J13 Independent Congressional Panel on Trump Assassination Takes Testimony

J13 Independent Congressional Panel on Trump Assassination Takes Testimony
During the panel, a montage of some of the best publicly available video from J13 was played for attendees.

On Monday, August 26th, the independent Congressional panel which has dedicated itself to figuring out what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th, despite the ongoing coverup and impotence displayed by the official Congressional panel assigned this task, and the lies of the Secret Service and the FBI, met and took testimony.  The witnesses were former Secret Service agent and trainer, Dan Bongino, Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, the private security firm which handled security throughout the Iraq War and other special forces deployments, and Ben Shaffer, a Washington Metro swat officer who was deployed on the ground in Butler. 

We feature here two clips from that hearing. The first is an exchange between Congressman Eli Crane and Erik Prince analyzing the catastrophic failure of the Secret Service from the standpoint of what would have happened had a more sophisticated assassin been operating there. If that does not impel you to demand your Congressman cut the funding of executive levels of the FBI and Secret Service until a viable security operation is in place for Donald Trump, I don’t know what it will take to wake you up. Have you thought through what would have happened to this country if the assassination succeeded?

Congressman Eli Crane and Erik Prince analyzing the catastrophic failure of the Secret Service from the standpoint of what would have happened had a more sophisticated assassin been operating there.

The second clip, featuring Congressman Matt Gaetz’s questioning of Erik Prince and Dan Bongino drives the point home even more clearly. A political decision by optics driven political operatives at the top of the Secret Service to damage Donald Trump’s candidacy drove how much Secret Service protection the most threatened man in America received, decisions which would have killed him but for the grace of God. Otherwise, the hearing exposed what amounted to criminal negligence at best by the U.S. Secret Service in Butler, Pennsylvania in inconceivable lapse after inconceivable lapse. You can watch the whole hearing here.

Congressman Matt Gaetz’s questioning of Erik Prince and Dan Bongino drives the point home even more clearly.

On Wednesday, the lying FBI held a presser by phone to the national media. It was clearly a CYA appearance in response to Monday’s hearing. They claimed that the shooter was equally motivated to shoot up Joe Biden and Donald Trump but they have not yet been able to establish a motive. This after they washed off the roof of the crime scene in irregular investigative order, cremated Matthew Crooks body with no released autopsy results, and, along with the Secret Service, are stalling the official House investigators from receiving any subpoenaed documents and videos.

The number for your Congressional Representative is 202-224-3121. Tell them, no money to the top levels of the FBI and Secret Service until a full proof security plan is in place for Donald Trump to the specifications of Erik Prince and others who have demonstrated their expertise against the highest levels of state terrorist attacks in war zones. Tell them, no money to the top levels of the FBI, Secret Service, or DOJ until all the investigative files on the events in Butler on July 13th are turned over.

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