On Friday, March 14, Mark Carney, self-proclaimed central banker extraordinaire, was sworn in as Canada’s new Viceroy a/k/a Premier.
Portrayed in the world’s establishment media as the savior of the “rules-based order” against the man he calls Voldemort, Donald Trump, Carney claims that his entire career has prepared him for this role. And what a vicious and evil career it has been.
The fiction that Carney is a white horse “crisis management” hero and Trump is Harry Potter’s monstrous villain is just that – a role reversing fabrication produced by characteristic establishment propaganda projection.
If anyone is a modern hero, it is Donald Trump because he fights, fights, fights, against everything Mark Carney stands for.
Bio of A Technocratic Economic Hitman
Educated at Harvard and Oxford, the latter while apprenticing at the London office of Goldman Sachs, Carney is the prince of the City of London banking crowd, cooed abut excessively as the “smartest” man in the room by his fellow imperial financial predators.
Late '90's Russian GKO Bond Default
During his 13-year run at Goldman, Carney was credited with saving the firm during the 1998 Russian GKO bond default and LCTM hedge fund crisis, which almost collapsed the entire world financial system.
As documented in Senator Carl Levin’s 2007-2008 Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations files, it was a crisis which Goldman bandits played a huge role in creating. Goldman promoted the short term GKO bonds which blew out to its clients while shorting and avoiding them itself.
Bank of Canada
In 2008, Carney graduated up in the imperial chain to become the wunderkind governor of the Bank of Canada with the job of managing that year’s international financial collapse. Again, a collapse which Goldman and the City of London played major roles in creating.
He became, with the ascension to the Bank of Canada, a member of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Group of 30, Foundation board member of the World Economic Forum, and a leading participant at Bilderberg and Davos events.
Negative Interest Rates
He is credited with authoring the 2008 and continuing zero and negative interest rate financial bailouts of the world’s failed banks on the backs of the working and middle classes of the advanced sector nations –a debt bomb which devoured what was left of productive economies and, even now, continues to dominate the real economic horizon.
The implementation of Carney’s interest rate regime in Canada, meant that country survived the initial financial catastrophe. But its economy flamed out a mere two years later.
Speaking at Jackson Hole in 2019, Carney admitted that this policy was a total failure in creating growth or the type of inflation which could inflate away the mountains of unpayable debt both nations and corporations now held as a result.
His solution? Replace the U.S. dollar with a global digital currency controlled by central banks to cure the failures of his zero and negative interest rate regime and implement complete totalitarian control of the world’s economies.
He blamed his failures on the fact that elected politicians in sovereign states have significant roles regulating economies, suggesting that their involvement be immediately terminated. A global committee of technocratic central bankers should take the place of irksome and ignorant politicians, he argued.
While still Bank of Canada governor, Carney was handed the keys to the BIS’s Financial Stability Board (FSB) by fellow Goldman Sachs man Mario Draghi in 2011. There he “managed” global derivates speculation and the “recovery” from the financial collapse for the G7 advanced countries.
Derivatives, the time bomb at the center of the 2008 collapse, continued to grow under Carney’s regime. He otherwise fought to prevent any reorganization of G7 economies out of the 2008 collapse which would benefit their populations rather than the criminal banks and the oligarchs running them.
First Foreign Born Head of Bank of England
In 2012, in hallmark oligarchical fashion, Carney again failed up, becoming the first foreign born head of the flagship Bank of England.
As with his Bank of Canada appointment, Carney was promoted by fellow Bilderberger and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, over a veteran executive of the Bank. In the BOE case there was a Glass-Steagall advocate and champion of requiring significant bank capital reserves, Andrew Haldane. Carney said that Haldane ‘‘lacks a proper understanding of the facts” of banking regulation.
Needless to say, he repeatedly and publicly opposed Brexit, claiming it would cause an immediate recession.
When Prime Minister Teresa May said that Carney’s interest rate policies had benefited the rich and crushed the poor, he sneered that brilliant technocrats like himself need not take instruction from the “political side.”
The Crown’s ECO Warrior
Carney’s most virulent satanism, however, manifests in his campaigns concerning the sacrilegious myth of anthropogenic climate change.
In 2013, Carney was called to Clarendon House by Prince, now King, Charles and told of Charles’ concerns about imminent climate catastrophe. Ever since, Carney, also heavily influenced by his wife, climate activist Diane Fox, has led globalist efforts to shutdown fossil fuel production and other advanced energy production, driving industrial economies back to feudal forms of economic existence.
Corporations throughout the world were threatened by Carney, other central bankers, and UN appointed thugs, like Michael Bloomberg, with corporate death unless they conformed to arbitrary climate mandates and disclosures dictated by such globalist institutions as COP 21.
In his paper “Fifty Shades of Green”, Carney stated that all dirty (brown) companies with poor climate grades will either not receive loans or receive loans at such high levels of interest that they will be artificially bankrupted (taxing polluters to death).
As Carney said in September 2019,
“... the firms that anticipate these developments will be rewarded handsomely. Those that don’t will cease to exist”.
The Great COVID Reset
During COVID, Carney promoted the “Great Reset,” the “Green New Deal” and Building Back Better.
All these branding exercises, fully in operation through the Biden Administration in the United States, involved a political pogrom centered on DEI, Malthusian deindustrialization and population reduction, abetted by mass propaganda, political repression, and complete censorship of opposing views.
Carney’s take on the Canadian truckers’ strike?
It was “sedition” requiring a brutal repressive response by the Canadian state which included debanking, jailing, and permanent surveillance and harassment of participants.
Capping all this, in 2024, Carney was made the head of the oligarchy’s most significant think tank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, a/k/a Chatham House, presumably in anticipation of leading the war against Donald Trump.
It would be an excellent result for the world, if Carney is forced to call an election in Canada immediately and then suffers a humiliating defeat in a landslide.
Hopefully our neighbors to the North will find the gumption to accomplish this most appropriate revenge using the mechanism Carney views as dirty, boorish, and oh so beneath him—namely, the will of the People.
A note on sources: Paul Gallagher of Executive Intelligence Review has done amazing research and exposure of Mark Carney. Most of the facts presented here are the result of Paul’s research. You can read more fully about Carney’s career here.