President Trump Launches 21st Century LaRouche/Reagan SDI

Donald Trump has just revived the Reagan/LaRouche/Teller SDI which is the most revolutionary of all of his actions taken to date. If developed it will render nuclear weapons and the potential for nuclear war obsolete, fulfilling his dream to denuclearize the world.

President Trump Launches 21st Century LaRouche/Reagan SDI
President Trump signing executive orders a few days ago. But today he signed his most significant one yet.

President Trump issued an Executive Order on January 27th, The Iron Dome for America, to establish a 21st century Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) which has the most far reaching and revolutionary implications of any of his bold initiatives to date.

The Iron Dome for America – The White House
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including my authority as Commander in Chief

A 21st century Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

From MAD to Mutual Survival: Shifting Global Security Paradigms

With it, President Trump revives the long dormant initiative of Lyndon LaRouche, Ronald Reagan and Edward Teller. (Remembering LaRouche's Role in the SDI - LaRouchePAC).

That 1980’s initiative sought to shift global politics away from the balance of terror known as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) to Mutually Assured Survival.

A Science-Driven Transformation: The Economic Promise of the 21st Century SDI

As conceived by LaRouche, the SDI was not primarily a military program, but a science driver program that would be the basis for a transformation of the U.S. and global economy by generating frontier spin-off technologies that would revolutionize the physical economy.

The SDI was sabotaged then by the same British Imperial political forces who have brought about all the forever wars and economic crises since. In reviving it, President Trump has given the U.S., and the world, a chance to reverse it forever.

Energy Breakthroughs and the Path to Denuclearization

Though dubbed an “Iron Dome”, Trump’s order outlines much more than an area anti-missile missile system. The plan outlined in the order demands action on the development of advanced technologies such as “non-kinetic capabilities” that will have implications for all areas of the economy.

Combined with a full-scale energy development program that includes nuclear fission and fusion technology, the development of a 21st century SDI will form the long-awaited basis for a complete revolution of the physical economy.

It will also create a period of time in which nuclear destruction of the world and similar MAD doctrines become obsolete, creating a space of wholesale development of the earth and mutually beneficial exploration of space by nation states.

It fulfills President Trump’s long stated position that the world must be denuclearized.  

In the coming days, Promethean Action will be presenting more details of the implications and promise of President Trump’s initiative.

Rebuild the USA: The Trump Presidency and Beyond

After all the years of campaigning, Americans have finally come to the agreement that we will Make America Great Again. But, how do we actually implement the intention, and with a minimum of mistakes along the way?

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