As Trump’s Tariffs Triumph, Gaslighters Gonna Gaslight…
Despite opposition from self-proclaimed experts who continue to gaslight the American public about the benefits of tariffs and physical economic growth, Trump's policies are working.
The Democratic National Convention begins on Monday, the crescendo to a propaganda campaign the magnitude of which the world has hardly ever seen before. Maybe Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister trained by Britain’s Lord Beaverbrook, topped it in the systematic brainwashing of the German people through his ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment from 1932 forward. Goebbels’ theme was “strength through joy.” The script for Harris/Walz is “joyful warriors” or just “Joy™” in their most recent Hollywood branding. Matt Taibbi, still shaking his head in amazement, notes that the press has, in various statements over the past week, effectively renounced itself for the sake of the Party, and now seems engaged in ritual humiliation, noting that it is presumptuous to ask a presidential nominee to say where they stand.
Donald Trump and Elon Musk blew up the tide of endless incendiary lies about Trump and Vance and gaga coverage of Harris as the female black Jesus, with their chat on X last Monday. It garnered over a billion views and counting with the most significant demographic being young people. It also garnered a threat to Musk and X about going ahead with the conversation from the EU’s state censorship apparatus and a full-on denial of service attack which delayed its start.
The problem for the Democrats is that they only have the tools of illusion and delusion and narrative control on their side. Reality has a way of constantly threatening to break through the façade. The population has not forgotten the June 27th debate, when most of the nation learned that president was senile and that they had been governed for three years by a collective rather than the singular president specified by the Constitution. All that time, Kamala insisted, with others, that the sundowning and visibly senile President was “sharp as a tack.”
Despite their attempts to bury it, the media can’t erase the images from Butler, Pennsylvania or stymy the demands for finding out exactly what happened there. Wasn’t “termination with extreme prejudice” the logical conclusion of all their attacks on Trump, something that had been openly advocated by the highest echelons of the present regime along with British Secret Intelligence? Most of all they are frantic to bury the Republican Party platform, which Trump wrote, transforming the old Party of Wall Street, London, and the forever war racket to one in the mode of Lincoln, fostering and protecting working men and women, entrepreneurs, and innovators. That’s why the Trump/Musk conversation on X was such a political earthquake.
The Democrats are faced with campaigning on the reality of the Biden/Harris record of economic destruction: record inflation eating working and middle class Americans alive; the Green New Deal and the Inflation Reduction Act, the cause of the present inflationary spike by massively increasing energy and transportation costs across all sectors; open borders, driving housing and medical costs through the stratosphere and killing hundreds of thousands of Americans through Fentanyl poisoning; wars in the Middle East and Ukraine which have drained our coffers and our honor and brought the world to the edge of nuclear war.
Now the entire Silicon Valley narrative machine (sans X after Musk) along with all of Hollywood have manned the barricades to produce a remade Kamala Harris, as if the last four years never existed, let alone this woman’s entire checkered prior California career. They must make it seem like the woman who is the most unpopular Vice-President in American history, uniformly derided as totally dysfunctional and failing by the same media just weeks ago, has suddenly captivated the nation, filling it with those same hope and change vibes circa 2008 which gave us the ruinous regime of Barack Hussein Obama.
Kamala Fiction is being scripted by Hollywood’s finest, who have been all in on Kamala Harris as the female Barack Obama for decades now.
Kamala Fiction is being scripted by Hollywood’s finest, who have been all in on Kamala Harris as the female Barack Obama for decades now. This piece means to present to you the real woman behind the masque they are creating. It is not a pretty picture.
This piece means to present to you the real woman behind the masque they are creating. It is not a pretty picture.
Kamala and Maya Harris, two inseparable sisters, are the children of Donald Harris, a Jamaican Marxist economics professor, and Shyamala Gopalan, the child of Indian Brahmins and a dedicated breast cancer researcher who made breakthrough discoveries in the field. The Harris’ had a bitter divorce but not before participating in the deepest radical movement 1960s Berkeley, California had to offer.
They were founding members of the Afro-American Society of Donald Warden (who later changed his name to Khalid Al-Mansour), Ron Dellums, and other pioneers of what was to become the Black nationalist, Black power and now, “racial and sexual equity,” crusades. Bobby Seale and Huey Newton attended their meetings before founding the Black Panthers. Warden was considered to be their mentor.
According to an interview of the late Percy Sutton, Manhattan Borough President, Donald Warden, would later be linked to plans by the Saudi Royal family to build a radical presence in the United States by sponsoring the education of Black students, including Barack Obama. Warden refused to confirm or deny that he had anything to do with the rise of Obama although his connections to the Saudi royals were very real. In her autobiography, The Truths We Hold, Kamala makes it clear that this Berkeley milieu was who she considers “her family,” her roots, if you will. You can grasp the essence of this circle of Harris supporters by looking up Steven Phillips, an uber wealthy San Francisco radical who has supported Harris throughout her career. He believes that we have been in a Civil War over race relations for some time now and Harris will deliver the winning round by destroying the White race.
Not that you would find a principled socialist or Communist in Kamala. Her entire political career has been defined by the same type of narcissistic and ruthless opportunism exhibited by Barack Obama, with the same corporativist sponsorship of Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and big Wall Street moguls. Harris, her brother-in-law Tony West, and her sister, Maya Harris, were critical early supporters of Obama’s 2008 campaign and she has largely attempted to mimic his personality. A lifelong cipher, she does, albeit ruthlessly, as the donors who currently control her wish her to do.
Right now, those donors are what might be called “red fascists,” or Nazi-Communists, the same combination of radical left socialist communitarianism and totalitarian popular controls that propelled Mussolini and other corporativists to power. “Equity” or the outcome based leveling of society into readily controlled dumb downed serfs railing against anyone displaying competence and merit is their recipe for destroying the United States.
Those who know her roots in California describe her, uniformly, as an “arrogant elitist” who, in the flesh (versus the manufactured image), is unlikable. Her first office as San Francisco DA was procured for her through a romantic relationship with Willie Brown, who elevated her from the Alameda County District Attorney’s office to state board positions and then backed her in her first election as San Francisco DA.
Those who know her roots in California describe her, uniformly, as an “arrogant elitist.”
Brown, who had been perhaps the most powerful Speaker of the California Assembly in history, was the Mayor of San Francisco at the time and the major controller of Democratic donor funds and patronage. He was seeking to install his proteges, Harris as DA and Gavin Newsom as Mayor, in that election. In that same race, Harris cultivated a network of donors in Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Comedian Chris Rock, and Disney/ABC mogul Dana Walden both figured heavily in Harris’ early network. Brown also introduced her to San Francisco’s elite, old family wealthy. For that assistance, Harris publicly described Brown as “an albatross hanging around my neck,” as she moved on, remolding her public image as a “tough” crime fighter.
Peter Schweizer, the man who exposed the Biden family’s deep corruption, has an entire chapter in his book, Profiles in Corruption devoted to Harris’ selective enforcement of the law on behalf of Willie Brown’s Democratic donor network as San Francisco DA and later as Attorney General of California. The beneficiaries included Catholic Church sex abusers, the owners of San Francisco’s seedy single room occupancy hotels, strip club operators, an entire network of corrupt city contractors, Herbal Life and other fake supplement companies, various corrupt healthcare entities favored by the SEIU, and California’s lead home mortgage fraudster One West. Harris’ brother-in-law Tony West, was Associate Attorney General of the United States following the 2008 financial collapse, pursuing a strategy of civil fines against fraudster banksters without one criminal case pursued.
In 2010, Harris took another step up the political ladder with her run for California Attorney General. She won the race by the narrowest of margins based on a recount and mail in ballots, having originally lost the race on election day. Her opponent, LA District Attorney Steve Cooley, had the endorsement of every major newspaper, save one, in the state, along with every law enforcement organization. He noted that Harris’ ambitious narcissism and cult of personality repulsed those who knew her politically with even Governor Jerry Brown telling Cooley he did not vote for Harris. Nonetheless, Harris’ cultivated network of Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street money bags, steerage by California’s premier Democratic consultancy, Bear Star Strategies, and SEIU and Teachers’ Union ground troops carried the day.
Reflecting the wishes of her donor base, Harris struck a public centrist criminal justice policy position in the early days of her career, resulting in the well documented attacks on her claims to be a champion progressive prosecutor from the left. Tulsi Gabbard successfully wielded this record in the presidential debates in 2020, noting that Harris incarcerated low level Black drug users while cackling in response to the question of whether she had ever smoked dope.
Harris struck a public centrist criminal justice policy position in the early days of her career, resulting in the well documented attacks on her claims to be a champion progressive prosecutor from the left.
But the lasting impact of Harris as California Attorney General is found in California’s surging homelessness and criminal anarchy—the unlivable situation which has led many residents and businesses to flee the state. In preparation for a U.S. Senate race, Harris morphed into a “progressive prosecutor” arguing that police don’t deter crime, that minorities were the victims of over policing, and that the criminal justice system was overly harsh on criminals. She authored the deceptive ballot language for two ballot initiatives, the George Soros sponsored Proposition 47, and Proposition 57. In 2014, Proposition 47 decriminalized open-air drug dealing, drug use, and shoplifting. And in 2016, Proposition 57 released many prisoners, including violent ones, despite the lack of the rehabilitation and societal re-entry system that Harris claimed to have created. Most became homeless drug addicts and were then rewarded with generous state subsidies for remaining so while criminal anarchy ruled the streets.
Harris’ sister Maya has played an enormous behind-the-scenes role in all of this. She has been, throughout her career as a radical “social justice warrior,” an advocate for defunding the police among other measures to dissolve merit based patriarchal “white” culture. A graduate of Stanford Law School, where she met her husband, the union busting present general counsel of Uber, Tony West, Maya began her progressive career at Policy Link, the far-left California foundation which has led the charge for radical “equity” provisions across all sectors of society.
She then became the Executive Director of the ACLU of Northern California as that organization transitioned to a far-left catspaw for racial and social equity lawfare. She had previously served as the organization’s “racial justice” coordinator. Her next position, in 2011, was as the Ford Foundation’s Vice-President for Democracy, Rights, and Justice. Her role in the funding of the Black Lives Matter movement, to the tune of millions under Ford Foundation auspices, is an obvious point for investigation.
Kamala Harris herself has served as a mentor to Lateefah Simon, the current candidate for Congress in California who, in turn, is best buds with disgraced BLM founder Alicia Garza. Kamala’s creation of a bail fund and public advocacy for those who burned Minneapolis to the ground as a U.S. Senator in 2020 were hardly newfound policy positions.
By 2016, Maya Harris had migrated to Tony Podesta’s Center for American Progress, becoming one of the three national policy advisors to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. With responsibility for Hillary’s domestic policy shop, she was heralded with giving the liberal imperialist and Wall Street lackey, Hillary Clinton, much needed credibility from the left and those who would otherwise support Bernie Sanders.
Harris’ ascension to the U.S. Senate in 2017, followed the same greased path as Barack Obama’s. She was sent there solely to gain the policy resume and wider field of contacts to justify a run for the presidency. As a junior Senator, she was placed on the Intelligence, Judiciary, Homeland Security, and Budget Committees, seats normally reserved for more senior members.
Her presidential bid in 2020, however, overseen by Maya, Tony West, and Bearstar Strategies, collapsed in Iowa, when she had to engage in retail campaigning and actually talk to real voters. Internally, the campaign was riven by staff disputes. Competition between Maya and Bearstar’s Juan Rodriguez, the campaign manager, became so toxic that separate debriefings accompanied the simplest tasks. Publicly, she had embraced Medicare for All and other progressive positions and then flip-flopped as soon as factions of her donors objected. Staffers left the Harris campaign almost uniformly commenting, “This person should not be president.” Polling from her native California echoed that assessment.
Famously, Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign, on track to win Iowa, lost anticipated national momentum based on the suspicious complete failure of the caucus night vote count due to the failure of a new counting app, designed by Silicon Valley’s best, and adopted by the Democrats.
After Biden foundered in New Hampshire, the dean of the Black Caucus, James Clyburn, rode to Joe Biden’s rescue in South Carolina, sealing the nomination for him. Clyburn had one demand: Biden had to make a Black woman his Vice-President. Harris had famously called Joe Biden a racist during the national Democratic Party debate. When he anointed her, based on the demands of the entire progressive wing of the Democratic Party, she noted that the “racist” claim was “only a debating point.” Biden had originally resisted the appointment based on negative ratings by his vetting team, including his old friend, former Senator Chris Dodd and Nancy Pelosi. They noted how much Kamala was disliked by those who knew her in California versus the image makers of Hollywood and Silicon Valley who believed they could sell her to implement their dystopian policies.
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