Remembering 9/11: "Beyond the 28-Pages"

In memorial of 9/11, we present to you a video we released 13 years ago, on the 10 year anniversary of September 11, 2001, "Beyond the 28-Pages — 9/11: Ten Years Later." The coverup still continues to this very day.

Remembering 9/11: "Beyond the 28-Pages"

Today is 9/11. Promethean Action's video on the events of that day still remains definitive, especially if you haven't reflected on that infamous day in a while. Like the recent assassination attempt against Trump, we have a continuing coverup. Why did Dick Cheney, Kamala Harris' new sugar daddy, fly all the Saudis out of the country that day? What was the role of the British? It was our "Reichstag Fire" event, ushering in the destruction of the Constitution through measures like the Patriot Act and the birth of the surveillance/censorship state, as Lyndon LaRouche forecast. The exposure of the truth, and holding those responsible to account, remains to be done by Donald Trump.

If you appreciate the work we're doing to educate and mobilize Americans between now and November 5th, we urgently need your financial support to keep going. Our mission is to inspire Americans to think critically, understand the true history of our country, and envision the great technological and scientific future that can reverse our economic collapse. This is the essence of the Trump-Vance economic recovery program.

Your donation will directly help us expand our efforts to reach more people with this crucial message. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference in our fight to secure a better future for America. Please make a one-time donation - together, we can build the organized force necessary to win this battle for our nation. We may not get another chance.

Thanks for your continued support,
Promethean Action Editorial Staff

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