Ground Game: Rescue the Republic DC, MAGA Fest TX, & Operation Swing States

We have reports from the Rescue the Republic rally in Washington, DC, a MAGA Fest in Houston, TX, our "Operation Swing States," a Trump Town Hall in Michigan, a "Make Groceries Affordable" rally in VA, taking on Trump Derangement Syndrome in CA, and statements from Mindy Pechenuk's campaign.

Ground Game: Rescue the Republic DC, MAGA Fest TX, & Operation Swing States
Promethean Action organizers at the Rescue the Republic rally at the National Mall in Washington DC. Many of the attendees, RFK, Jr. supporters, are now supporting Trump. There is a new alignment in American politics. Trump's GOP is the party of stopping the wars, ending illegal immigration, and bringing manufacturing back to America.

Posts in today's report:

  • Promethean Action at Rescue the Republic Rally in Washington, D.C.
  • Trump Gear, Beer, ...and Promethean Ideas!
  • Operation Swing States
  • In Virginia, Western Loudoun Stands With Trump
  • Promethean PAC at the Trump Town Hall in Warren, MI
  • MI Trump Delegates and Officials Briefed on Promethean PAC Platform Strategy
  • Promethean PAC Takes on Blue Oakland, CA
  • Mindy Pechenuk Interview: Make Oakland Productive Again
  • Mindy Pechenuk Press Coverage of Harris Border Gimmick
  • Mindy Pechenuk Statement: The Democratic Party Should Apologize for Slavery

Promethean Action at Rescue the Republic Rally in Washington, DC

Promethean Action organizers attended a Rescue the Republic rally on Sunday, September 29, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The list of speakers included RFK, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, who are now both working with President Trump and his transition team.

Talking to people from all around the country at the Rescue the Republic rally in Washington

This is indeed a new movement guiding our country. In addition to Kennedy and Gabbard, many of the speakers were former Democrats, who have joined with Trump's policies against the forever wars, the open borders, and the failed government of Washington DC. See our coverage of this new political shift.

Organizing at the Rescue the Republic Rally with RFK, Jr. speaking at the podium

Our organizers carried signs that said, "A Republic, if you can keep it" with a picture of Ben Franklin, and "Don't Let the British Kill Another President," with pictures of Lincoln, JKF, and Trump. We briefed people on the British role in the assassination attempts against American presidents, and distributed copies of our A Police Dossier: It Is the British Who Murder Our Presidents. We also distributed our GOP Platform cards with the "20 Promises." Many of the people in attendance, who are RFK, Jr. supporters, are now also Trump supporters, because they can see the team that he is pulling together to govern after the election. We met people from all over the country – from Vermont to Oklahoma – old friends, Trump supporters, and Libertarians.

Message from Ben Franklin at the Rescue the Republic Rally

We were interviewed by Newsmax and by some individual podcasters. Many people signed up to get on our email subscription list. One of our volunteers, who was there on his 78th birthday, said the rally was eye opening: "I had the time of my life!"

Trump Gear, Beer, ...and Promethean Ideas!

In a county north of Houston, TX, three Promethean PAC organizers set up a booth at a MAGA Fest outside a saloon. Many attendees were there for a beer and entertainment on a sultry-sizzling September afternoon. Interestingly, however, the real thinkers distinguished themselves as they entered our area and were drawn into dialogue about what our mission must be in the few weeks left to the elections. In many cases, there would be couples in which one of them insisted on staying and engaging, while the other would rather not.

There was lots of interest in the new Trump GOP Platform at the Houston MAGA Fest

We led our discussions with the 1/2 page flyer on the 2024 GOP Platform and distributed about 750 of them. Some of the serious activists took larger amounts to get out in their door-to-door organizing. Also, we focused on the A Police Dossier: It Is the British Who Murder Our Presidents. That often led to discussions where people realized it made sense that our best presidents have been murdered, because they were nation-builders, like Trump. The British question intrigued them. Most of those who engaged were happy to give us their information to keep in touch and many contributed to help us keep these items in print.

There was significant recognition of physical economist Lyndon LaRouche and interest that we are still active. A long-time contact, who had been out of touch the last few years, was impressed by the "20 Promises" on the back of the flyer and wanted to take several. In another case, a contact read the promise to "Keep the Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency" and expounded on his in-depth knowledge of what happened after President Nixon took the dollar off gold.

People wanted to learn more about how they could be part of the campaign

Despite the "laid back" venue, we made the most of the opportunity and gave many people a greater insight into what they can do to ensure Trump's success to get elected and then to govern in what is promising to be the most challenging period of history that we have ever lived through.

We signed up many people to get on the subscription emails for Promethean Action

Operation Swing States

On September 26, Promethean PAC held an online meeting to discuss strategies to win over voters in the swing states. We're using our new flyer on Trump's 2024 GOP Platform. In attendance were activists from MI, PA, GA, MN, AK, NV, and VA.

Promethean PAC has kicked off Operation Swing States, to get the new Trump 2024 GOP Platform and its "20 Promises" into the hands of non-traditional GOP voters.

Susan Kokinda of Michigan gave opening remarks on the unique role we play in redefining the political landscape and laying the basis for a Trump victory. She showed a clip from the Tucker Carlson and JD Vance interview, where they talked about the realignment of the parties around the issues of war, immigration, and industry.

Tucker Carlson's full interview with JD Vance on the new political alignment in the country

We're already seeing  shifts in the parties – the Mayor of Hamtramck's endorsement of Trump, the Teamsters non-endorsement of Harris, and Pastor Lorenzo Sewell's work in the Black community of Detroit. We're outflanking the Democrats by pulling their traditional voters away from them.

Our mission is to equip people in the swing states to carry out that mission. She showed the new flyer and opened up the discussion for ideas of how to circulate it.

In Georgia, they're working with Trump Force 47 and the grassroots. Virginia activists are distributing the flyers at rallies, door-to-door, and other locations. In Minnesota, we're calling various lists and sending people our website link so they can order more.

Activists in Pennsylvania reported on the GOP corruption. They have no literature and no signs, so Promethean PAC is a great resource. They're excited about the new flyer and are getting it out at farm shows, precincts, and Amish country! Pennsylvania is Trump country and we're going to get out the vote so it's too big to rig!

Kokinda ended the call by reminding everyone that Trump's 2024 GOP Platform is a beautiful gift. This is about more than just winning an election. We're building a movement to back up Trump and fight for his policies. She encouraged everyone to get out the flyers, contribute, and print more. We're committed to having these meetings every week from now to the election.

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