The Midweek Update - At Stake in Election, Not Just the Survival of Democracy, But Civilization - October 9, 2024

We are being hit by a cascade of crises, headlined by the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and the war escalation in the Mideast, as well as the existential threat to our Republic which Elon Musk highlighted in his appearance at at Donald Trump's Butler, PA rally.

The Midweek Update - At Stake in Election, Not Just the Survival of Democracy, But Civilization - October 9, 2024
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We are being hit by a cascade of crises, headlined by the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and the war escalation in the Mideast, as well as the existential threat to our Republic which Elon Musk highlighted in his appearance at at Donald Trump's Butler, PA rally. But he deepened that discussion in a remarkable interview with Tucker Carlson on October 8. There, he took up the threat to civilization itself, in his discussion of the need to create more, not less, people and warned that those who have a contrary view are advocating a holocaust for all of humanity. This begins to get at fundamental concepts which underlie our unique system of American economics, an economic system which Donald Trump is referencing in his frequent discussion of William McKinley. Musk's commitment to creating a culture which will produce more people, and will take us to Mars, begins to address the character of the needed political, economic and cultural renaissance.

Susan's Selections:

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The Aftermath of Hurricane Helene
Brian Lantz and Kesha Rogers lay out the urgent solutions and leadership required to build our states in the Aftermath of the devastating Hurricane Helene, with, now Hurricane Milton barreling toward Florida with an even more destructive force. In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden had

Transcript: The Midweek Update - At Stake in Election, Not Just the Survival of Democracy, But Civilization - October 9, 2024

Susan Kokinda: [00:00:00] Hello, everybody. This is Susan Kokinda with your Midweek Update. Today is October 9th, and we are now less than four weeks from the official end of what is now an election period. In his appearance at Donald Trump's extraordinary butler rally on Saturday, Elon Musk warned that this could be our last election unless Trump prevails.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson yesterday, Musk returned to that warning of one party rule, censorship, and other threats to our fundamental constitutional freedoms. I'm going to return to some of the other aspects of that interview that Musk had with Tucker Carlson, which discuss even more profound threats to our civilization later in this update, because I think it gives an important grounding in dealing with the cascade of crises before us.

 In this week's update, I'm going to address some of those crises, [00:01:00] especially the Hurricane Helene aftermath, and of course, we now have Milton bearing down on Florida today, and the deadly conflict in the Mideast, and the continuing tectonic political shifts here in the United States.

Then I'm going to touch on Donald Trump's interview with Larry Kudlow, and as I said, more on the Elon Musk Tucker Carlson interview.

Start with the hurricane disaster. The towering incompetence, indifference, and absolute evil of the Biden Harris response to Hurricane Helene continues to unfold before our eyes. All you have to do is compare other responses, by competent or even semi competent leaders to this and other disasters. My colleague Brian Lantz described the FDR administration's response to an equally horrific flooding and loss of life in the Ohio Valley and in [00:02:00] New England in the late 1930s with mobilizations of hundreds of thousands of Works Progress Administration workers for both amelioration and for rebuilding.

In a speech in Detroit yesterday, and in a companion piece in the Wall Street Journal, J. D. Vance cited even Barack Obama's use of the 82nd Airborne, which is based in North Carolina, where he had them flying within two days to the earthquake ravaged Haiti. In 2010, it took six days for this administration to authorize the deployment of a thousand troops into their own state.

And in many cases, the administration has had to be publicly prodded to move quickly. as the two North Carolina senators had to do to get troops moving, and as Elon Musk did in his X exchange with [00:03:00] Pete Buttigieg to clear away roadblocks to getting Starlink's communications into key disaster stricken areas.

The difference between these actions, and that of the Biden Harris Waltz apparatus is the difference between those who have some connection to the real world and those who live in the constructed world of imperial policies and don't yet grasp that those policies are not only failing, but that their ability to hide those failures are themselves failing. That has had tragic consequences for the victims of the hurricane.

But this administration's failure can have even larger and more devastating consequences as the Mideast spins out of control. We are very close to all out war between Israel and Iran. The Biden Harris collective probably does not [00:04:00] want that conflict to explode before the election because of the economic and electoral consequences, namely the rising cost of energy and the continuing political fallout in the Arab American community. That's already happening.

Last week, the Arab American Institute released a poll which showed that Donald Trump now has a two point lead over Harris in that community, which is usually two to one Democratic. Under their misleadership and failed policies, The United States is, for now, almost powerless to intervene diplomatically, and that is what is resonating most strongly in the Arab American community.

When J. D. Vance was in Detroit yesterday at a rally I attended, he just made very clear Donald Trump will bring peace to this region, and it's obvious that this administration cannot, whether it wants to or not. And we're not the only [00:05:00] people who see this.

The Wall Street Journal today carries a headline entitled, The U. S. is frustrated by Israel's reluctance to share its Iran retaliation plans. In other words, nobody's listening to us. But as much as Biden and Harris might want to prevent an out of control war now, they and their controllers would probably subsequently happily bequeath a war to the incoming Trump administration should Trump win.

But it barely matters what Biden and Harris wants. Should the Harris puppet, as Musk called her, ascend to the presidency, the U. S. would be reduced to a rubber stamp for an insane global elite, and World War III would likely ensue. Just take a look at the actual footage of Kamala Harris on 60 Minutes, if you can find the [00:06:00] original footage, in answer to a crisis on the Mideast. It was so bad that 60 Minutes re edited the show, and used her response to another question to make it look like she was saying something of any relevance or competence at all.

Now, as far as the NATO Ukraine Russia crisis goes, another headline reads, sleepwalking into nuclear war. I will say that there appear to be a few in our military leadership who still do live in the real world, and according to many reports, are pushing back against some of the more dangerous, escalatory policies coming from the British and NATO in regards to Ukraine and Russia and in regards to Israel's response.

But what we are seeing writ large is what I referred to several months ago as losing the mandate of heaven. This is a concept which is drawn from [00:07:00] ancient Chinese culture, in which even a seemingly all powerful emperor could lose his mandate to govern if he turned his back on universal principles, as today's global elites have done. But, as Lyndon LaRouche, who used that Mandate of Heaven metaphor in a piece written from his federal jail cell in 1989, as LaRouche said, the question then arises, What will emerge to reclaim the mandate?

When I spoke of that just three months ago in an update, where I referenced the question of the mandate of heaven, I was referencing the new Trump inspired party platform, which had just been released. That platform begins to touch on the answer to that question, how do we reclaim the Mandate of Heaven? The platform does that with its implicit revival of the American system [00:08:00] economic policies of Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln.

Donald Trump is now making it more explicit. He has clearly adopted our last Republican American system president, namely William McKinley, as his economic guide star. In an interview with Larry Kudlow earlier this week, Trump expanded his praise of McKinley's tariff policies. Trump kept coming back to the fact that because of tariff policies, the United States was the richest country in the world at the end of the 19th century.

We had to establish a commission. to figure out what to do with all the money. Trump made the point that with his tariff policies, we will be able to lower taxes and pay down the deficit. He also took a couple of veiled swipes at the income tax, implying that with tariffs, such taxes aren't necessary.

He hasn't quite gotten to the point of directly swiping at the [00:09:00] Federal Reserve, but his proposal for something like a sovereign wealth fund, which would take tariff revenues and reinvest them in great projects, hints at something like a national bank replacement for the Federal Reserve. It's also interesting to watch Larry Kudlow, who used to be really quite a rabid free marketeer, being recruited to these American system policies.

 And it probably wasn't an offhand comment by Trump, that McKinley was probably assassinated because of those American system policies, a point which we develop more thoroughly in our Dossier, It is the British Who Murder American Presidents. And as I suspect Donald Trump understands at least instinctively, the revival of the American system involves more than specific economic policies.

It is fundamentally a cultural question, one which embodies the [00:10:00] very essence of what it is to be human, as we saw in Butler, Pennsylvania, last weekend. We have posts on our website about the transformative power of classical music at the Butler Rally and the spiritual reawakening exemplified by Russell Brand in his recent appearances. I encourage you to go to the website, read those posts and to subscribe.

But it's in the interview, which Elon Musk did with Tucker Carlson yesterday, that a too often missed principle necessary for any society to reclaim the mandate of heaven was discussed. The need to have more people on this planet. Elon Musk savaged what he called the misanthropic and anti human ideology of the environmentalists. Musk said bluntly, we need more people. It is a totally wrong idea that the Earth is overpopulated. It is [00:11:00] underpopulated. And he suggested, that we can sustain ten times the population that exists today. In terms which those of us who worked with Lyndon LaRouche are familiar with, Musk attacked Paul Ehrlich, who wrote what he called the insane, misanthropic book, The Population Bomb, back in 1968. And Musk bluntly said he hopes that Ehrlich burns in hell.

He then went after the head of the Extinction Society, and yes, there is one, who has said that while there are eight billion people in the world, it would be better if there were none. Musk said he is advocating a holocaust to all of humanity.

Now, this is extremely important, because the simple question of why we have advanced to the point of having a population of 8 billion people, and potentially 80 billion people, [00:12:00] poses the fundamental question of what is the difference between man and animal. Animals can't change their relationship to nature. They can't change the so called carrying capacity. It remains the same.

Human beings, by virtue of the fact that we can discover, We can create. We can build. This gives us the ability to constantly improve our dominion over nature. As Musk said in that interview, I'm driven by curiosity. I try to understand more about the nature of the universe.

And he certainly is a builder, not just here, but in outer space. I hope people noticed, the t shirt that Musk was wearing at the Butler Rally, with President Trump. He had a jacket on, so maybe you couldn't read it, but it said, Occupy Mars. And of course, as President Trump said, get those rockets ready. And as Musk continually stresses, it is in [00:13:00] becoming an extraterrestrial species, that we will really fulfill our mandate to be fruitful and to multiply.

That increase is what LaRouche called the relative potential population density of a society and an economy. This is the measure of whether it receives the mandate of heaven. Promethean Action is putting the final touches on a groundbreaking pamphlet which will provide a framework for applying those principles to the hoped for incoming Trump administration.

Please stay tuned to our website by subscribing. In the meantime, use every waking hour to ensure a voter turnout between now and November 5th, which will allow those new policies, driven by the rebirth of the true American productive spirit, to be unleashed. This has been your Midweek Update. Thanks for listening.

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