Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today
President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over
We wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who joined us at the Promethean Action Founding Conference on June 8, 2024. It was an incredible day filled with inspiring discussions, thought-provoking presentations, and meaningful connections.
As we gathered in Taylor, Michigan, we were reminded that the current crisis facing our world is not just a fleeting problem, but a fundamental conflict between two opposing worldviews: one that sees humanity as created in the image of the Creator, and another, an oligarchical view, that reduces us to mere animals. We were encouraged by the prospect of a rebirth of our nation's greatest principles, and the potential for a true American Renaissance.
We're grateful for the opportunity to hear from visionary speakers like Susan Kokinda, Barbara Boyd, Robert Ingraham, Tony Papert, Bruce Director, Kesha Rogers, Brian Lantz, Benjamin Deniston, and Michael Steger. Their insights and perspectives helped us better understand the depth of our current crisis and the solutions that can lead us out of it.
We're also thankful for the candidates and representatives who shared their visions with us: Ron Kokinda, running for MI State Representative (HD2), Mindy Pechenuk, running for Oakland (CA) City Council at Large, and State Rep. Jim DeSana, MI State House District 29. Their commitment to promoting a more just and prosperous society inspired us all.
Most importantly, we want to thank you – our attendees, both in person and online – for being part of this historic event. Your presence helped create an atmosphere of hope, unity, and determination that will continue to inspire us as we work towards a brighter future.
We're excited to announce that the recordings from the Promethean Action Founding Conference are now available for everyone to watch and share!
Head over to our website to access the full archive of sessions, including:
We encourage you to share these recordings with your friends, family, and fellow like-minded individuals who are passionate about promoting a true American Renaissance.
Thank you again for being part of this special day. Together, let's keep pushing forward towards a brighter future!
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