Ground Game: Trump in Grand Rapids; Bold Vision for the Future

Ground Game: Trump in Grand Rapids; Bold Vision for the Future
President Trump Rally in Grand Rapids Michigan

Posts in today's report:

  • Organizing for the Future at the Grand Rapids Trump Rally
  • A Lively Day for Trumpers in California
  • Organizing Auto Workers for Trump in Michigan
  • Call to Action on Commission to Investigate Assassination Attempt on Trump

Organizing for the Future at the Grand Rapids Trump Rally

On Saturday, July 20th, Promethean PAC organizers set up a table intersecting the thousands of Trump MAGA supporters attending President Trump’s Grand Rapids Michigan rally. Most of the 25 thousand plus attendees had to pass right by our organizing table. We distributed 1000 leaflets entitled "Bold, Trump-Inspired GOP Platform Opens the Door to the Future."

Promethean PAC table at Grand Rapids Trump rally

The main polemic was that Trump’s new platform completely rejected the left and right versions of Globalist economics in favor of a return to the American System principles of Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln. We emphasized the President's explicit rejection of the British School of Economics embodied in the neo-conservative Project 2025 Heritage Foundation Report, which President Trump later publicly denounced in his speech before the same crowd.

Many people immediately responded by asking if the new platform was based on President Trump’s Agenda47 policy videos. This recognition by the population of the strategic importance of these policy videos represents the success of Promethean Action in its year long campaign to educate the MAGA base to understand the strategic significance of President Trump’s policy initiative.

We then challenged people that they must give Trump the backup he will need to replace the Globalist system by themselves mastering the true economics of our Founding Fathers. The new booklet by Brian Lantz, What Agenda 47 Can Do: Rebirth of the USA, which is a preliminary report examining the solutions to the real problems we will face come November, such as the deficit, our housing bubble, revitalizing the steel and energy sectors, and the challenge for scientific breakthroughs in fusion energy, allowed us to confront the population with the next level of thinking required. As citizens of a Republic, they need to be prepared to understand and support President Trump’s fight to eliminate Globalism and to replace it with true American System policies.

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