Ground Game: New Promethean PAC Political Card, Debate Watch, Auto Workers for Trump, Organizing in MI, CA, and TX

Promethean PAC is printing a new political card as part of our strategy in the run up to the election. We report some responses from the Trump/Harris debate, an Auto Workers for Trump rally in Wayne, MI, and organizing in Michigan, California, and Texas.

Ground Game: New Promethean PAC Political Card, Debate Watch, Auto Workers for Trump, Organizing in MI, CA, and TX
New Promethean PAC political card featuring Trump's GOP platform dedicated to the Forgotten Men and Women of America

Posts in today's report:

  • New Promethean PAC Political Card on Trump's GOP Platform
  • Trump/Harris Debate Watch and Responses
  • Auto Workers for Trump Rally in Wayne, MI
  • Michigan Delegates Eager to Organize with Policy
  • Organizing with Trump's Ideas in California
  • Houston Promethean PAC Inspires the Harris County GOP with Trump's Vision

New Promethean PAC Political Card on Trump's GOP Platform

Promethean PAC has launched a fundraising drive to print a new glossy half-page political card outlining the new Trump GOP Platform and the 20 Promises to the American people. This is part of their September strategy to achieve a Trump victory in November.

Trump's new GOP Platform is dedicated to the Forgotten Men and Women of America

The front of the card shows men and women in hardhats, overlaid with the words from the GOP Platform dedication to "The Forgotten Men and Women of America." There is also a link to the platform. On the back is a list of the 20 Promises to America, among which are sealing the border, ending inflation, preventing World War III, making America the dominant energy producer in the world, and more.

The 20 Promises of Trump's GOP Platform

The plan is to flood the battleground states with Trump's actual policy ideas, using the work in Michigan as an example for Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. Promethean PAC in Michigan has been organizing at auto plants and working class areas to educate people around Trump's Agenda47 policies, which have now become the basis of the GOP Platform.

Printing the new half-page card is phase one of the path to victory. Everyone should be part of it, donate, and organize, organize, organize!

A Promethean Guide to the 2024 Republican Party Platform
The 2024 Republican Party Platform, led by Donald Trump, declares war on the old GOP, Wall St. and the D.C. establishment, embracing a new American System that places industry, workers, and infrastructure over globalism and oligarchy.

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