The Graveyard of Davos Intentions
Defeat and death are now stalking the British oligarchy and their American underlings, as Trump's inauguration signals a shift away from the imperial paradigms that have dominated global politics for far too long.
We have lost our identity as a culture which once produced builders, inventors and visionaries. For more than 160 years, from 1789 to 1950, America created the most powerful, most innovative and most prosperous industrial economy in the world, and we did it with tariffs.
The British government has again been caught trying to rig the US elections against Donald Trump according to explosive leaks
Thirty-six nations just met in Russia, over 20 represented by their national leaders. Kremlin foreign affairs advisor Yuri Ushakov described
There has been much attention to coming engineering breakthroughs under Trump, such as in space exploration, fusion power, and robotics.
What is a man? What is a woman? What does it mean to be masculine or feminine? These seem, and
Tucker's interview of Elon Musk on “X,” casts light on the growing coalition of extremely talented former Democrats now backing Donald Trump. It is an alliance of builders—men and women who build and problem solve without regard to the opinions of the expert and bureaucratic class.
Watch Lyndon LaRouche's 1988 television special, "The Woman on Mars" with us, and discover why Elon
America's rebirth begins with rediscovered manufacturing might. “I’ll give you the lowest taxes, energy costs, and regulatory burdens, and the world’s biggest market, but only if you make your product here and hire American workers.”
Donald Trump and MAGA have awakened the sleeping giant of the American People and the power of the American System
The choice is between Kamala's Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) or Mutually Assured Survival with Trump's new Strategic Defense Initiative. — Donald Trump is promising to create a defense against nuclear weapons, as Ronald Reagan intended when he announced the Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983.
Is a "multi-cultural" society, governed by "toleration" and "consensus," a society in which no
Re-industrializing our country, making it once again the industrial superpower of the world, is central to solving most of our
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