The Saturday Wrap-Up - Trump Goes Toe to Toe with the British Financial Empire - February 22, 2025
Yesterday marked the fifth week of Donald J. Trump's presidency, and we delve into four major developments that defined the week.
Sen. Warner's resistance to confirming Tulsi Gabbard as DNI is rooted in his own compromised affiliation with the intelligence community. Gabbard's nomination would force transparency and declassification of secrets, including British involvement in unconstitutional operations against Trump.
MEMO TO: Sen. Mark Warner, and Republican Retards on the Senate Intelligence Committee
Re: Tulsi Gabbard
Subject: It's About Time You Recognize What Happened on November 5.
From: Barbara Boyd
While the U.S. Senate sets up hearings on Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees, they are stalling on the ones perceived as most threatening to the current unhinged security state apparat. On November 5th, Americans voted, effectively, to have that current anti-American entity “splintered into a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds,” in the words of the assassinated President John F. Kennedy about the CIA.
Americans voted for a real intelligence capability on November 5th The Deeper Grounds for Philosophical Doubts Respecting the Existence of ‘Joe Biden’. That is an intelligence community which does not repeatedly and grotesquely fail to understand what is happening in the world because it has become, simply, a propaganda, narrative, and targeting machine for the oligarchy which controlled our White House at various levels from George H.W. Bush forward, except for Donald J. Trump.
Thus, the hardest confirmations, are going to be the nominees openly advocating what Americans voted for: Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence, Kash Patel at FBI, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at HHS. Trump appointed them specifically because they will implement the revolutionary agenda he brought before the American people.
Right now, Gabbard and RFK, Jr. are the targets of a massive smear campaign by the security state. Patel’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee will not occur until February, according to its Chairman, Chuck Grassley.
Gabbard’s nomination is before the Senate Intelligence Committee. The new chair of that Committee, Senator Tom Cotton pushed hard this second week of January for immediate hearings for both John Ratcliffe as CIA Director and Gabbard at DNI.
Citing the security situation, made obvious by the New Orleans terror incident, Sen. Cotton wanted these hearings to commence and be done before the inauguration.
In our view, the security situation is much more dire than this. It includes multiple foreign and domestic assassination threats against Donald Trump, multiple sleeper terror cells in the country due to Biden’s open borders, the need for accurate intelligence in negotiating the end of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, with open adversaries of Trump and American voters inhabiting all 17 intelligence agencies.
Virginia Senator Mark Warner, representing the gangsters and criminals in the intelligence community who would be exposed if Gabbard is confirmed, has mounted a frantic “resistance.” His arsenal includes delayed FBI background checks on Gabbard being put together by the current renegade FBI. Gabbard, of course, already has the security clearance required based on her military service.
The Senate’s big open complaints against Lt. Colonel Gabbard?
While in Congress, she met with Syrian President Assad to understand whether the Obama Administration was using Al-Qaeda and Isis terrorists to oust him and the consequences of that dirty regime change operation, code named Timber Sycamore. They were. The foreseeable consequences are now playing out in new and deadly Middle East chaos emerging now.
Gabbard has opposed the genocidal war in Ukraine and other immoral forever imperial wars, having actively served in the military and deployed in war zones since 2003. While in Congress and subsequently, she campaigned against the measures which were installing the censorship and surveillance state directed at Americans.
Senator Warner is not alone. The Senate Intelligence Committee is deeply compromised. The veteran Senators, Democrats and Republicans alike, still serving on this Committee played a huge role in the Russiagate targeting of candidate and President Donald Trump, his impeachment by the House, the censorship and propaganda regimes installed to prevent Trump’s 2020 and 2024 re-elections, and the targeting of Americans for all encompassing surveillance and persecution based on smearing them as foreign influenced enemies of the state.
The Committee’s security chief James Wolfe was convicted for lying to the FBI about his leaks of classified information concerning Trump associate Carter Page to reporters for the New York Times and others. That was only one aspect of the Committee’s Russiagate crimes. Departing Obama officials gathered and leaked every bogus defamation against Trump they could find in classified counterintelligence files to the Commitee. The Committee then dutifully leaked them, in turn, to the media.
Senator Warner, personally, joined Jim Comey and Bill Brennan, to blow up the Justice Department’s 2017 negotiations with Julian Assange. Assange was about to reveal the real source of the WikiLeaks DNC and John Podesta publications which kicked off the fabricated Russiagate plot against Trump. In return, he wanted an end to his potential prosecution by the DOJ.
In addition, Assange had the CIA’s Vault 7 cyberwar suite and was open to negotiating redactions if a deal could be reached. Warner’s action, blowing up that negotiation to save Russiagate, resulted in the largely unredacted release of the entire Vault 7 program by WikiLeaks. According to the CIA, that release blew up a billion-dollar endeavor and compromised U.S. security.
Mark Warner, as spokesman for Senate’s remaining reprobates, gave the game away after meeting with Gabbard on Monday January 6th. Here’s what he said as to why he still had “many questions” about Lt. Colonel Tulsi Gabbard:
This is an extraordinarily important job,” he continued. “A lot of this [is] also about protecting the independence of the intelligence community and making sure we continue to have the ability to share classified information with our allies.”
As DNI, Tulsi Gabbard can declassify all the secrets these people yearn to bury by classifying them. Chief, in that respect, is the role the British have played in the unconstitutional and completely illegal operations against Donald Trump, and in outsourced assassination, regime change, and other black intelligence operations undertaken by the compromised Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden Administrations since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
Trump’s desired declassifications also include the two Kennedy assassinations, the assassination of Martin Luther King, and other horrendous events which have shaped the American mindset for presently living generations.
The current classification regime under EO 12333 categorically prevents declassification of the criminal British imperial role in U.S. policies. That’s what Warner is talking about when he refers to Gabbard’s nomination threatening the “sharing of classified information with our allies.” The Anglo-American Five Eyes special relationship will be righteously obliterated if its black operations become made fully transparent to the American people.
Under our Constitution, the intelligence community serves the President of the United States. It is not “independent” as Warner asserts. Under all the post Church Committee presidencies, however, the Anglo-American oligarchs have succeeded in controlling the Presidency, through their ability to blackmail and cow presidents using the corrupted spy agencies acting “independently” of the president on their behalf.
George H.W. Bush was a British/CIA tool throughout his entire career. His father, Prescott, worked with the Harriman banking interests to promote Hitler on behalf of British geopolitical grand strategy. Bill Clinton had a notorious sex problem. George W. Bush was an idiot president with a past cocaine and alcohol problem. Barack Obama was groomed by both British and U.S. intelligence for the presidency. Joe Biden was notoriously perverse and corrupt starting with his service in the U.S. Senate for British foreign policy interests and Delaware credit card companies.
Donald Trump is the one exception. He has stood up to them. Senator Chuck Schumer famously said that Trump was being stupid in taking them on because “they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you.” Schumer warns Trump: Intel officials ‘have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you’ - Washington Examiner That’s still the mindset of lots of members of the Senate Intelligence Committee which is supposed to oversee and regulate the intelligence community.
The only reason they might get away with sabotaging Tulsi is if we, the people, drop the ball. November 5th inaugurated a complete change of paradigm and mindset at a point where the elites are failing and falling throughout the world. The “allies” Sen. Warner refers to in France, Germany, Britain, Austria, Canada, and elsewhere are falling or will soon fall. These Senators have never confronted an aroused citizenry before, let alone a citizenry which does not defer to them in any respect. In truth, they are more afraid of you than whoever is keeping book on them.
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