Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today
President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over
The globalist oligarchy is trying to snuff out the Nation State—first and foremost the USA. But their drive has struck a rock—thanks to something that could only happen in America.
The globalist oligarchy is trying to snuff out the Nation State—first and foremost the USA. But their drive has struck a rock—thanks to something that could only happen in America. Thanks to the miracle of President Trump’s moral leadership, their plan has been beaten back here—creating an unawaited Second Chance for civilization on Earth.
In his remarkable 2012 book That Should Still be Us, eminent journalist and historian Martin Sieff laid out in depth many of the major issues at play in our election two weeks ago—then 12 years in the future!
1) The savage de-industrialization of the US under the excuse of “free trade,” versus the unavoidable urgency of a full system of protective tariffs to become an industrial superpower once more.
2) The disaster of cutting back fossil fuel production and outlawing gas-burning cars for the sake of climate idolatry; versus the urgency of full exploitation of the shale revolution for cheap, plentiful energy.
3) What are euphemistically called “open borders”—better called “billions in subsidies to transport millions of unvetted illegal immigrants across our border, house them, find them work, and pay all their expenses.”
4) The reckless expansion of NATO to Russia’s borders when Russia posed no threat, driving towards a nuclear World War III.
Martin omitted four other major election issues from that book, but he has told me in conversation that they feature prominently in his more recent writings:
5) A scourge of illegal drugs, killing as many Americans every year (over 100,000), as we lost in World War I. It was Americans’ horror at the death-toll of WWI that led to the institution of Veterans Day—but until Trump, no President gave a damn about these drug deaths.
6) The pro-crime, anti-police policies bankrolled by George Soros, which have made our cities unlivable, especially for minorities, and flooded them with homeless.
7) Men in women’s sports, along with the sexual mutilation of children—an unspeakable practice recalling the ancient demon-worship of Cybele and Baal.
8) Killer inflation, which makes America unlivable for the working class. The official BLS numbers, which show cumulative 22% inflation over Biden’s term, are notoriously fudged. For a more real-world measure: the cost of the Department of Agriculture’s “Thrifty Food Plan” for a family of four, rose 46% from Sept 2020, to Sept 2024.
What we have been witnessing is an attempt to snuff out the sovereign nation-state itself. Lyndon LaRouche had long written that when the oligarchy began to foresee the coming collapse of the Soviet Empire, it resolved that it was no longer forced to tolerate the institution of the sovereign nation-state and its concomitant industrial and scientific progress.
See, for example, his “What Economics must Measure” of Nov, 1997, page 20. The policies numbered above were devised by their author, the oligarchy, to destroy the hated sovereign nation-state—all nation-states, but first and foremost the United States, as the most powerful obstacle to the program.
Before the election, and especially since the election, leading Democrats have blasted their party for adopting extreme, radical policies rejected by most of their voters. Some have noted that Hillary Clinton was a conservative compared to the Biden Administration’s policies and Kamala Harris.
But how could this happen? How was it possible? If the Democratic Party were composed, on the one hand, of voters, and, on the other, of politicians and professionals courting those voters—how could it have bound itself to policies hated by those very voters?
To resolve this paradox, Ruy Teixeira, writers at “The Liberal Patriot” Substack and others point to the “shadow party.” Inside the Democratic Party, they say, between the politicians, professionals and consultants on the one hand, and the generally unorganized voters on the other, falls the “shadow party.” It is small in number, but apparently wields overwhelming influence. They describe it as composed of “the activist groups, think tanks, foundations, publications and websites, and big donors and prestigious intellectuals who are not part of official party organizations, but who influence and are identified with one or the other of the parties.”
The insane policies listed above were foisted on the Democrats by this “Shadow Party,” which forced the Democrats to embrace them all the way to their doom on Nov 5.
But a little thought should show you that this “shadow party” could better be described as foundations and their satellites, plus donors—since the activists are paid by nonprofits and foundations, while the nonprofits are funded by foundations and government. (And of “prestigious intellectuals,” the less said, the better.)
It is these foundations which are the oligarchy, or embody the oligarchy.
This oligarchy has a long and colorful history which Robert Ingraham has traced in his book The Anglo-Dutch Empire, its center moving over time from Venice, to Amsterdam to the City of London—where it sits today.
But the continuing character of the oligarchy through all its changes, has been that it is the rule of families which liken themselves to the immortal gods of Olympus. That is, the individual oligarch may be mortal, but the oligarchical family is immortal, like an Olympian god.
But how can the family be immortal if it fails to produce an heir, or can only produce incompetent heirs? This is provided for by a substitution of the immortal family fund, the fondo (pl. fondi) for the biological family. Instead of an immortal biological family, we have an immortal family fund run by professional administrators: the fondo or foundation. (Although the family name on the marquee is usually misleading.) LaRouche discussed that in his paper “Columbus’ Discovery of America,” under the heading “How Oligarchism Really Works.”
This is the oligarchy. Contrast the vulgar prejudice that the oligarchy is “the rich,” or “billionaires.” How could anyone seriously believe that? Elon Musk is the world’s richest man, so he must be part of the oligarchy that rules us, according to this superstition. But his companies have been subject to at least 20 Federal investigations, and under a Harris presidency, he would be on the way to a long jail term. Some oligarch!
Because of our unique history and institutions, only America could have produced a Donald Trump. And only in America, with its Constitutional Presidential system, could he have succeeded as he did Nov 5. Just witness how the parliamentary systems of Europe have so far doomed all resistance to the same policies numbered above—parliamentary systems which were created precisely to thwart and control a pro-republican citizenry.
This is the third time in our history that we Americans have had the honor of being in a position to thwart an oligarchical threat launched against all mankind from the City of London. First, at the same time London was cementing its genocidal control over India in 1763, it determined to choke off the republican political and scientific-industrial development of the English North American colonies. When our forebears defeated them in our Revolution, it became a rallying-cry for all men, everywhere, for all times.
London returned again to try to destroy us in a Civil War. Our Southern slave-owning planter was nothing more than an appendage of London, as Thomas Jefferson had famously written. London bankrolled and armed the Confederacy, knowing that the division of the Union in two would prepare the way for later secessions, until North America was divided into squabbling ministates dependent on Britain. But under another great leader, we defeated them again, in one of the bloodiest wars in then-known history.
Today our battle is far from over, but a potential victory lies ahead. Let us intensify our mobilization to fully understand and fully support President Trump’s American System policies, thus dedicating ourselves, with President Lincoln:
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
After all the years of campaigning, Americans have finally come to the agreement that we will Make America Great Again. But, how do we actually implement the intention, and with a minimum of mistakes along the way?
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