Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (4/6)
Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's "The Lost Art of the Capital Budget."
The time has come to abandon pessimism and defeatism with regard to politics in California and look to the restoration of the great potential of the state as a leader in science, technology, industry, agriculture and education.
The time has come to abandon pessimism and defeatism with regard to politics in California and look to the restoration of the great potential of the state as a leader in science, technology, industry, agriculture and education.
As of this writing, Trump is winning 38% percent of the popular vote in California, up from 34% in 2020 and 31% in 2016. Nine counties have flipped to Trump as against 2020. Trump himself has visited the state several times this election season, speaking in 2023 at the Republican state convention, meeting with new supporters/donors from the tech sector in San Francisco, addressing an enthusiastic mass rally in Coachella in October, and more.
A number of victories in the November 5 election point to the beginning of the end of the agenda of the woke cult. In Alameda County, the ultra-“progressive” Soros backed District Attorney, Pamela Price was recalled by a large majority of 65-35 in one of the most liberal districts of the country after two years in office.
At the same time, also in Alameda County, in Oakland, a city beset by crime, drugs and homelessness, Mayor Sheng Thao was recalled by a similar majority.
In Los Angeles County, the Soros backed DA George Gascon was defeated. And in San Francisco the incumbent Mayor was defeated by a political outsider, billionaire Daniel Lurie, who promised to declare a fentanyl state of emergency on day one, get tough on drug dealers, allocate more treatment beds, and work with federal, state and local law enforcement to close the open-air drug markets.
Proposition 36, which reversed the insane law decriminalizing theft under $950, written by Kamala Harris when she was CA Attorney General, also passed by a large majority. Two years ago, the pro-crime DA in San Francisco, Chesa Boudin, was recalled, along with several members of the school board.
In another sign of cracks in the woke edifice of controlled disinformation, the owner of the LA Times, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, on Tuesday, fired the entire editorial board. After he had nixed their endorsement of Harris before the election, there was a huge freakout by editors and writers, some resigning in protest. Now he is saying he will hire a new editorial board and make the paper, "Fair and balanced," and that "Trust in media is critical for a strong democracy."
None of this would have been possible without the hard work and dedicated efforts not only of Trump, but also of many individuals and groups. In Oakland, long time LaRouche associate Mindy Pechenuk ran for Oakland City Council, endorsing Trump, and campaigning for reindustrialization, and an immediate crackdown on drug gangs and crime.
In ride-alongs with the police, she got a first-hand picture of state of affairs and will escalate to run for the now recalled Mayor’s seat. During the campaign a wide array of people were activated, organized and remoralized, including merchants and others from the Asian, Muslim, Hispanic and black communities who are at their wits end with crime and its destruction of their businesses and see the only hope in Trump’s agenda. She also interacted with the groups behind the recall efforts.
Then there was the California MAGA group, founded by Mindy and Gerald Pechenuk, which pulled together Trump supporters from around the state who engaged in weekly discussions and strategy sessions, drawing together, focusing and activating otherwise isolated people who would have had no means to act. Several of these people ran for office themselves, one winning for State Assembly and two for school board, all the campaigns having a remoralizing effect on the candidate and those around them.
In addition, Promethean Action volunteers systematically deployed to many different cities every week, setting up tables with bold signs defending Trump and challenging citizens to give up cowardice, then engaging and activating people with literature like the Promethean Action Police Dossier on why the British Kill American Presidents and more.
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Thousands of people were engaged in this way, many expressing shock and surprise that people could go out and identify themselves with Donald Trump and his MAGA movement. It broke the social controls set by California’s Mandarins. It emboldened them to act themselves. There is a long way to go to turn California red, but when it goes, the whole country will follow.
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