Ground Game: Trump Train in CA, Kokinda Campaign in MI, General Greene on Social Media

This week we're reporting on our activities in the CA Trump Train, the campaigns of Mindy Pechenuk and Ron Kokinda, and our social media outreach by Susan Kokinda and General Greene.

Ground Game: Trump Train in CA, Kokinda Campaign in MI, General Greene on Social Media
Trump Train Rally, Morgan Hill, CA

Posts in today's report:

  • Trump Train in Northern California
  • Mindy Pechenuk, Featured Speaker at California Trump Train
  • Mini Trump Rally in the Oakland CA Suburbs
  • Kokinda Campaign Energizes 13th CD Convention
  • A Promethean Presence on Social Media: General Greene is on the Case
  • Susan Kokinda Discusses the New GOP of Trump on the Living Exponentially Podcast

Trump Train in Northern California

Let's Go Trump!

Promethean PAC organizers joined the Trump Train Rally in Morgan Hill, CA, on Saturday, August 17, as part of a statewide Trump Train. As hundreds of cars and trucks rolled in with flags and banners waving, Promethean PAC organizers discussed with people what we have to do to intensify the fight, to get a full investigation of the Butler, PA, assassination attempt, the importance of Trump’s new GOP as a party of working people, and the need for people in every community to be part of making the shift to a productive economy. We met many organizers and activists in their own locales – a Teamster for Trump, a home-grown patriot group in the Central Valley, a part-time preacher, and a leader of Asian-Americans for Trump in the San Jose area. We distributed the Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents and the "Promethean Guide to the GOP Platform," including the GOP Platform's 20 Promises. There was a lot of interest in California MAGA, with people signing up to get on the email list and the weekly zoom calls.

Promethean Action display at the Trump Train

The caravan from Oakland, led by Oakland City Council candidate Mindy Pechenuk, included Promethean PAC organizers, a black hairdresser who is fed up with what is going on in Oakland and gung ho for Trump, two Indian guys (Sikhs) in a huge pickup truck decked out with U.S. and Trump flags, an Hispanic woman with kids, and a guy who owns a trucking business in Oakland. We joined a huge caravan from San Francisco, which was flying the U.S. flag, Trump flags, and Vietnamese flags(Republic of Viet Nam).

At the rally itself, most of the speakers were grass-roots candidates running for offices from school board, to city council, to congress and other activists, many of whom have been in contact with Mindy and Gerald Pechenuk over the past few years. Mindy spoke on her efforts to reverse the cataclysmic state of Oakland, and make it a model for other cities, underscoring the urgency of electing Trump in November.

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