Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today
President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over
In a significant move, Trump has fulfilled a campaign promise by issuing full pardons to approximately 1,500 January 6th defendants. While this decision was met with outraged reactions from some, it also marks a crucial step towards justice and accountability in the aftermath of that fateful day.
President Donald Trump fulfilled a campaign promise this week, issuing a full pardon to about 1500 J6 defendants and commuting the long sentences of others to time served.
The American people knew he was going to do this and voted for it. Yet, his order was met with unhinged outrage from the usual suspects.
Spineless Congressional Republicans like Sen. Tom Tillis, Mitch McConnell, and Susan Collins were outraged by the pardons. The media, which acted as an old school lynch mob from January 6, 2021, forward was similarly disposed.
The judges of the disgraced U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, who faithfully executed the DOJ’s “shock and awe” lawfare war against Donald Trump and his supporters rather than honoring their oaths to the U.S. Constitution threw a collective hissy fit. The inimitable Julie Kelly wrote, satirically, that someone must urgently deliver hormones to the post-menopausal shrews, male and female, on that Court to restore a semblance of emotional balance.
The complicit DC Judges refused to kill the cases that the president ended with his pardon. Instead, they sought to breathe life into the corpses by the juvenile trick of declaring them dismissed “without prejudice.”
That means that a future administration could revive them.
Their lurid and fake justifications for their “resistance” consist of the claim that the controlled four-hour riot on January 6, 2021, was a terrorist insurrection, an act of domestic terrorism – a putsch– by an enemy would be dictator, the current President, and his deranged supporters.
This will result in needless litigation by defendants which will reverse this illicit judicial fit and must result in judicial discipline and impeachment.
Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson announced, in response, that Congressmen Barry Loudermilk will continue his investigation of the events of January 6th with a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee given full authority to dig deeper.
In the early days of these prosecutions, of course, Congress was cowed and absent. Only Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, and then Congressman Louie Gohmert recognized and fought the injustice from the beginning.
Now that the outrageous fabricators on the January 6 Congressional investigation and all their witnesses and staff, along with General Mark Milley, have been granted immunity through Joe Biden’s last-minute pardons, this task will be easier as no Fifth Amendment claim can be made to prevent testimony and document production.
So far, we have learned from Loudermilk’s investigation that President Trump ordered troops to protect the Capitol, that that order was sabotaged by Senator Chuck Schumer, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Muriel Bowser, Gen. Mark Milley and, most significantly, the Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy.
Loudermilk's Investigation says that Trump did order troops to protect the Capitol.
There were numerous FBI informants, other government agents, and agitators among the protesters who orchestrated the entry into the Capitol even before President Trump finished his speech on the Ellipse.
The key to unraveling this event, as the modern Edgar Allen Poe, Darren Beatty has emphasized, consists of the unsolved pipe bomb incidents at the RNC and the DNC.
The “discovery” of these bombs distracted Capitol Police from the Capitol.
All the evidence at present suggests that this was a backup security state deployed false flag propaganda ploy in case the planned riot at the Capitol failed to materialize.
The target of both events, the riot and the pipe bombs was to shut down any Congressional challenge to the rigged 2020 election and permanently exile Donald Trump from American political life.
As for the argument that Trump should not have pardoned anyone who engaged in violence against the police, step back and look at what happened here compared to the non-prosecution of the rioters of the summer of 2020 who injured far more law enforcement officers, actually killed some, and destroyed far more businesses and property.
The people who set fire to Minneapolis were bailed out of jail based on pleas from the Vice-President of the United States, Kamala Harris.
The one person killed on January 6, 2021, was the protester, Ashley Babbitt. She was shot and killed by the Capitol Policeman Michael Byrd in circumstances representing manslaughter, if not outright murder by Byrd. He was never prosecuted. In fact, he was promoted and has now been pardoned by Joe Biden.
Other protester deaths, including that of Roseann Boyland deserve renewed investigation. Despite the endlessly repeated claim that Capitol policeman Brian Sicknick died by being bludgeoned by protesters, he died of a stroke from a pre-existent medical condition.
Instead of the normal sentence for a first-time criminal defendant charged for assault on a police officer, these defendants were locked up for months and years in horrible conditions, often without a trial date set or adhered to.
To the extent they engaged in assault on a cop, they were charged for that but also charged for crimes having long sentences with no relation to what they did. Ludicrous obstruction of justice charges were tacked on in many cases. They were made pariahs to their families, friends, and community.
Many as President Trump said, lost everything.
The phony obstruction charge, repudiated in 2024 as illegal by the U.S. Supreme Court, was tacked onto a misdemeanor trespass charge for Matthew Perna, who engaged in no violence but walked through the Capitol for 20 minutes.
Perna, tortured by prosecutors and ostracized, as a result in his community, committed suicide.
So did three other defendants.
Pleas were coerced and lenient sentences conditioned on participation in “deprogramming” courses to cure the defendants of their belief in Donald Trump and their conviction that the 2020 election was rigged.
Lawyers who defended these defendants were ostracized in the media and professionally. As a result, many of the best lawyers refused to take these cases.
In short, these prosecutions for felony assault and/or seditious conspiracy and/or misdemeanor trespass violated all the due process norms of criminal prosecutions in this country. They were, as prosecutors characterized them, a shock and awe assault meant to break the Trump political movement, not constitutional and lawful prosecutions.
Until now, those due process guarantees against selective prosecution and entrapment, coerced confessions and guilty pleas, unreasonable searches and seizures, the presumption of innocence, and laws made up by prosecutors for political purposes, and guaranteeing an effective defense, freedom from pretrial incarceration, an unbiased jury of your peers, and unbiased judges, among others, were based in adherence to Blackstone’s famous 1769 edict:
“The law holds that it is better that 10 guilty persons escape, than that 1 innocent suffer.”
Trump’s blanket pardon thus remedied a gross defilement of the Constitution and the abject corruption of the Justice Department and the judges of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
The investigation of this event now needs to expand to its context—the criminal conspiracy, begun in 2015,
It has been a campaign by the modern British financial empire utilizing the combined intelligence services of Britain, the United States, and Ukraine.
The events of January 6, 2021, were a staged coup at the nation's capital, resembling Hitler’s famous Reichstag fire.
But it was a coup against Donald Trump, not by him —an event, in a seditious sequence of events which began in 2015.
Those responsible must be held to account.
After all the years of campaigning, Americans have finally come to the agreement that we will Make America Great Again. But, how do we actually implement the intention, and with a minimum of mistakes along the way?
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