Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today
President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over
Recent terror attacks are NOT isolated cases, and more could be coming. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, it's essential to keep our eyes on the prize: a MAGA future. It's crucial to remember that the incoming Trump administration represents a seismic shift in the global power dynamics.
Let’s discuss the recent spate of terrorist attacks. I don’t think they are just isolated cases, nor that they are over. And several people—correctly, I believe—are likening the situation in Washington and the country as a whole, to the tensions that existed in 1861 when Lincoln had to be smuggled into Washington to avoid an assassination plot.
You could also make certain analogies to 2001, when Lyndon LaRouche warned that as the crisis in the financial situation, the economy, and the tensions around the world were escalating, that we could very likely see a terrorist escalation, and we did in September with 9/11.
Now, I'm not making that statement from the standpoint of any of the specifics, but just from the standpoint that Trump's reentry into the White House, especially given all the developments that have happened since his last term, indicate that Trump knows, and the oligarchy knows, that we're headed for a confrontation and a showdown between the old order and a new pro-American MAGA movement—Make America Great Again.
And that this is going to reorganize and reorient all the previous relations that have been entrenched, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of globalism in the 1990s and the first two decades of this century.
That's now coming to a head. Trump has made it clear that things are going to change. The direction of that change is specified, but the details are not.
And terror has always been a characteristic of deployment by the oligarchy under these kinds of conditions.
Now, I caution to re-emphasize and underline what I said, that it's not the specifics. There's a lot of news out about these particular incidents.
You can't really rely on any of these reports because they keep changing. As of early this morning (Jan 2), they were saying the FBI suspected there were others involved in the New Orleans attack.
Now they say there weren’t any. We don't know what to believe.
The same thing is true with the Las Vegas cybertruck incident, but it does seem to be the case that the guy who blew up that truck and who was driving it is an active-duty Special Operations Command Green Beret who was stationed in Germany and on leave and he lives in Colorado Springs.
There are reports that on his ex-wife's Facebook page, there were some anti -Trump posts. Also, pictures of him exist where he is wearing a Slava Ukraini (Pro Ukraine) T-Shirt. Members of his family are quoted saying, however, that he loved Trump.
None of this is confirmed as far as I'm concerned, but you can expect, as with the 9/11 hijackers or other terrorists, that there are multiple layers to all these operations, and it's going to be very difficult to get the actual truth, so don't go down that rabbit hole.
What we do know is this: That over the last four years, and probably even before, given the oligarchy’s entrenchment in the intelligence communities, and with the open border policy, and the takedown of any type of U.S. intelligence capability that's actually trying to defend the country, as opposed to undermine it—that you have a huge amount of vulnerability that exists in the United States today.
That's what you can say for sure.
The form it takes is widespread, given the open border, the expansion of the cartels, and the other intelligence operations.
I know people get queasy when they hear things about Iran, or China, or Russia, or other foreign adversaries—or British Intelligence—but you can't really rule any of that out as far as I'm concerned.
And no one should, in my view, try to speak with certainty now on the specifics of any of these things.
The other thing you can say for sure, however, is that the Trump security team, his nominees at the DOJ, FBI, Homeland Security, the Pentagon, the CIA, has to get in there immediately and take over. Promethean PAC has a petition to that effect which you can sign here. They will be delivering it to the Congress as signatures mount.
But, I think you really do have to think—on this question of intelligence, as well as on the question of the economy you really have to think like Leibniz, or Riemann. Think about analysis situs, as Riemann and Leibniz did.
Lyndon LaRouche noted that,
“Nothing can be competently defined as a fact, without first situating its existence within that functionally historical setting in the course of which it appears, and is later superseded by a better one.”
That’s how LaRouche defined “Analysis Situs.” It’s useful in fully grasping the meaning here to revisit his development of this concept in his discussion of the machine tool principle.
Be willing to question your axioms. Don't deal with theorem lattices, but think about the general process which is going on, and you have a transition here from one set of axioms, i.e. globalization, which everybody in the world has accommodated to, to a new transformation which could and is taking place with the entry of the new Trump administration.
So this is an extremely tense situation. It seems to me that our main goal has to be to teach people how to think like Leibniz, Riemann and LaRouche.
Given the intensity of the situation going into the inauguration and the saturation of psyops occurring now, I hope it will aid the ability of people to see and think clearly and boldly chart, with President Trump, the necessary path to our prosperous future.
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