Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (4/6)
Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's "The Lost Art of the Capital Budget."
Promethean PAC has begun distributing the new glossy half-page political card outlining the new Trump GOP Platform and the "20 Promises" to the American people. The front of the card shows men and women in hardhats, overlaid with the words from the GOP Platform dedication to "The Forgotten Men and Women of America." On the back is a list of the "20 Promises to America," among which are preventing World War III, sealing the border, ending inflation, making America the dominant energy producer in the world, and more.
In Houston, we delivered the cards to precinct chairs throughout the city and to the Senate District Chair, who said, "This is great! How can I contribute?" One volunteer is going to print his own copies and distribute them to areas that do not traditionally vote Republican. Another volunteer is getting them out to a local mosque.
In Michigan, we're circulating them at auto plants and in working class neighborhoods. The 13th Congressional Republicans have printed their own version, which has been delivered to several of the Trump campaign offices in the Detroit area. And we're launching "Operation Swing States," for distribution in Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and yes, even Virginia!
Volunteers in California had the idea to make them available at watch parties for the upcoming vice presidential debate. You can do this in your area too! These cards are powerful tools that we can use in the organizing during this revolutionary time!
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