Election Battle 2024: Trump Gaining Voters in Working Class and Minority Communities

Election Battle 2024: Trump Gaining Voters in Working Class and Minority Communities
President Trump speaks during an event to celebrate America's truckers outside the White House in 2020 (AFP via Getty Images)

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Are Teamsters Inching Toward a Trump Endorsement?

Potential shifts are taking place among union voters, as their members respond to Trump's economic, manufacturing and trade policies. Democrat lawmakers are worried that their long-running support from union voters may be the latest casualty of a political realignment threatening Biden's re-election.

This is seen in some reports regarding the Teamsters. The union has not yet formally endorsed either candidate for President. But they made its first major donation to the RNC since 2004, and the union's political action committee contributed $5,000 to Sen. Josh Hawley's campaign in the Missouri Senate race. It's the latest indication that one of the country's biggest and most powerful labor unions is willing to back Republicans who share its priorities.

Teamsters president Sean O'Brien has requested to speak at both national conventions this summer. 'We want our members' voices heard at both conventions,' said Teamster spokesperson Kara Deniz.




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