Our Christmas Midweek Update celebrates the potential which is now before us, a potential which Donald Trump presaged seven and a half years ago in a remarkable Oval Office address delivered to the American people.
When thinking about the changes set in motion this year at Christmas, the events which standout are the revelation that the American presidency has been vacant for four years, and the failed assassinations of the man who won the election to replace this shadow government.
In last week's class we discussed the principles of Hamiltonian National Banking. This Saturday Robert Ingraham will present an outline of how we can apply those principles today.
Votes on two existential issues over the weekend, FISA and continuing aid for forever wars, inclusive of Ukraine, have been declared by a manic corporate media to completely vindicate the present Washington consensus. It ain’t necessarily so, as they say. As each battle in which these folks expose themselves and receive gushing praise from the senile Joe Biden takes place, popular support for doing the exact opposite of whatever they have done, explodes in an American population which despises them. Really, as Franklin Roosevelt famously declared, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. But, that is what the portrayals of these alleged smashing regime victories are intended to inculcate.
Two posts on the Promethean PAC site address this. The first is a Pledge, which the PAC says it will be circulating to every organized political formation in the country that is sane, and to individual citizens and people who feel they are not at all represented by Washington, D.C. It calls for the unequivocal election of Donald Trump and his seating as president irrespective of the outcome of the bogus criminal charges which the Biden regime has concocted. The PAC asks that you sign it, and as important, that you circulate it. Be Promethean!
Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you – Ye are many – they are few.
In the tradition of Prometheus and Lyndon LaRouche, we seek to deploy science, art and history to unseat our present failing Olympians while lifting our People up to their greatest creative potential.
Our Christmas Midweek Update celebrates the potential which is now before us, a potential which Donald Trump presaged seven and a half years ago in a remarkable Oval Office address delivered to the American people.
When thinking about the changes set in motion this year at Christmas, the events which standout are the revelation that the American presidency has been vacant for four years, and the failed assassinations of the man who won the election to replace this shadow government.
It was the week before Christmas and Corrupt Washington wanted to test Donald Trump. They engineered a fake government crisis around the debt when the real issue is how to grow the economy such that the debt is not an issue.
Welcome to today's newsletter, filled with inspiring stories that showcase President Trump's strategic moves, grassroots support, and the nation's growing optimism.