Ground Game: Trump's "20 Promises" of the GOP Platform— Distribution Nationwide and in Spanish

We're on a three-week countdown to the election, mass distributing the Promethean PAC leaflet on Trump's "20 Promises" of the GOP Platform, which has now been translated into Spanish. We have reports on Operation Swing States, and meetings and organizing in TX, CA, and MI.

Ground Game: Trump's "20 Promises" of the GOP Platform— Distribution Nationwide and in Spanish
"On behalf of the 16,000 men and women represented by the National Border Patrol Council, we strongly support and endorse Donald J Trump for President of the United States..." President of the National Border Patrol Council Paul Perez

Posts in today's report:

  • Operation Swing States Meeting
  • Testing Texan Trump Supporters With Challenging Ideas
  • How a Real American Presidency Responds Before & After Disasters Like Hurricanes Helene & Milton
  • Detroit–Vote Peace, Vote Trump
  • Mindy Pechenuk to League of Women Voters: We Need a Future
  • A Return to a Lively Site in California
  • Promethean PAC's "20 Promises" in Spanish

Operation Swing States Meeting

Promethean PAC held its 3rd Operation Swing State online meeting on Friday, October 11. There were representatives from MI, PA, MN, VA, NC, and TX.

Susan Kokinda began with a status report on the distribution of the "20 Promises" flyer: 90,000 copies are being distributed in the swing states. This mobilization is important, because the GOP factions are basically united around getting Trump elected; but, what's missing is the content. What is it that makes Trump's new GOP unique? It's the economic program for the forgotten men and women of America. She showed the video of JD Vance at a recent meeting in Detroit, answering the question, "Why should Blacks vote for the Trump/Vance ticket?"

JD Vance in Detroit answering a question on why Blacks should vote for Trump/Vance

This is the new GOP of producing, manufacturing, and physical economic growth. Trump is also focusing on tariffs, as he laid out recently at the Detroit Economic Club and in an interview with Larry Kudlow.

President Trump at the Detroit Economic Club on October 10

President Trump talks trade and tariffs with Larry Kudrow on October 4

During the Q and A, people reported where they are distributing the flyers. In Macomb County, MI, for example, the GOP office is adding them to their lit bags. We're getting them to the Detroit GOP office, and additional offices are opening in Detroit and Hamtramck. A member of the PA state committee, from the Butler area, said he will get out 10,000. In southeast PA, they're getting them out in parking lots. In MN, signs and lit are going out.

Chuck Park told of the work they're doing at the auto plants with Auto Workers for Trump, and suggested that other places could look for plants that have shift changes, and go talk to the workers, most of whom are pro-Trump.

Auto Workers for Trump rally in Wayne, MI

Kokinda showed a photo from Ron Kokinda's state representative campaign, organizing on the side of the street with multiple signs, encouraging people to pull over and talk.

Organizing for Ron Kokinda for Michigan State Rep with Trump's policies for America

She ended by saying that people are hungry to do something. More people are willing to have discussions, even people who formerly had "TDS." We have three weeks until the election to get out the vote and overwhelm the fraud. Subscribe to Promethean Action!

Testing Texan Trump Supporters With Challenging Ideas

Organizing in the Houston, TX area for the ideas needed to ensure Trump's policies

On October 11, two of us from TX Promethean Action went to organize fairly close to a location where we were having a meeting the next day. It is always useful to present what we know to be crucial and try to engage people who are ostensibly Trump supporters. We realized we had to cut through a certain smugness..."I'm ok. Trump has my vote!"...and they would not stop to talk. So, we sharpened our polemics using A Police Dossier: It Is the British Who Murder Our Presidents and the leaflet on the "20 Promises" of the GOP platform. Before the Butler, PA assassination attempt, most people were absolutely riveted to the horror that President Trump could be assassinated. Now, with two attempts thwarted, it was as if some people were somewhat dulled to the danger. By saying very clearly to people that we have to keep Trump alive, he has to win with overwhelming margins, AND that after he wins he has to be able to govern, the response was much better. Part of the fun was that we were joined by an activist (who did come to the meeting the next day) who just loves the way Lyndon LaRouche and his movement have fought for the principles that built our country. She explained that a lot of what we say resonates with what her parents and grandparents told her while growing up. As always, when she joins us, she says that it teaches her a lot about organizing.

Distributing the "20 Promises" of the GOP Platform leaflets

One encounter was with a young Black mother She was there with her daughter, and came up to the table smiling and friendly, but quickly admitted she didn't have a clue about what the difference is between the Democrats and the Republicans! Once she started looking at the "20 Promises" leaflet, she was excited to see exactly that. She took extra copies to get out to others who, like her, haven't taken the time to figure out how to think. Another encounter was with a precinct chair who we have worked with for some time, who, for the first time, contributed at the table saying, "you people put me to shame with all you do."‎

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