Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (2/6)

Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's "The Lost Art of the Capital Budget."

Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (2/6)

The Globalist Anglo-Dutch System Authored the Present Budget Catastrophe

Donald Trump and JD Vance are reviving the unique American System of economy. Before them, our economy and our people were being suffocated by our government’s ever so strict adherence to the Anglo-Dutch system of monetarist based free trade. To disorient populations around the fact that such systems always loot the proceeds of production or other wealth in order to deliver them to the designated imperial agents and families who run the system, wars, pandemics, imagined catastrophic climate devolutions, and similar emergencies and accompanying propaganda are arranged and used.  So too is the endless provocation of divisive battles between and among the lower classes based on differences in racial identities and cultures. These disguises cover the fact that such systems are inherently entropic, they require sustained looting to continue.  They can’t produce economic prosperity on a sustained basis for all.

The American System focuses on the production of physical wealth: manufacturing, energy, infrastructure, scientific discoveries leading to advances in human productivity, increasing wages and levels of education for the labor force.  It enslaves money to advancing physical prosperity for all. 

Few in the present Congress recognize the critical and absolute distinction between these two mindsets.  Yet, the survival of our nation depends on siding with the American System.  Here again is Lyndon LaRouche from his Lost Art of the Capital Budget.

Two Distinct Economic Systems at War

The ontological difference between the two rival systems, the American System versus the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system, is that the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system is based on the monetarist princi­ple of usury, whereas the American Sys­tem of political-economy has been premised, from the start, on what Leibniz defined as the principles of physical economy.

Admittedly, both we rivals each em­ploy monetary systems. The functional difference is, that our Constitutional system uses, and regulates the monetary process according to the intention to realize those purposes which are identified by the Preamble of our Federal Con­stitution.

The Anglo-Dutch Liberal system, otherwise known as the British system of attempted global imperialism, is a system designed and managed by financier-oligarchical predators in the specific interest of usury as such. John Locke, Bernard Mandeville, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, and the Hai­leybury School generally, are typical expressions of the modern Liberal' s monetarist system of usury.

The recovery of the U.S.A. from the disaster crafted under the leadership of President Calvin Coolidge and Andrew Mellon's Herbert Hoover, was accomplished by President Franklin Roosevelt’s dumping of the pro-fascist Wall Street gang's nearly fatal adherence to the British "free trade" system. Roosevelt launched a return to the American System of political-economy implicit in our Federal Constitution's Preamble. . . 

The Strategic Conflict As Such

The conflict between the two leading systems of today's world, the Anglo-Dutch Liberal versus the American System of political-economy, can be summed up, in effect, as follows. The Anglo-Dutch Liberal system, as the Mont Pelerin Society typifies that alien penetration (perhaps we should say, "rape") of our nation, demands "free trade," which means the unhampered reign of the usury practiced by slime-mold-like clusters of financier bandits. This predatory onslaught is typi­fied in the extreme, by the pack of hyenas called "hedge funds."

The American System of political-economy, defines money as our Federal Constitutional system does, as a monop­oly of the Federal government. Whereas, the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system's commitment to monetarists' "free trade," defines a Hobbesian system of each in war against all. The characteristic of the Hobbesian beast-man, is the Anglo­ Dutch Liberal misdefinition of "human nature," which is, in fact, man as beast to man.

The American System insists that the money system itself be managed to prevent the evils of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal and similarly predatory systems from operating in our republic, or in our relations with other sover­eign nations, as the policies of President Franklin Roosevelt expressed this excellent distinction. 

Thus, our national goal, at least the national goal of our intelligent and informed patriots, is to promote the increased production of physical wealth per capita and per square kilometer. This, those of us who understand economy agree, means fostering scientific and Classical cultural modes of progress in the development of the community and the individual person. This promotion of the improvement of the condition of the individual, depends upon utilizing the discovery of higher principles in ways which increase the productive powers of labor per capita and per square kilometer.

On this account, intelligent patriots prefer to promote the reinvestment of retained earnings in the form of the technologically physical advancement of products and productivity, preferably as closely held enterprises under creative leadership, within local communities, as much as in the economy as a whole.

In approximation, this means constantly watching the shifts in productivity and standard of living in county or multi-county areas. It means emphasizing the importance of growth of physical output per capita and per square kilometer in each such area. It means promoting physical production in agriculture, manufacturing, and related research and development, as primary.

That primary emphasis requires a continually improving standard of intellectual and social life. The nation is then united by the development of the common means of connecting and coordinating these communities into a dy­namic whole, that in the sense of Leibniz's definition of dy­namics, as distinct from Cartesian-like, mechanistic­ statistical ways of thinking.

Thus, for intelligent economists, reinvested earnings to this purpose and effect, should be taxed at a considerably lower rate than conspicuous consumption and runaway profits steered into financial speculation.

All in all, the system of regulation, creating a "fair trade" standard of practice, rather than the intrinsically ruinous "free trade" standard, must be reinstituted, as the "fair trade" standard was approached under President Franklin Roosevelt. This return to a "fair trade" standard would reverse the ruinous effects which the rampage of pro-monetarist deregulation has unleashed upon our poor, and now very, very poor nation, as this rampage was begun, already, during the 1970s. Scrap the so-called Liberal reforms of the 1970-2006 interval; they have proven themselves a monstrous failure. . . 

The Divine Workshop

A higher quality of efficient intelligence, distinguishes the Creator and the human individual ontologically from the beasts, which lack that qual­ity of efficiently creative intelligence.

This quality of intelligence is mankind's nature, and his and her mission, as Genesis l stipulates in its own terms. This is the proper refinement of our understanding of the great principle lodged within the Preamble of our Federal Constitution. Mankind's duty is not to adapt to the universe as we find it, but to improve it in a distinctly anti-entropic way. It is to be the agent, the instrument of the Creator, in this fashion. Our mission is to improve mankind, and the individual member of our species. This is a principled mission assigned to each of us, the mission of contributing to the improvement of the human condition on this account, and to defend the principle of anti-entropic progress so that we do not retreat to a poorer condition of mankind's existence and role, than was achieved before us. . . . 

In presenting a true economic science to our citizens, we must succeed in bringing the view of the moral realities of the practice of economic science back to the sense of personal identity of the citizen as a human personality. To understand ourselves, we must move away from the customary, petty, neo-Cartesian statistical mumbo-jumbo of the marketplace today. It is the relationship of the mortal individual to the Creator, and to the ordering of Creation as a whole, which must be adopted as the point of elementary reference in defining the actual identity of each of our selves within the context of a living process of continuing Creation.

It is by this approach, that the citizen were enabled to secure a firm intellectual grasp of his or her personal relation­ship to the work of the Creator. The citizen must be assisted to see his or her mortal life in terms of the significance which that brief span of personal life has for generations earlier and later. In this way, by making a knowable idea of immortality of the incarnate human personality concrete for the informed practice of the living citizen, a sense of the immortal personal relationship of the mortal individual personality to the immortal Creator is gained. In this way, we foster the moral sense which it is essential to foster in the citizen of the republic, if the survival and prosperity of our nation is to be assured during the course of generations ahead. . . 

The investments which must be made now, if civilization were to continue on this planet, put relatively heavy emphasis on physical-capital investments which have a projected "life span" of a quarter to a half-century, and even longer. This is a span, reaching toward a time beyond the life-expectancy of today's parents of young adults, and is, nonetheless, an investment which must be made by those living now. The only assurance that the promise of the future to the living will be fulfilled, is that the will to ensure that that future benefit, is securely embedded in the work and conscience of present and future generations. Immortality, not greed, is the only honest motive of the true citizen of a republic such as our own. This sense of immortality is not mere fame; even the individual in the relatively meanest circumstances can achieve it.

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