesburg and, later, added rallies at the two grocery stores in Purcellville. With rally attendance increasing week by week, the response was electric and proved to voters that their vote could very well make a difference. On election day, these voters closed the gap by 9 percentage points, giving Trump 40.4 percent of the vote to Harris’s 56.6 percent, compared to 2020 when Biden received 61.54 percent to Trump’s 36.51 percent.
The Blue line of Texas counties on the border with Mexico has been broken – just as the Blue Wall in the industrial states. Within 20 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border, 16 or 20 counties voted for President Trump. These are counties with a predominantly Hispanic population and the Democrats have counted on them for years. But not this year; even Starr County which is 97 % Hispanic and has voted Democratic in presidential elections for 132 years voted for Trump!
In one of the last Blue strongholds in Texas, Harris County, the third largest county in the U.S., Promethean PAC organizers saturated their precincts and mobilized other Republican activists to distribute 10,000 copies of Promethean Action’s flyer about the Trump’s "20 Promises." A large number went out in Spanish. Organizers who worked at the polls noticed the effect, as large numbers of new or long dormant voters, many young adults, showed up to vote. While Trump did not win Harris County, his vote went up to 46.5%.
President Trump's win in Pennsylvania was an historic milestone in his election victory. Promethean PAC was on the ground at rallies and other locations throughout the state, organizing around his policies. Trump made significant inroads into Philadelphia, which has 6 registered-Democrat voters to every one registered Republican. Trump's greatest vote increase was a 30% vote among the White working class in Philadelphia. The Latino vote for Trump was the most astounding, jumping from 6% in 2016 to 22% in 2024. The Black vote increased 4 points from 2016 to 2024, going from 2% to 6 %. The gains were across the board, primarily from the working poor with only a high school level of education. Kamala's vote was strongest in the university and college adjacent precincts, although Trump even increased his support by 4% among this sector.
Promethean PAC volunteers played a significant role in this shift through the distribution of the "20 Promises" of the GOP Platform flyer. Our recently activated supporter in West Chester, PA, on the outskirts of Philadelphia, was very impressive. She had printed 10,000 of the flyer under her own name and distributed them all by election day. First, she deployed her personal network of activist women to distribute them. She also provided the card to the local GOP, who were delighted to include them in their door knocking packets. The rest she left in every diner and store counter she visited and on cars in parking lots in targeted blue collar districts. Finally, she printed a small sticker label that said, "No taxes on tips, overtime and social security," and added them personally to the bottom of about 6000 of the flyers. She truly did a heroic job.
ABC Bay Area News Interview,'s election coverage, November 7th, includes comments from Mindy Pechenuk, Oakland City Council at Large candidate. As President-elect Trump prepares to return to office, Mindy Pechenuk says Trump's growing support in California sends a strong message.
"With Donald Trump, you saw a man who is committed to the working people of America. He is committed to world peace," says Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council at Large. Despite some of President-elect Trump's comments that have been criticized as racist and misogynistic, Pechenuk doesn't believe that's who Trump really is. She says look to his America First policies for real evidence. "To create and discover new scientific principles. And Trump's commitment to the space program. That's why his collaboration with Elon Musk is so important."
Cat Ladies for Trump are purring and meowing in happiness over the pawtastic election victory of President Trump. He stood up for us during the debate by shining the spotlight on reports of people eating cats and dogs in Springfield, OH. Our tails puffed up when we heard about such things. We know Trump's looking out for us. He's the cat's meow! But there's no time for napping. We have to keep clawing away at the establishment until we Make America Great Again! A cat lover musician even made a video using Trump's words, and donated the proceeds the local SPCA. Pawsome!
America PAC was founded by Elon Musk to "support candidates who champion Secure Borders, Sensible Spending, Safe Cities, Fair Justice System, Free Speech and Self-Protection." It played an important role in organizing around those principles in the swing states during the election.
He posted on his X account, "Normally, PACs go somewhat dormant after a big election. America PAC is going to do the opposite and keep grinding, increasing Republican registrations in key districts around the country, in preparation for special elections and the midterms. And, of course, play a significant role in primaries."
Musk responded to posts that he will fund a primary challenge to any House Republican who does not fall in line with Trump’s agenda, with "How else? There is no other way." This will become very important during the Senate confirmation process of Trump's cabinet nominations.
Even further, Musk replied to a post, quoting Adam Schiff whining that Matt Gaetz must not be confirmed by the Senate, by saying, "The Hammer of Justice is coming."
Perhaps the most corrupt department in the federal government is the Department of Justice. Politico reports on the fears that are driving corrupted and compromised DOJ lawyers to quit, or alternatively to try to stay on and sabotage from within. Notice that in the article, no one even pays lip service to the concept of "justice." DOJ had simply become a political hit squad in recent years. That's about to change!
As more people become aware of the medical and scientific evidence highlighting the very real dangers this drug poses to individuals, families, and society, there is a growing pushback against the false narrative coming from the "Big Cannabis" industry and its bought-and-paid-for special interest lobbyists. But even more importantly, the failure of these pro-drug ballot initiatives clearly shows that marijuana legalization is not inevitable. The question of whether or not to legalize marijuana was on several state ballots this year, and the answer from most of those states was a resounding “NO.” This represents a major victory for those of us who oppose the dangerous and irresponsible expansion of the drug crisis.
Ranked choice voting has been promoted by George Soros "progressive" types, under the guise of providing more choices on the ballot. Instead of being "democratic," it's actually a gimmick that furthers wheeling and dealing, corruption, and non-accountability. It's in contrast to the one person, one vote principle, that encourages debate about policies. Millions of dollars have been spent on campaigns advocating ranked choice voting. But the people have spoken! The following states eliminated ranked choice voting in ballot measures in the 2022 and 2024 elections - FL, TN, KY, OK, MS, AL, LA, MO, AK, SD, NV, CO, MT, AZ, ID, and OR.
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