Open Letter to President Biden: Beware a Nuclear Afghanistan Disaster! Pull all Americans Out of Ukraine Now!

The following letter has been sent to President Biden as the defense industry lobbyists swarm Capitol Hill demanding billions more for the lost Ukraine War. We are asking our supporters throughout the country to send this letter, in their own name, to President Biden, House Speaker Mike Johnson, and their own Congressional Representative to prevent a looming disaster.
An email form for the White House is here. Speaker Johnson’s address and phone number is in the carbon copy note at the end of this letter. Your representative can be emailed by finding your representative here, clicking on his or her name, and following the contact instructions on their website. You can also call your Representative at 202-224-3121.
President Joseph R. Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Biden:
The advisors who told you in August, 2021, that the Afghanistan government could hang on for months, have been just as dead wrong about the Ukraine war. They were wrong to insist that sanctions would cripple the Russian economy—in fact, Russian’s economy is doing better than ours. They were wrong that Putin could be overthrown—he is as popular as ever. They were wrong that Ukraine could defeat Russia.
Once again, the last days and hours to extricate yourself from disaster are slipping away as Washington fiddles. Now the Ukrainians are losing their last fortifications along the line of contact, while their new defensive lines to the west were never built. Ukraine is out of manpower, very low on ammunition, and virtually without air-defense on the battle lines. Ukrainian casualties—already half a million last year according to their Procurator—are skyrocketing. So are desertions and surrenders.
Dissent against Zelensky is exploding in Kiev, where unforeseen developments could take Ukraine into unknown hands at any point.
It is likely that only decisive action now—even today—can avert disaster. But where we faced tribal armies in Afghanistan, here we confront a nuclear power. Here the continuation of our comedy of errors could result in nuclear war, as President Putin just warned in his State of the Union address.
First, immediately remove all Americans. We know from the classified leaks in the New York Times that there are hundreds of CIA officers in Ukraine, and we know that many US soldiers in civilian dress are operating American weapons there. Bring them back now. Not only are we risking their lives for nothing, but when they inevitably come up against Russian troops, we may see a confrontation which risks immediate escalation into World War III.
At the same time, begin back-channel negotiations with Russia towards a ceasefire and peace talks. Contrary to the lies of our mainstream media, Putin has been seeking such negotiations for over a year.
What purpose could be served by further deaths of Ukrainians, Russians, and probably Americans, at this late date, in a war that has already been lost?
Tony Papert
Promethean Action
Cc: Speaker Mike Johnson
H-232, The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515