Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today
President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over
In this year-end review, we'll be sharing updates on our biggest accomplishments, new initiatives, and exciting plans for the year ahead. From our Founding Conference to our ongoing digital operations, we're committed to making a difference and shaping a brighter future for America.
As we celebrate a remarkable year of growth and progress, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has joined us on this journey. We've grown to nearly 2000 subscribers and are proud to have over 10% of our list as paying members. Your support means the world to us, and we're excited to share what's in store for 2025.
In this year-end review, we'll be sharing updates on our biggest accomplishments, new initiatives, and exciting plans for the year ahead. From our Founding Conference to our ongoing digital operations, we're committed to making a difference and shaping a brighter future for America.
So thank you again for your support, and let's keep moving forward together!
Promethean Action held it's Founding Conference in Taylor, MI on June 8, which pulled together forces from around the country to shape the direction of our nation in the months leading up to the presidential election and for decades to come. Discussion included creating an American culture to defeat the oligarchy, revolutions in science and economics, and creating a Promethean universe. Speakers were Susan Kokinda, Barbara Boyd, Robert Ingraham, Tony Papert, Bruce Director, Kesha Rogers, Brian Lantz, Benjamin Deniston, Michael Steger, Ron Kokinda, and Mindy Pechenuk.
Those discussions laid the basis for the organizing activities throughout the summer and fall, leading to the election victory of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. The panels are available on the Promethean Action website and Rumble channel.
Our main organizing activities throughout the year were focused on promoting Donald Trump's Agenda 47 platform. Our role was in educating and mobilizing MAGA, as well as traditional blue-collar and other Democratic constituencies, around the American System economic policies needed for this task.
We organized at state GOP conventions in MI, TX, CA, and WA, we took part in the weekly Auto Workers for Trump rallies in MI, and we reported the candidacies of Mindy Pechenuk for City Council at Large in Oakland, CA, and Ron Kokinda for State Representative in MI. Our activists were also elected delegates to the GOP National Convention in Milwaukee. These efforts were essential in building the MAGA movement for victory on election day and the next battle ahead of that, implementing Agenda 47 and our policy agenda.
You can read our Election Day Ground Game Report here.
Promethean Action held weekly classes every Saturday covering topics of culture, science, history, and economics. These classes provide you, the listener, with the tools you need to understand profound ideas, enabling you to more effectively organize your fellow citizens to improve society.
Here is a sampling of some of the classes:
All classes are available on the "Saturday Class" section of our website.
Promethean Action started off the year with a new website and design. You can find us on Facebook and X(formerly Twitter), where we post our latest articles and interact with other content creators. We have weekly shows–
They can be found on our YouTube and Rumble channels.
We also publish weekly newsletters on
The related political action committee, Promethean PAC, is circulating an online petition calling for the U.S. Senate to confirm all of President Trump's appointments. Their website also has a "Get Active" section, where you can find various leaflets on Trump's platform and other statements for your organizing.
Through these various digital operations, we are already seeing an uptick in our memberships, subscriptions, and donations. This is a resource that we will expand upon in the coming year.
Promethean Action published A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents in February, 2024, as an in-depth investigation into the hidden hand of the British Empire in the assassinations of America's most pivotal leaders. We further elaborated the report after the failed assassination attempt against Trump in Butler, PA on July 13.
We released a new pamphlet in October: What President Trump Can Do With the American System 2.0, written by our economics team, led by Benjamin Deniston. Featuring physical economist Lyndon LaRouche’s unique advancements on the original American System of Hamilton, Lincoln, and McKinley, this pamphlet provides the knowledge and inspiration needed to take action and create a brighter future for America.
On election day, we published a new book by Brian Lantz, Rebuild the USA: The Trump Presidency and Beyond. Drawing on the rich history of the American System of political economy and decades of proposals which have been consigned to the shelf by Wall Street, Brian Lantz charts the pathway to what President Trump calls America's Golden Age.
You can also find books by author and historian Robert Ingraham on his Amazon store page.
On December 20, Promethean Action organizers brought Trump's optimism and Christmas cheer to a local post office in the Houston, TX area. Our message: yes, Trump won the election and a victory was secured...but, there are many more battles yet to win the war! We urged everyone to go to the Promethean PAC website and sign the petition demanding President Trump's nominations be confirmed.
We talked about the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, that the wealth of the nation is in the creativity of its people, and we need a banking and credit system to build the physical economy, based on new discoveries and innovations. We circulated Promethean Action's new American System 2.0 pamphlet and encouraged everyone to do the same.
With Donald Trump's election victory, his new team, and the mobilization of the MAGA base and others, we have great reason for optimism! We're in a revolutionary period that none of us have seen in our lifetimes. Our focus for the first 100 days of the new Trump presidency will be to secure his nominations and continue to provide direction on American System policies. Susan Kokinda gave a promising perspective in her recent "Midweek Update."
On the election front, Mindy Pechenuk has announced her campaign for Mayor of Oakland, CA, and Susan Kokinda is running for Coalition's Vice Chair for the MIGOP. Promethean PAC will also look at prospective candidates in the 2026 elections, determining whether they deserve support or whether they should be primaried and opposed by others more in tune with the policies of Donald Trump and Promethean Action. Educating those new candidates will be a primary task of Promethean Action.
Like others in the new digital universe which is supplanting the corrupt mainstream media, we foresee our greatest potential for growth in our digital operations. We plan to expand our YouTube presence, collaborate with like-minded content creators on X, and expand our newsletters. Contact us to become part of the movement.
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