Ground Game: D.C. Here We Come, Unleashing Trump's Common Sense Revolution

Join the Ground Game! Promethean Action heads to D.C. to support Trump's Common Sense Revolution. Learn more about our efforts and how you can help

Ground Game: D.C. Here We Come, Unleashing Trump's Common Sense Revolution
President Trump's address to Congress on March 4: A Common Sense Revolution -- photo by James Blair, Assistant to the President and White House Deputy Chief of Staff, on X

Posts in today's report:

  • Promethean Action Trip To Washington, D.C.
  • Houston Meeting: How Trump Can Bring the Congress to Heel
  • Congratulations Susan Kokinda: Coalitions Vice Chair of the Michigan Republican Party
  • Saturday Class Series: President William McKinley
  • Promethean Channels on YouTube

Promethean Action Trip To Washington, D.C.

U.S. Capitol building. Photo from the National Park Service.

Promethean Action organizers and volunteers are going to Washington, D.C. during the week of March 24 – 28.

The mission is to talk to Congressmen, Senators, and staff of various committees and caucuses whose areas of responsibility are energy and the economy – our areas of expertise.

Here are some of the relevant committees we'll be visiting:

  • House Energy and Commerce Committee
  • House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
  • House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
  • House Financial Services Committee
  • Congressional Fusion Energy Caucus
  • Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

President Trump has set forward a bold agenda for America. Our mission is to make sure that Congress is on the same page, and is ready to pass legislation in line with Trump's plans. We're going to distribute copies of our pamphlet, What President Trump Can Do With the American System 2.0.

We're in the process of contacting the offices to set up meetings.

You can help our mission by contacting your Congressman to set up meetings with our team. Let us know in the comments, or reply to this email if you'd like to help with our mission!

Support Our Trip to D.C.

As we prepare to take our message to Washington, D.C., we need your help to make it happen. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that Congress aligns with President Trump's bold agenda for America. Your contribution will directly support our efforts to meet with lawmakers, distribute crucial materials, and amplify the voice of common sense in our nation's capital.

Every donation counts in helping us cover travel costs, materials, and logistical support for our team. Together, we can make a real difference in shaping the future of our country.

Donate today and be part of this critical mission to strengthen Trump's Common Sense Revolution.

Houston Meeting: How Trump Can Bring the Congress to Heel

On February 27, Houston Promethean Action held an online meeting to discuss our upcoming trip to Washington, D.C. Marsha Bowen's strategic overview highlighted the accomplishments of President Trump's first month in office.

Daniel Leach gave the main presentation on the history of the political movement of Lyndon LaRouche, and how our work with him has prepared us for the great political revolution we are now in.

During the Q&A, people discussed how to get in touch with their Congressmen to set up meetings for the upcoming trip to D.C. One woman, who has had success in setting up such meetings, shared a script that she's been using.

If you would like to use that script, here's an outline:

I volunteer with Promethean Action. We are sending a team to Capitol Hill the week of March 24th. We would like to meet with you to discuss how to implement the rebuilding of the USA as a manufacturing superpower. This is what President Trump wants to do, what the majority of American citizens voted for, and what should be taken up in the Congress. We would discuss details of policies that have been successful in the past, and how they can work now in the American System 2.0. Would you please let me know a favorable meeting day and time during the week of March 24? I will have a Promethean Action team member call and confirm this with you.

Please, reply to this email or leave a comment below if you contact an office so we can follow up with them.

Congratulations Susan Kokinda: Coalitions Vice Chair of the Michigan Republican Party

Promethean PAC leader Susan Kokinda won her election as Coalitions Vice Chair of the Michigan Republican Party, with 65% of delegates voting for her at the February 22, 2025 State Convention in Detroit, MI. Over the past years, she's been successful in leading the fight to transform the GOP into Trump's new Republican Party, with a special emphasis on Agenda47 and the 2024 Republican Party Platform.

As Coalitions Vice Chair, she will be intervening in areas which were previously considered Democrat strongholds. As we saw in President Trump's victory in Michigan, policies of manufacturing and economic development resonate with blue collar workers, minorities, and young people. 

Time to get "out of the blue" and join Trump's revolution of common sense!

The new MIGOP leadership team: Krish Matrhani, Youth Vice Chair; Susan Kokinda, Coalitions Vice Chair; Chris Long, Grassroots Vice Chair; Bernadette Smith, Co-Chair; Cheryl Costantino, Admin Vice Chair; Alexandria Taylor, 13th CD Chair.

Saturday Class Series: President William McKinley

President Trump has praised President William McKinley's policy of tariffs, which he calls the most beautiful word in the English language. He has also restored the name Mount McKinley to our nation's highest peak.

Robert Ingraham presented the ideas of our 25th President, McKinley, on the Promethean Action Saturday class series.

The topic of the first class, on February 8th, was McKinley's tariff policies and how he waged war on British imperial policies and Wall Street financial interests at the end of the 19th century. He was a true champion of the American System economic policies.

The second class, given on March 2, was entitled, "The Murder of McKinley & Creation of Federal Reserve." The assassination of McKinley in 1901 not only led to the reversal of the American System economic policies he championed, but to a destruction of American economic sovereignty itself.

With the Federal Reserve, an alien oligarchical financial and banking paradigm was imposed upon the United States, a money-system which concentrated power and wealth in the hands of a few.

For more in-depth reading, see A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents, and Robert Ingraham's book National Banking.

Promethean Channels on YouTube

Promethean Action has expanded its YouTube presence, dividing the content into distinct channels.

Promethean Updates is where you can find Promethean Action's political updates multiple times per week. We feature the "Monday Brief" and "Saturday Wrap-Up" by Barbara Boyd, and the "Midweek Update" by Susan Kokinda.

Promethean In Depth is where you can find Promethean Action's longer in-depth classes and related content. These include the "Monday Strategic Overview" and the "Saturday Class."

Promethean Sparks is a channel featuring short, thought-provoking content to spark meaningful conversations and engagement. These include statements by President Trump, short posts on American history, and even include some humor.

The new YouTube channels are not just content hubs, but the primary engines driving our organization's growth, attracting new members, and fostering a more engaged and informed community.

All of our content is also posted on our X(formerly Twitter) and Facebook pages.

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