Concerning the Assassination Which Wasn’t; Tell Congress It’s Time for an Independent Congressional Commission Now

Kash Patel's offer to lead the investigation of the near assassination of Trump, and the impaneling of a Congressional Commission with enforceable subpoena power must immediately be taken up by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.

Concerning the Assassination Which Wasn’t; Tell Congress It’s Time for an Independent Congressional Commission Now
We are asking everyone reading this to call Speaker Johnson and to call your Senator and Representative and demand this.

Kash Patel, the man who fought our security state and exposed the fraud of Russiagate while serving on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has offered to lead the investigation of the near assassination of Donald J. Trump.  He is also demanding the impaneling of a Congressional Commission, staffed by the best investigative Senators and Representatives with enforceable subpoena power, full whistleblower protections, and immediate open public hearings as this urgent investigation proceeds. 

Promethean PAC and Promethean Action are calling on Speaker Mike Johnson to implement this proposal immediately.  We are asking everyone reading this to call Speaker Johnson and to call your Senator and Representative and demand this. This is not a 20 year old kid outsmarting the Secret Service and local police.  Based on the now 8 year campaign to take out Donald Trump by any means necessary, it must be investigated as an incident in a  prepared plot in which the 20 year old kid was a patsy and the Secret Service agents protecting Donald Trump are set up to be the fall guys.

Call Speaker Johnson 202-225-2777 and demand that he act to immediately convene this investigative commission with Kash Patel heading it. Also call your Representative or Senator at 202-224-3121.

We must have learned from the history of British inspired assassinations of American presidents that investigations must center on those with a declared intent at the highest levels of adversary enterprises to complete the act rather than the low level participants who play their assigned roles. This must be the investigative hypothesis unless proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt.  We do not view it as accidental that the former head of MI6’s Russian desk, Christopher Steele, the man who gave us Russiagate, has reappeared, warning that “normalizing” Donald Trump is an existential threat to the Empire he serves. Here are the relevant specifics in the current situation: 

  1. Neither the FBI nor any component of the Department of Homeland Security, including the Secret Service, or any component of the U.S. Department of Justice should be investigating this event.   Rather, they should be treated as potential subjects in this investigation.  Each of these agencies have been complicit in the British intelligence instigated and Obama/Biden White House executed campaign to eliminate Donald J. Trump which has been in operation since 2015. Signature events in this campaign included the Russiagate hoax, the subsequent Mueller Special Counsel coverup and furtherance of that hoax, the Ukrainegate impeachment, the Transition Integrity Project initiative to rig the 2020 election and ensure that Donald J. Trump did not assume the presidency even if he won the votes to do so, the Hunter Biden laptop coverup, the January 6, 2021 controlled riot, and the current lawfare prosecutions of Trump initiated as soon as Joe Biden took office.  Throughout this period, government agents worked with the corporate media and social media to create a climate of volatile hatred against Donald Trump in a full spectrum information warfare operation with the American electorate as its target. 
  2. The story now emerging of this assassination plot is absurd.  Every protocol of the Secret Service was violated –the security plan depended on uncoordinated local forces and DHS employees rather than trained Secret Service agents.  As the threat levels around Trump increased to unparalleled levels, requests for additional agents and measures were denied. The current head of the Secret Service appears to have gotten her job because she headed Jill Biden’s security detail when Biden was Vice-President and because she is a woman. The result:  this child man had a clear unimpeded line of sight shot at Trump, climbed to the roof of a building where cops were present on the second floor because it was viewed as a primary security vulnerability,  deployed drones to surveil the site beforehand, and was declared a serious threat at least 20 minutes, if not more, before the lethal shots were fired. Despite an acknowledged serious threat, President Trump was allowed to take the stage.
  3. The presidential campaign is continuing, while those assigned to protect Trump are targeted as the fall guys in the plot to assassinate him, a scenario with maximum disruptive potential to President Trump’s security.  At the same time the world of would be assassins is being told that the security screen around Trump is incompetent.  No private security force can completely fill the gap created by this scenario.
  4. The FBI is telling us that the putative assassin had no social media profile, was politically agnostic, had three encrypted foreign accounts, and left absolutely no trail to any associates.  This reeks of a coverup. The same FBI has repeatedly targeted vulnerable loners and encouraged them to take violent actions as part of claimed anti-terrorism operations, most recently those involved in the Whitmer kidnapping plot.  The FBI has also repeatedly disappeared or lied about evidence in its possession like the Seth Rich laptop or the Hunter Biden laptop. Inspector Generals from these agencies are launching their own investigations.  FBI/DOJ blocking of any relevant information to the public or Congress under the shield of “ongoing investigations” or classification has characterized their ability to run seditious operations against Donald Trump for 8 years.  Inspector General investigations have served the same purpose. 
  5. Kash Patel is uniquely qualified to lead this investigation.  He has learned from leading the Russiagate investigation and his service in the White House and at the Pentagon about those in the inner circle of the plot against President Trump, both foreign and domestic and, as importantly, how to overcome the roadblocks they will use to block an effective investigation. We do not have the time for someone else to be brought up to speed.  Neither do we have the time for multiple Congressional committees to investigate.  This methodology has proved productive to political theater at best and farce at worst.  We need answers and answers now.  We need to disable this apparatus now as our future is very much at stake. Here is what Kash Patel says about the investigation he would conduct.
Call Speaker Johnson 202-225-2777 and demand that he act to immediately convene this investigative commission with Kash Patel heading it. Also call your Representative or Senator at 202-224-3121.

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