At Butler, Trump Trolled His Assassins With Poetry

What is happening now through the MAGA movement in the United States, is a taking up of a mission on behalf of humanity in which evil shall and cannot be allowed to prevail, because it must be conquered by the force of love. It was this which was on display in Butler on Saturday.

At Butler, Trump Trolled His Assassins With Poetry
On Saturday, Trump put on a show for the ages. The classic opera singer, Christopher Macchio played a critical role in setting the mood for the occasion. The firefighter killed, Corey Comperatore was eulogized with a tribute by Trump and a beautiful rendition of Ave Maria by the tenor.
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On October 5th, Donald Trump returned to Butler Pennsylvania where he was shot on July 13th and where a volunteer firefighter was killed and two other Trump supporters were grievously injured.  On that day, David Ignatius from the Washington Post published yet another of his well scripted pieces, speaking, as he usually does, for the CIA. (CIA veteran Mel Goodman called Ignatius the Agency’s foremost apologist and Ignatius himself embraces this role.

Ignatius said, in essence, that if Donald Trump were killed on Saturday or thereafter by an assassin it would be Donald Trump’s fault, since he insisted on campaigning for the presidency and drawing the huge crowds who support him, and the Secret Service was strained beyond capacity by this insistence. In the neat twofer his sponsors are presently pushing, Iran is to be blamed for the assassination, igniting what the NeoCon establishment hopes will be a war for regime change in Iran and simultaneous vengeance against Trump, the man who has challenged the security state in ways not seen since JFK famously uttered his wish to destruct the Agency and scatter it to the winds.  Lee Smith has provided a fairly devastating account of how the Iranian threat has been fabricated with assistance from the FBI.

The FBI Entraps Another Fake Assassin -
The FBI’s plot to seize a Pakistani national is eerily similar to the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping hoax of 2020.

Remember, it was the dean of the foreign policy blob and Antony Blinken mentor Robert Kagan who took to the pages of the Post back in December to more or less blatantly state that assassination was the only remedy for stopping Donald Trump.

On Saturday, Trump put on a show for the ages.  The classic opera singer, Christopher Macchio played a critical role in setting the mood for the occasion.  The firefighter killed, Corey Comperatore was eulogized with a tribute by Trump and a beautiful rendition of Ave Maria by the tenor. Our organizer on the ground reports that classical music had been featured on the rally’s sound system all day.  Then, Trump began his speech by joking, “As I was saying . . . ” setting off a huge roar of validation from the crowd which numbered, by our estimate, at least 80,000,if not more. JD Vance spoke, Elon Musk spoke, the Trump family spoke, all of them pointing to the historic change taking place in the United States as citizens mobilize to take back their government and build a new future and a new generation of leaders, Musk, Vance, Ramaswamy, Tulsi Gabbard, many, many other former Democrats, join Trump. When there was a medical emergency in the crowd and the rally stopped momentarily as aid was rendered, the crowd spontaneously sang the Star Spangled Banner.  

Watch Christopher Macchio's performance of Ave Maria at Butler, PA, in memory of Corey Comperatore.

After Musk implored the crowd to vote and to organize others to vote, Trump declared, “Elon get your rockets ready, because we’re going to be going to Mars.”  Then, Macchio closed the rally with God Bless America and the triumphant aria from Puccini’s “Turandot,” Nessun Dorma. Donald Trump remained on stage, serenely absorbed in the music.

It seemed to me that Trump’s composition of this rally was a form of acknowledgement of the principles which Percy Shelley enunciated in his “Defense of Poetry:” 

“The most unfailing herald, companion, and follower of the awakening of a great people to work a beneficial change in opinion or institution, is poetry. At such periods there is an accumulation of the power of communicating and receiving intense and impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature. The person in whom this power resides, may often, as far as regards many portions of their nature, have little apparent correspondence with that spirit of good of which they are the ministers. But even whilst they deny and abjure, they are yet compelled to serve, that power which is seated on the throne of their own soul. It is impossible to read the compositions of the most celebrated writers of the present day without being startled with the electric life which burns within their words. They measure the circumference and sound the depths of human nature with a comprehensive and all-penetrating spirit, and they are themselves perhaps the most sincerely astonished at its manifestations; for it is less their spirit than the spirit of the age. Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”

As I watched this I thought about a message Lyndon LaRouche wrote to his friends from his prison cell in 1990.  LaRouche had suffered the same flood of hate filled defamation from associates of George H.W. Bush as Trump has suffered from the intelligence community retainers of Barack Obama and Joe Biden and the globalist Mandarins who control the U.S. presidency. Like Trump, he saw the potential for quantum leaps in economic productivity and cultural optimism –both of which are necessities in collapsed industrial economies–in the journey of discovery involved in colonizing Mars.

Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin: He Will Do His Job If You Let Him - Report - Page 1
A Dossier from Robert Swan Mueller III—the special prosecutor tasked to take down the President of the United States—is, as his name attests, a product of elite private schools and universities. He is uniformly and soberly praised in the national news media as incorruptible, fair-minded “honest Bob,” “strait-laced Bobby three sticks.” This image, we shall show, is a brazenly false, Washington, D.C. public relations pitch, created for the credulous.

LaRouche was prosecuted by the very same Robert Mueller who led the first brazen and totally bogus Special Counsel investigation of Trump and the prosecution of Trump’s associates–both schemes being instigated by the British secret services. Like Trump on Saturday, facing the possibility of death, LaRouche reached for that deeper meaning and intent of human life which the oligarchy can never understand.  What is happening now through the MAGA movement in the United States is an embrace of that message, a taking up of a mission on behalf of humanity in which evil shall and cannot be allowed to prevail because it must be conquered by the force of love.  That is the mission now, demanded by all that we know about God’s laws.  It was this which was on display in Butler on Saturday which the present regime, the haters of mankind, simply cannot comprehend. You can read what LaRouche said here.

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