Ground Game: Optimism and Our Better Angels

Promethean PAC Supporters Respond to Optimism - The Power of Morality in Human Beings - Appealing to the Better Angels in America - A Foray into Super-Liberal Oakland Hills

Ground Game: Optimism and Our Better Angels
President Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Posts in today's report:

  • Promethean PAC Supporters Respond to Optimism
  • The Power of Morality in Human Beings
  • Appealing to the Better Angels in America
  • A Foray into Super-Liberal Oakland Hills

Promethean PAC Supporters Respond to Optimism

In recent phone calls and meetings with Promethean PAC supporters and activists, we're getting the best responses when we present the picture of optimism following the GOP National Convention. People have been through a lot over the past 2 weeks, dealing with the assassination attempt against Trump, Sleepy Joe finally dropping out, and the Kamala catastrophe. Some people are even responding to the gossip and baseless attacks against Trump's pick of JD Vance to be his VP running mate.

A lot of the doubts can be dispelled when we talk to people about the leadership Trump is providing, and his commitment to the American people. One useful organizing tool to use is the GOP Platform, which was written under the direction of Trump and his team. The platform is dedicated "To the Forgotten Men and Women of America," and it's preamble begins with "A Return to Common Sense." People are inspired by the section of the 20 promises that Trump will accomplish very quickly upon taking office, including sealing the border, ending the wars, and unleashing America's energy potential.

2024 Republican Party Platform | The American Presidency Project

After being briefed on this optimism, the need to take action to get Trump elected, and the implementation of our policies, people want to lend their financial support and get involved with our activities.‎

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