Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today
President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over
When thinking about the changes set in motion this year at Christmas, the events which standout are the revelation that the American presidency has been vacant for four years, and the failed assassinations of the man who won the election to replace this shadow government.
When thinking about the changes set in motion this year at Christmas, the events which standout are the revelation that the American presidency has been vacant for four years, and the failed attempted assassinations of the man who won the election to replace this government by surrogates, foreign and domestic. That, and the dramatic success of Elon Musk and Space X. All of it has reawakened the American spirit of bold discovery and optimism.
Men at some time are masters of their fates.
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Good morning, everybody. It's December 23rd, 2024, two days before Christmas. I'm Barbara Boyd, and this is your Monday Brief. Now, it's the traditional time of year for reflection, and in this Monday Brief, and the brief I will provide to wrap the week on Saturday, I'll do just that from my standpoint, since it has been a history making, and a life changing year.
What I want to talk about today is assassinations, the two attempts against Donald Trump and the attempted assassination of the American presidency itself by seating a knowingly senile and demented individual in that chair, namely Joseph R Biden. That big lie might be the title of a novel called The Four Years the President Was Missing, and it [00:01:00] implicates the entire Democratic Party and media class and the Pentagon and the intelligence community in what will prove to be the biggest and most consequential cover up in our history.
Biden, or Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and others who were running him, then proceeded to run the United States itself, based exclusively on British imperial policies, COVID psyops, lockdowns and censorship, the Malthusian Green New Deal, Build Back Better, the final wars against rebel nations like Russia and China. All of them authored by the World Economic Forum or similar British Imperial Oligarchical Front groups.
We have survived both. Miraculously, many say. They consciously sought to destroy this country and got way, way, way too far over their skis. They didn't [00:02:00] count on Donald Trump. His resilience and the resilience of the American people. They don't recognize that. It's something in our bones, which attracts people like Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Builders, adventurers, discoverers. Those willing to challenge the status quo.
Many have the belief, which I share, that the period from June 23rd, 2024, through the election, was steered through the grace of God, but it's necessary also to completely expose and understand the origins of these two assassination attempts as we move forward. In fact, if we understand the roots of this, we can truly realize the vision which Donald Trump laid out again very dramatically in his turning point speech on Saturday. Heralding his vision of what he intends as America's Golden [00:03:00] Age.
Christ was born into the Roman Empire, which had become perhaps the most savage, repressive, and ugly regime in history, the model for the empires that followed. Particularly the modern British financial empire oligarchy, which has dominated the world, using the United States as its enforcer since the end of World War II. Christ and his apostles effectively destroyed that Roman Empire by attacking it spiritually and created the very basis for human survival and are very present.
Empires are entirely entropic. They die of their own ugly assumptions about God, human beings, human life, and God's creation. Promethean Action has published a pamphlet demonstrating the history of British imperial assassination operations against American presidents, those who truly represented the American system and the American spirit. They were behind the assassinations of [00:04:00] Lincoln, McKinley, Kennedy, and now two attempts on Trump. You can find it in the description below.
Like every other target, Trump antagonized them through his courage, his independence, his truth seeking, and his refusal to bend the knee, despite all the torments they put him through. In addition, he has run repeatedly on the basis of invoking Americans sovereignty, and independence, against the empire model of world government, and he wants to build an independent and self sufficient nation once again, where the fostering of human creativity, of the human spirit, known in our constitution as the general welfare, is the key underlying motive and concept.
Now, let's look at what will prove to be, I believe, the key events of this year. On June 23rd, through the hubris of the people running him, Joe [00:05:00] Biden took the stage in a debate against Donald Trump on national television. All the Hollywood tricks. All the narrative controls, all the efforts of brainwashing that had occurred up to then to give the effect that this corrupt old man was, quote, sharp as a tack, fell apart.
No one would forget what they saw, a senile old man whose brain was simply mush. If they hadn't determined to discard him already, the decision was made, by Pelosi, Obama, et al., that the absent president must truly go and be retired. Someone would have to take his place.
On July 13th, Donald Trump barely escaped assassination, having his head blown off literally on national television in Butler, Pennsylvania. A hero fireman, [00:06:00] Corey Comperatore, was killed and others were grievously wounded. The only reason Trump survived is that he uncharacteristically turned his head at exactly the right time.
After the four court cases intended to slowly kill him and throw him out of political life, and salvage the dying regime, the entire population rightly took this, the turning of his head, as a sign from God himself. And not only that, Trump stood and told them, fight, fight, fight.
At the same time, they were forced to contemplate what would have happened if that intervention did not take place. Were they ready to stand in the breach, or would the country devolve into a new civil war?
On July 21st, Nancy Pelosi and Barack [00:07:00] Obama had engineered their coup against Biden, telling him that there would be no more cover for his corruption if he did not leave the race. Kamala Harris, Hollywood's protégé for the Obamas stepped in and never overcame her fundamental intellectual vacancy while blowing through billions of dollars in donors funds.
On September 15th, the Tory intelligence community tried again in Florida, this time using a clear intelligence community asset, one Ryan Routh, to attempt the deed. He was discovered by the Secret Service this time. The key to this man is that he ties himself to the Ukrainian Intelligence Services and the CIA, which has run the Ukrainian Intelligence Services ever since 2014.
This man, Routh was attempting to recruit mercenaries for the Anglo American Ukrainian proxy war against Russia, [00:08:00] and every indication is that he was sponsored, just like Lee Harvey Oswald was sponsored. The immediate cover job, of course, seeks to blame this on Iran. In fact, Roth worked directly with the Nazi Azov battalion in Ukraine, and as recent events in Russia show, the British are building a massive assassination capability through their operations in Ukraine.
Then, the other keystone event of this year occurred on October 13th. Elon Musk defied what people thought were the physical laws of the universe by sending a skyscraper of a rocket far into space and then returning it to its launch pad by catching it in arms resembling giant chopsticks. Just to remind you of this phenomenal event, you should watch it again.
Donald Trump has repeatedly remarked about this event and how it impacted him profoundly. It was a [00:09:00] demonstration of that frontier spirit, which defines the United States. The nation of explorers, the nation of discoverers, the nation of the bold, which in our past decades, we somehow forgot.
Throughout this series of events, Trump changed and evolved, becoming even greater than he previously was. He built a coalition across the extant political parties, composed of truth seekers, brilliant people dedicated to rebuilding this nation. You haven't seen that covered in reality. You will as the nomination fight begins to take hold. This is truly an innovation. It overcomes the frozen and stupid Washington, D. C. consensus and all of the uniparty corruption.
Now, Lyndon LaRouche had a favorite passage from Shakespeare. which he often used to attack the littleness, which he saw [00:10:00] infecting the American people during his lifetime. In Act One, Scene Two of Julius Caesar, Cassius is speaking with Brutus about the subjective difference between those who choose to lead And how the fate of nations is often determined by those who insist on being small, on not finding the courage to break boundaries in current knowledge or political relations or even in simple social relations.
History teaches us that it is only the outsiders, those who challenge present systems, and take the slings and arrows for it. Those are the people who make effective and beneficial changes for humanity. Christ and His Apostles live on as the biggest and prime examples of that. Donald Trump and his movement can approach doing the same thing now with their spiritual help.
Remember these lines from Act 1, Scene [00:11:00] 2 of Julius Caesar. Men, at some time, are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.
Not being an underling means taking the responsibility for saving this nation, mastering the arts of statecraft, government, and human history, and the science involved in understanding God's universe. That change in every single one of us is the path to reclaiming and rebuilding our country, the nation our founders called the City On The Hill, the exemplar to the world.
That's what Donald Trump and his allies want. The alternative is the horror we have just lived through. For now, again, it's morning in America. The cynicism has lifted. It is the [00:12:00] optimistic morning in America that President Reagan often talked about. Let's make that mindset permanent. That's my thought ahead of Christmas.
I'll see you again on Saturday for the wrap for the week, and then Susan Kokinda will come on on Wednesday to update you and give you an idea going forward.
It's a wonderful new morning in America. Again, let's make that thought permanent.
After all the years of campaigning, Americans have finally come to the agreement that we will Make America Great Again. But, how do we actually implement the intention, and with a minimum of mistakes along the way?
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