Sunday’s Tale of Two Countries: A Republic and a British Vassal Colony

Sunday’s Tale of Two Countries: A Republic and a British Vassal Colony

Sunday, March 9th, 2025, provided a startling and graphic example of the difference between a Republic and a vassal colony serving the British imperial monetarist Empire.

On one side stands Mexico, a historical Republic fighting with the United States now against terrorist drug cartels out to destroy both countries.

On the other side stands Canada.  Ever since they rejected Ben Franklin’s offer to join the United States, Canada has served as a platform to run British imperial subversions of the United States. Every time the Canadian population has shown signs of independence, they have been crushed.  So it was with the brutal repression of the truckers’ strike.  So it is now with the ascension of the Dark Prince of Central Banking, Mark Carney, to take over as Canada’s Viceroy, replacing the ineffectual Justin Trudeau.

Mark Carney has one task: take down Donald Trump through every financial warfare lever available to him as the world’s foremost “former” central banker. While born in Canada, he has spent his life serving the City of London banking empire, first at the Bank of Canada and then as head of the Bank of England, the only foreign born individual to ever head that bank.  He then went on to the United Nations where he was the czar of the Net Zero Climate Cartel, forcing every major corporation in the world to obey insane carbon mandates or face financial extinction at his command. The disclosures he engineered through that scam gave him highly significant financial intelligence on every major company operating in the world. 

Here is part of what Carney said in his acceptance speech which otherwise vaguely promised a chicken in every pot. Specifically, he announced the repeal of Canada’s obnoxious and highly unpopular individual carbon and fuel taxing system which he helped install in his prior incarnations.  Note the scheming play on the paranoia of those reduced to the status of little men or subjects of the realm by the designs of Empire:

“There's someone who's trying to weaken our economy. Donald Trump. Donald Trump has put unjustified tariffs on what we build, on what we sell, on how we earn a living. He's attacking Canadian workers, families and businesses. We can't let him succeed. . . The Canadian government is rightly retaliating with our own tariffs that will have maximum impact in the U.S. and minimum impact here in Canada. My government will keep our tariffs on until the Americans show us respect. And make credible, reliable commitments to free and fair trade. . .
“The Americans want our resources, our water, our land, our country. Think about that. If they succeed, they will destroy our way of life. In America, health care is a big business. In Canada, it's a right. America is a melting pot. Canada is a mosaic. In the United States, they don't recognize differences.They don't recognize First Nations. And there will never be the right to the French language. The joy of living, culture and the French language are part of our identity. We must protect them, we must promote them. We will never, ever trade them for any trade agreement! . . . America is not Canada. And Canada never, ever, will be part of America in any way, shape or form.

We can’t resist inserting some necessary truths here.  Healthcare is a right?  Canada has pioneered assisted and mandated suicide for the terminally ill, the mentally ill or impaired, people just suffering from depression who temporarily can’t find the will to fight for their survival. First Nations?  A mosaic?  More like DEI run wild. Trump seeking to destroy the French language of Quebec?  Never happened.  He did make English the official language of the United States in order to encourage assimilation by new citizens, not to ban their languages or culture.  A trade war?  Trump has made clear that these tariffs are designed to stop the flow of Fentanyl from China through Mexico and Canada to the United States and will last until appropriate measures are taken. British Columbia, where all drugs have been, for the most part, legalized, is a major culprit here.

Is Carney acting to protect the huge British black offshore economy which lives through the drug and weapons trade?  After all, this operation is run by the City of London and before his recent return to the country of his birth, Carney was dubbed the smartest man in that strip of land in England where Sodom and Gomorrah have been revived. 

Compare the ravings of his oligarchical hitman with the words of Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum on Sunday, designed to rally the Mexican people for a positive vision of Donald Trump’s United States and our joint war on drugs.  President Trump has praised Sheinbaum’s cooperation concerning Fentanyl and the cartels.  She understands how sovereign nation state republics can deal most beneficially with one another: 

“Mexico and the United States share a 3,180-kilometer border. Our peoples contribute culturally on both sides of the border. We cooperate in trade, economics, and friendship, and we have families on both sides of the border. The common history of our countries is marked by numerous episodes of hostility, but also by numerous episodes of cooperation and understanding.
We do not forget the invasions of 1846 and 1914, and the ‘swipe’ they dealt to half of our territory in 1847.
But I want to highlight today the good examples of respect for our sovereignty and of collaboration and support.
For example: When Benito Juárez received invaluable help from Abraham Lincoln in his fight against the French invasion, the United States never actually recognized Maximilian's second empire.The crucial moment of the disavowal of the usurper Victoriano Huerta, in 1913.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's respect for General Lázaro Cárdenas.
Mexico fought alongside the United States in World War II, not only with the Air Force's 201st Squadron aviators, but also by sending workers, called "braceros," to the neighboring country, who helped guarantee the production of food and raw materials. 
In the middle of the last century, technology and capital goods from the United States were key to the industrialization of Mexico in the so-called “stabilizing development. . . ..
In 1993, both countries, along with Canada, signed the North American Free Trade Agreement, creating one of the world's largest economic blocs. A new, better and fairer agreement was signed during the term of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the first term of President Trump.
I would like to highlight here the good relationship of respect and collaboration that existed between the two presidents. . . 
Today I would like to take this opportunity, from the political center of our Republic, to tell the American people that we have no intention, nor will we have any, of harming them and that we are determined to work with them in all areas, especially in light of their concern over the serious problem of synthetic drug use.
For humanitarian reasons, Mexico will continue to collaborate to prevent fentanyl from reaching young Americans and to support their families. Also, as I have said: not only do we not want this drug to reach young people in the United States, but we do not want it to reach any part of the world or Mexican youth.”

For American patriots, it was a very instructive Sunday, this past Sunday, March 9th, 2025.

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