You're Invited: Know Your Enemies, But Also Know Your True Friends and Allies
The Current Geopolitical Landscape As we witness our so-called allies—the British, Dutch, French, and other European nations—mobilize in
By: Marsha Bowen
As two members of Generation X, and both admitted recovering addicts, American journalist Tucker Carlson and British personality Russell Brand had an extraordinary dialogue in the first of Tucker's events in his live nationwide tour.
The event opened with Tucker admitting he and Russell had prayed privately backstage earlier. As Tucker said, he never would have considered such 5 years ago, but now it seemed natural and necessary. In this day and age, to be discussing your conversion to Christianity, as Russell did, a recalcitrant sinner, as he said, in front of thousands in the live audience in AZ, and viewed by millions in archive later, is nothing short of amazing! The author urges the reader to look this up and experience it for yourself.
Once a darling of Hollywood and the British pop scene, Russell describes his religion at that time as “worshipping at the altar of alcohol, of drugs, of sex, and of popularity.” As he repeated through his dialogue, "I am a fast talker, but a slow learner." One very moving experience of faith that he describes is turning his 12-day old baby over to the doctors for a 10-hour heart operation. He said at that moment he felt helpless and small and all he could do was pray. His baby son came through beautifully and is healthy today.
Like Tucker, Russell burned his bridges to that world of “success” and taken the pathway to which he believes he has been called, witnessing his love of God. Ironically, he and Tucker are today much more known, more influential, and relevant to the younger generation than ever.
In the Roman Empire, the ruling Oligarchy allowed any religion within the Pantheon of Gods; as long as it was NOT of true Christianity. What will the Oligarchy do now? The vast reach of social media allows such a message to resonate instantly with millions of people, relatively much faster than the conversion rate of the Disciples.
Tucker asked Russell Brand to close the event in prayer, not having told Russell in advance. Russell dropped to his knees and in the space of a minute gave passionate closure to an event of great spiritual importance for today.
We see the attempts to silence Elon Musk, Pavel Durov, Donald J Trump, and others today, as the British Empire attempted to silence Lyndon LaRouche back in the day. Be a vessel of truth, "don't put your light under a bushel", and organize, organize, organize! Doing such, we may be the vehicle of the emergence of a Renaissance, greater than in all of past history!
Here is Russel Brand’s closing prayer
"I call on the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Savior. I pray in Your Name that the forthcoming election be an opportunity for unity for America. For forgiveness and for grace; that the dark and demonic forces that appear to operate at the level of the state, the deep state and the global and corporate world experience your light, Lord. That you guide all of our tongues and all of our hearts, that we feel your forgiveness and we feel your grace. Thank you, Lord, for the many gifts that you have bestowed upon us. Thank you for the glory of Consciousness itself in which we can live you and experience you. Thank you for the beauty of nature in which we see your wisdom and your creativity in your infinite glory. Thank you, Lord, for the many leaders and thank you that you were born and died that we may be forgiven and have eternal life, not through merit or anything we have individually achieved, for surely all of us are fallen. But in your Holy Name we are forgiven by your act of redemption, by your sacrifice. In Your Name we pray, Amen."
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