Prometheans Go to Washington; Intersect Trump’s American System Campaign

Our volunteers are meeting with Congress to gauge understanding of Trump's American System, which aims to revive the U.S. economy through industrial renaissance and rising wages. The Administration emphasizes tariffs and technological progress to protect jobs and industries.

Prometheans Go to Washington; Intersect Trump’s American System Campaign
President Trump Speaking at CPAC 2025

Sitrep, Washington DC, March 21st, the Fight for the Great American Rebound 

Promethean Action volunteers will be in the nation’s capital next week, meeting with members of Congress. Their goal: ascertain how much members of the House and Senate really understand President Trump’s American System reshaping of the economy. This investigation will shape both Promethean Action’s continuing policy interventions and educational campaign and shape Promethean PAC’s intervention into the 2026 midterms.

Their trip intersects a major educational offensive undertaken by the Trump Administration itself over the last week about the American System.  Treasury Secretary Scott Bessant, White House Advisor Peter Navarro, Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick, former Trade Advisor Robert Lighthizer, and Vice-President JD Vance have all made major appearances in the past week preaching the virtues of President’s Trump’s economic policies and their foundation in the unique American System of economy.

That system, first imagined by Gottfried Leibniz, fully invented by Alexander Hamilton, adapted and improved by Henry C. Carey and Abraham Lincoln, reaching untold heights of prosperity under William McKinley and in Franklin Roosevelt’s war mobilization, advanced significantly by Lyndon LaRouche, has been called into action again by Donald Trump.

The Administration’s campaign autopsied the wrecked U.S. economy Donald Trump inherited from Joe Biden.  Trump is conducting an urgent restructuring to avoid a major economic crisis while engineering an American industrial renaissance. Further, physical economic progress --labor productivity, creativity, and rising wages, and purposeful invention of leapfrog technologies and a culture of builders --determine whether an economy is capable of the sustained progress necessary to promote the general welfare and create prosperity for all.  Not money.  Not Wall Street or phony government or Federal Reserve statistics.

The Congress, which could be assisting Trump’s economic revival in major ways, is instead mostly ignorant of the American System.  The Democrats have embraced a Jacobin resistance on behalf of the white-collar professional elites and financial predators.  Many Republicans worship Milton Friedman, the Austrian School or Ayn Rand, and thus remain mentally trapped in the imported alien ideology of the British East India Company. Most Americans respond reflexively and positively to Trump’s economic revival but don’t really understand its basis.   

Here are the key things we took from this week’s Trump American System classes:

Vice President Vance Schools Silicon Valley

Vance Speaks at American Dynamism Summit
Vice President J.D. Vance delivers remarks at the American Dynamism Summit. Read the transcript here.

JD Vance gave the most expansive class of the week at the American Dynamism Conference.

He began by noting the Catholic social teaching of Pope John Paul about the divine mission of human labor and working men and women:  "Through work man must earn his daily bread and contribute to the continual advance of science and technology, and above all to elevating unceasingly the cultural and moral level of the society within which he lives."

Taking off from that fundamental idea, the Vice President delivered a full-throated defense of technological optimism and technological progress as the engine of human productivity.  He also attacked the offshoring of American manufacturing as a failed policy which had decimated the majority of the population both culturally and economically.

When Vance asked one major Silicon Valley Executive what he would replace the sense of purpose found in work with, the Executive responded, “fully immersive gaming.” This echoes the let them eat flat screens and Bread and Circuses edicts of such venues as the World Economic Forum.  Ursha Vance texted her husband under the table saying they must flee immediately as these people were crazy.

Cheap Labor Kills Economies

All of Trump’s economic spokesmen attacked the addiction of American CEOs to cheap labor, whether the result of Biden’s deliberate open borders policy, or the offshoring of U.S. industrial and manufacturing capacity to cheap labor countries.

Creative design of a new invented product and manufacture of the finished product cannot be separated, Vance emphasized.  They are integral to one another.  Export for purposes of cheap labor ends up being exploited, quite naturally, with cheap labor countries “catching up” to high level technologies quite readily because of human beings and the nature of work.  Similarly, importing cheap labor via immigration sinks productivity. Advances in productivity, in turn, create the basis for raising the living wage which fosters creativity and new advances.  

“In the long run,” Vance said, “it's technology that increases the value of labor. Innovations like the American system and the interchangeable parts revolution it sparked, or Ford's moving assembly line that skyrocketed the productivity of our workers, that's how American industry became the envy of the world.”

Tariffs Are Already Paying Off

Despite the attempt by Wall Street’s predators and their City of London cousins to portray tariffs as nuclear threat to the economy, Vance noted, “We believe that tariffs are a necessary tool to protect our jobs and our industries from other countries, as well as the labor value of our workers in a globalized market. In fact, combined with the right technology, they allow us to bring jobs back to the United States of America and create the jobs of the future. Just look in the past few months at the auto industry as an important example. When you erect a tariff wall around a critical industry like auto manufacturing, and you combine that with advanced robotics and lower energy costs and other tools that increase the productivity of US labor, you give American workers a multiplying effect. Now that in turn allows firms to make things here at a price competitive basis.”

9,000 new auto jobs were moved to the U.S. in these first weeks of the Trump Administration, reversing years of job losses, Vance noted, and new manufacturing plant or production announcements have been made by Honda, Hyundi, and Stellantis.

On Friday morning’s Maria Bartiromo show on Fox, Century Aluminum’s CEO Jesse Gary announced that as a result of Trump’s tariffs Century would be building the first new aluminum smelter in 45 years in this country.  The average salary at Century is $140,000 a year with families, year in, year out working there.  Downstream suppliers and related industries near the new smelter are expected to create whole new communities from scratch.

Treasury Secretary Bessant’s Turn

Treasury Secretary Scott Bessant appeared on Meet the Press on March 16th where he largely schooled the unhinged anchor about Trump’s deliberate economic revival while she tried to talk about Trump creating dangerous “uncertainty” over and over again.  He cited his 30 successful years on Wall Street to underline why he was not concerned with Wall Street’s ups and downs.  He was concerned about the demise of Main Street.

The “uncertainty” narrative pressed by the globalist elites assumes that Trump had a choice to keep the present game going.  That would produce “certainty.”  Certain economic catastrophe is more like it. Biden’s policies coupled with those of the FED have led us to the door of financial collapse.   Economist Naomi Prins was out with a warning this week about potential chaos in the banking sector caused by massive holdings in sinking long term Treasuries, the same scenario which led to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the most massive banking bailout in U.S. history.

Bessant elaborated his views at length in an extensive interview for the All In Podcast  When they met the first time, Donald Trump had asked Bessant, How do we deal with the debt and deficit without creating a recession?  That meeting was precipitated by Bessant’s analysis of Biden’s economic policies which, he said, were turning the United States into a decrepit European style society.  The upper 10%, who held assets, were massively benefiting from Biden’s spending policies because of deliberate asset inflation.  The rest of the population were being destroyed by wage suppression and the price inflation Biden’s financial and government spending policies created.  Not only that but the United States acquired a huge debt with government spending standing at a dangerous 25% of GDP.  This situation is dangerous, unstable, and unsustainable, Bessant said.  

The answer to Trump’s question, Bessant notes, consists of gradual, yet radical reduction and repurposing of government spending, cutting taxes and regulations standing in the way of physical goods production, balancing trade and reshoring and incentivizing manufacturing and advanced technologies, and cutting the cost of energy by dramatically increasing production.

Bessant and Corcos Destroy the Fake News About DOGE

In an appearance on Laura Ingraham Thursday night, Bessant appeared with DOGE employee Sam Corcos, and in 10 minutes destroyed weeks of fake news and propaganda about DOGE.  Send it to your friends and neighbors.  It is both impressive and shocking.

Corcos outlined the bloated labor force at the IRS, its antiquated legacy computer systems, and the massive and unnecessary costs imposed on the agency by outside consultants and contractors.   He noted that there was a core talented workforce at the agency who were unable to do their jobs because of Washington’s corrupted contracting system.  The uproar against DOGE Bessant emphasized, is based on lobbyists and contractors who have profited massively off this system, having their “cheese” threatened and taken away by DOGE’s audit. That cheese, Bessant notes, belongs to the American people.  If you take the time, you can find similar true stories on the DOGE X Account daily.

The Measure of Progress is Workers’ Rising Wages

Bob Lighthizer: Why Trump’s Tariffs are the Only Way to Save the Middle Class
Tucker’s Twitter

Finally, Robert Lighthizer, Trump’s trade representative in his first administration, did a long interview with Tucker Carlson, elaborating the history of Trump’s tariff policy, the role of tariffs in American economic history, and the sins of Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush which devastated American workers and manufacturers by outsourcing the industrial and manufacturing base to cheap labor locations.  He noted that Donald Trump has been thinking deeply about this problem for over 35 years.

Lighthizer, along with Bessant and Vance said that the current popular metrics for measuring the economy, be they the stock market or government or FED based metrics, utterly fail to account for the economic realities faced by most people or provide insights toward making true economic progress.

Lighthizer said the one true indicator to use in measuring economies is whether working class wages are rising.

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