Ground Game: Two Month Election Countdown - Meetings in Houston, Auto Workers for Trump in Michigan, Ron Kokinda Campaign Ads

We're in a two month countdown to the election. We have lots of activity to report - Meetings and volunteering in Houston, Auto Workers for Trump in Michigan, and Ron Kokinda Campaign ads on energy and education. Keep Organizing!

Ground Game: Two Month Election Countdown - Meetings in Houston, Auto Workers for Trump in Michigan, Ron Kokinda Campaign Ads
Trump delivers a groundbreaking speech at The Economic Club of New York, where he outlined his new economic vision for America. Photo: @DanScavino / Truth Social

Posts in today's report:

  • Texas Promethean PAC Meeting – Two Month Countdown to the Election
  • Promethean PAC Joins Auto Workers for Trump Rally in Livonia, MI
  • Ron Kokinda Campaign Ads for Energy and Education
  • Door Knocking in Downriver, MI
  • Can an Umbrella Protect You in a Hurricane?

Texas Promethean PAC Meeting - Two Month Countdown to the Election

Texas Promethean PAC/Texas for Trump's Platform held an online meeting on Thursday. Marsha Bowen began by talking about the extraordinary moment we are in. Today is September 5, she said, exactly two months until the election, with early voting starting in many places this month. Our mission is to get out Trump's Agenda47/GOP platform. What we're seeing is the result of a 50-year project to bring Lyndon LaRouche's economic ideas to the world stage. She showed slides of our street organizing, talked about President Trump at the Economic Club of New York, and went through the latest website articles.

Donald Trump’s Triumphant Economics for Everyone
Trump presented many new ideas for an America First prosperous and peaceful future, perhaps the most interesting being his discussion of creating a sovereign wealth fund to invest in and finance “great national endeavors... all for the future.”

Our recap of Donald Trump's groundbreaking economic vision at the Economic Club of New York

Evelyn Lantz asked people to think about the next 2 months in relation to the amazing changes that took place during the last 2 months. We had the assassination attempt, the GOP convention, the Harris and Company coup, the Trump/Musk discussion, and the endorsements of President Trump by RFK, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. The recent defections of Democratic state officials in Texas and California to the GOP is indicative of Trump's new Republican Party – the party of farmers, workers, minorities, and small business. The media control, censorship, and legal attacks are desperate attacks by the establishment to contain the excitement. But reality is otherwise, as shown by Trump's outreach to many layers and our work. As Susan Kokinda said in her midweek update, our job is to "organize, organize, organize!"

We showed the Nicole Shanahan video, "Finish the Story, Bobby," which inspired everyone in attendance. We started the Q and A by encouraging everyone to go to Trump Force 47, Trump Talks, the GOP platform, our website and social media. Many people spoke about what they're doing and what ideas they have, including convincing friends who are Democrat and Independent to vote for Trump, calling their Congressman about the assassination and security threat to President Trump, speaking at a church, getting active in the Republican Women's group, volunteering for TrumpForce 47, and working at the polls. Everyone's all Trump- geared-up and ready to go!

Nicole Shanahan ad: "Finish the Story, Bobby"

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