Election Battle 2024: Biden Mimics Call for a Sovereign Wealth Fund, Melania Trump Statement on Attempt to Assassinate Trump, Election Integrity News

In today's report we cover the call by the Biden collective to set up a sovereign wealth fund, Melania Trump's statement on the Trump assassination attempt, and election integrity initiatives in Texas, Arizona, and Georgia.

Election Battle 2024: Biden Mimics Call for a Sovereign Wealth Fund, Melania Trump Statement on Attempt to Assassinate Trump, Election Integrity News
President Trump speaks to the Economic Club of New York, outlining his new ideas for an America First prosperous and peaceful future, including creating a sovereign wealth fund to invest in and finance “great national endeavors... all for the future.” Photo: @DanScavino / Truth Social

Posts in today's report:

  • After Trump Economic Policy Speech in New York, Now BIDEN Administration is Publicly Discussing Setting Up "A Sovereign Wealth Fund!"
  • Melania Trump Demands Answers About Assassination Attempt on Husband: "Definitely More to This Story"
  • Texas AG Paxton Files Lawsuit Over Mail-in Voter Registrations
  • Arizona Groups File Lawsuit to Remove Illegal Voters from Rolls
  • Voter Integrity Fight in Georgia

After Trump Economic Policy Speech in New York, Now BIDEN Administration is Publicly Discussing Setting Up "A Sovereign Wealth Fund!"

Biden aides working on proposal for U.S. sovereign wealth fund
The fund would allow the U.S. to invest in national security interests including technology, energy, and critical links in the supply chain.

Biden thinks he can imitate Trump, but he has no clue about the American System of Economy, or President Trump's tariff proposals.

Top aides to President Joe Biden have been crafting a proposal to create a sovereign wealth fund that would allow the U.S. to invest in national security interests, including technology, energy, and critical links in the supply chain, according to people familiar with the effort. The behind-the-scenes work by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and his deputy, Daleep Singh, mirrors — at least in spirit — a proposal floated Thursday by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who called for a government-owned investment fund to finance "great national endeavors” during a speech to the Economic Club of New York.‎

Donald Trump’s Triumphant Economics for Everyone
Trump presented many new ideas for an America First prosperous and peaceful future, perhaps the most interesting being his discussion of creating a sovereign wealth fund to invest in and finance “great national endeavors... all for the future.”

The Biden collective thinks they can imitate Trump, but they have no clue what the American System of Economy is, as reflected in President Trump's tariff policies to bring manufacturing back to America. These policies have been detailed in Trump's new GOP Platform, which should be studied by anyone who is serious about creating wealth in America.

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