Know Your Enemies, But Also Know Your True Friends and Allies

Know Your Enemies, But Also Know Your True Friends and Allies

As we see our so-called allies, the British, Dutch, French and other European lemmings, mobilize in hysterical defense of their puppet dictator Zelenskyy and against President Trump’s efforts to establish peace and prosperity, it is important to know that our enemy today, as throughout our history, is the British Empire. That Empire  emerged from the British and Dutch East India Companies.

Despite differences among us, our true friends and allies are Russia, China and India!

  • Russia helped save the United States from the British twice, during our Revolution and the Civil War, and was our best ally against the Nazis in World War II.
  • The British tried to enslave us as they had done to India, the crown jewel of their Empire.
  • They also waged two Opium Wars against China to force the Chinese to addict their own population.
  • The British assassinated Tsar Paul I of Russia when he deployed Russian troops to liberate India!

Learn the true history of our Revolution against the British and why a Four Power alliance between the US, Russia, China and India, our true friends and allies, is necessary today.

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