You're Invited: Know Your Enemies, But Also Know Your True Friends and Allies
The Current Geopolitical Landscape As we witness our so-called allies—the British, Dutch, French, and other European nations—mobilize in
Unlike many today, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died on April 12, 1945, was aware of how the British were attempting to manipulate the USA against Russia. He told his son Elliot:
"When we've won the war, I will work with all my might and main to see to it that the United States is not wheedled into the position of accepting any plan that will ... abet the British Empire in its imperial ambitions."
"The biggest thing was in making clear to Stalin that the United States and Great Britain were not allied in one common bloc against the Soviet Union. I think we've got rid of that idea, once and for all. I hope so. The one thing that could upset the applecart, after the war, is if the world is divided again. Russia against England and us. That's our big job now, and it'll be our gig job tomorrow, too."
However, right after FDR's death the British launched “Operation Unthinkable,” a plan to declare total war on Russia, which was still our ally in the fight to defeat the Nazis. The war was to begin on July 1, 1945. That operational plan was dependent on “overwhelming support” by the American population for the plan, support which did not exist at the time. In addition, the plan relied on huge amounts of American military manpower and logistics, since the British were ill equipped militarily or economically to carry it forward. That pattern of using American brawn to implement British strategic aims persists to this day.
Although “Operation Unthinkable” was fortunately not launched at the time, on March 5, 1946 Winston Churchill launched his Iron Curtain campaign to pit the USA against Russia and thus to pave the way for yet another world war. Until the Soviet Union acquired a nuclear arsenal, that campaign included “Operation Drop Shot”, a plan for preemptive nuclear destruction of the Soviet Union. Here is how Lyndon LaRouche described the British campaign:
“Go back to October 1946, when this problem began. In that month's issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Bertrand Russell began launching his campaign for a ‘preventive nuclear war’ against the Soviet Union, the proposal by Russell which led to an actual Anglo-American war plan for such an operation, ‘Operation Drop-Shot.’ Russell's motive was not anti-communism; Russell's policy motive of the 1946-55 period was the same "international socialist" program he had published repeatedly during the 1920s, in alliance with H.G. Wells. Russell’s motives were not anti-socialist; they were racialist. Russell proposed a ‘world-government’ with a monopoly over the possession and use of nuclear arsenals. His motive for ‘preventive war’ against Russia was to crush Russia before it could develop nuclear arsenals. ‘World government’ meant to Russell, Anglo-Saxon world empire, and reducing the populations of the darker-skinned races, as he stated in print repeatedly during the 1920s. When the Soviet Union acquired not only nuclear arsenals, but H-bombs, Russell found ‘preventive war’ a bit discouraging. So, he organized the founding of the Pugwash Conference in 1957. His new proposal was to divide the new world-empire into two divisions, one Western, the other Eastern. The Soviet government accepted the offer. Later, a third proposed empire was surfaced, China; Russell's circles thought that three contending empires gave better options for having two gang up on one sometime down the line.”
Randolph Churchill told Walter Lippmann on March 6, 1946:
"We'll show you. You don't understand the British Empire. Just let me tell you this. We dragged you into two wars, and we'll drag you into the third."
This is the danger which is currently unfolding in the world today due to Anglo-Dutch manipulation of the U.S.A. since the death of FDR and the assassination of JFK.
As American system economist Henry C. Carey wrote in 1851:
"Two systems are before the world: .... One looks toward universal war, the other toward universal peace. One is the English system; the other we may be proud to call the American system."
Will Wertz is the author of Beware the British East India Company! Available on and Kindle.
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