Ground Game: Promethean Action Ignites Change in Washington with Trump's Vision

Promethean Action heads to D.C. March 24-28 to advocate for Trump's agenda. MAGA momentum grows at CA GOP convention. Susan Kokinda talks manufacturing in MI.

Ground Game: Promethean Action Ignites Change in Washington with Trump's Vision
President Donald Trump signs the “No Men in Women’s Sports” executive order barring transgender students from women’s sports on Feb. 5, 2025, in Washington, D.C.

Posts in today's report:

  • Promethean Action to D.C.– Make Congress Great Again
  • MAGA at the California State GOP Convention
  • Susan Kokinda Brings Manufacturing Discussion to Local Michigan Republican Women's Club
  • Arizona Leaders Promote Promethean Action's Trip to Washington
  • Promethean Economic Publications Available on Amazon
  • Promethean Action's Article on Mexico vs. Canada Published in Spanish

Promethean Action to D.C.– Make Congress Great Again

Promethean Action organizers and volunteers are going to Washington, D.C. during the week of March 24 – 28.

Over the last weeks, we have scheduled meetings with Representatives from around the country.

We plan on visiting the offices of every Representative and Senator to discuss our proposals and ideas to make sure that President Trump's agenda is implemented, specifically on the issues or manufacturing, trade, energy, and the budget.

We will be distributing copies of our pamphlet, What President Trump Can Do With the American System 2.0.

And, we've produced a new leaflet, "Make Congress Great Again," outlining our vision for a renewed America.

We'll be reporting on the meetings throughout the week, so keep up with our posts here on and on our social media pages, X(formerly Twitter) and Facebook.

MAGA at the California State GOP Convention

MAGA and DOGE at the California State GOP Convention

Last weekend’s California GOP Spring Convention was the scene of a joyful new Republican Party coming into being, despite pathetic efforts by the old Party establishment to maintain the pre-Trump status quo.

A great deal of enthusiasm was generated by new Trump buttons, MAGA specialty shirts, and buttons calling for a DOGE audit of California. Musk, MAHA, and Tulsi Gabbard were celebrated as the new signs of the times.

Mindy Pechenuk for Mayor of Oakland. We need a DOGE for Oakland!

The California MAGA hospitality suite was standing room only, with over 200 attendees, including activists and candidates from all over the state, who have participated in the weekly Cal MAGA zoom meetings, calls, updates and other activities for the past several years.

They have come to form the core of a new and emerging pro-Trump, pro-American System leadership in the state, determined to overturn the so-called Blue domination of that once great state.

Activists at the California MAGA hospitality suite meeting

Three candidates addressed the group:

  • Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, the leading Republican candidate for Governor in the upcoming 2026 election and a fierce anti-drug fighter
  • Retired State Senator Mike Morrell, who ran a spirited contest for GOP State Chairman, which, unfortunately, fell short of victory
  • A former Mayor and statewide candidate for Treasurer, Jack Guerrero, who ended up WINNING THE RACE for California GOP Treasurer in a stunning upset over the GOP establishment candidate at the convention.

The meeting occurred in the face of attempted, repeated obstruction by the Party leadership, who denied the MAGA group an organizing table, scheduled the meeting to coincide with four other events, and assigned a room in a remote part of the building. The Party censored and would not allow Guerrero to include the phrase "DOGE" when he described his purpose for running for Treasurer. They would not allow his announcement to be placed in delegate packets.

On the floor, after contentious fights, three MAGA resolutions were passed while four were rejected for bureaucratic reasons. There is still work to do in California!

Susan Kokinda Brings Manufacturing Discussion to Local Michigan Republican Women's Club

Susan Kokinda addresses the Bloomfield, MI, Republican Women's Club

Susan Kokinda, Coalitions Vice Chair of the Michigan GOP, was a featured speaker at the inaugural "conservative conversations" roundtable with the Bloomfield Republican Women's Club. She spoke about President Trump's policies to bring manufacturing back to America. Among the audience, there was an intense connection to these ideas of production. One woman had recently retired from a managerial position in a manufacturing plant, another's ex-husband owned manufacturing plants overseas, and another had a son in machine tools.

There was a substantive discussion about tariffs, productive economy, education for the future, and more. As usual, the "20 promises" flyer outlining Trump's program at the GOP National Convention and dedicated to the forgotten men and women of America, was a big hit.‎

Arizona Leaders Promote Promethean Action's Trip to Washington

Promethean Action's trip to Washington was promoted on a website, Crime of the Century: The Truth of 2020!" This website tells the "people’s story" of the 2020 election and how the people of Arizona took a stand for election integrity. The project was founded by Liz Harris, Arizona RNC National Committeewoman, and has thousands of grassroots volunteers.

The announcement on the website reads:

Friends, Promethean Action is Going to Washington
We will be there from Monday March 24 – Friday March 28th
Please Call Your Congressman to Set up a Meeting for Us.
And Please Donate to Help Sponsor the Trip

Promethean Economic Publications Available on Amazon

In the lead up to the Promethean Action trip to Washington, we have made available a new page on Amazon called "Promethean Growth," where you can access our latest economic writings.

Promethean Growth
Visit Amazon’s Promethean Growth Page and shop for all Promethean Growth books. Check out pictures, author information, and reviews of Promethean Growth

This page showcases works from Promethean Action on topics related to physical economy and technology:

Promethean Action is taking these to Washington, D.C. to present to Congress. You can order copies here for yourself and your representative.

Promethean Action's Article on Mexico vs. Canada Published in Spanish

Promethean Action's article, "Sunday’s Tale of Two Countries: A Republic and a British Vassal Colony," has been translated into Spanish and published on the website, Dossier Politico.

Historia del domingo entre dos países: una República y una colonia súbdita del Imperio Británico
Promethean Action. 11 de marzo de 2025.- El domingo 9 de marzo de 2025 nos proporcionó un ejemplo sorprendente y

The article situates the two opposing world views. On the one side stands Mexico, a historical Republic fighting with the United States now against terrorist drug cartels out to destroy both countries. On the other side stands Canada. Ever since they rejected Ben Franklin’s offer to join the United States, Canada has served as a platform to run British imperial subversions of the United States.

Sunday’s Tale of Two Countries: A Republic and a British Vassal Colony
Sunday, March 9th, 2025, provided a startling and graphic example of the difference between a Republic and a vassal colony serving the British imperial monetarist Empire. On one side stands Mexico, a historical Republic fighting with the United States now against terrorist drug cartels out to destroy both countries. On

These issues were also discussed on the March 15 class with Tony Papert and Robert Ingraham, "The Coming World of Sovereign Nation States."

When President Trump addressed the United Nations in 2018, he called for a world of proudly independent, sovereign nation-states. Now, at the beginning of his second term, the mists are lifting from this vision of a future world, better than anything in human history so far. Now it can become a reality during the lifetimes of some of you reading these words today.

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