Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today

Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today

President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over our foreign relations and our relations among ourselves.

The prophetic thinker Lyndon LaRouche, who forecast so much of what President Trump has done, set out our true Manifest Destiny in a speech in Boston on Jan 14, 2000.

As our Founders understood it, it expresses our roots in Classical Greek culture as reshaped by Jesus Christ and his Apostles. It embodies our precise idea of the nature of man as in the living image of God.

Concluding a vivid one-hour demonstration, LaRouche asked:

And this brings us back to the question of Manifest Destiny. Does the United States still have the function, of being a temple of liberty and beacon of hope for these nations of the world? And can we do that by making sure we do it also internally?

Could it be done? Yes, it could be done….

That is, to spark what's inside us, and must radiate from us, so that we become a true Beacon of Hope and Temple of Liberty for all mankind. . .

That's what Roosevelt, in his own imperfect way, tried to represent. That's what poor Kennedy, who was assassinated, was groping to try to represent, too. All the best people at least tried to represent that, in their own way. And that, for us, as Americans, when we were good, was always, for us, our choice of Manifest Destiny.

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