The Monday Brief - Biden's War Spirals Out of Control; Trump Celebrates Victory Over Death - October 7, 2024

Today is the anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and war is expanding throughout that region. Criminal incompetence is also on display as the entire Southeast struggles to recover from Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton approaches Florida.

The Monday Brief - Biden's War Spirals Out of Control; Trump Celebrates Victory Over Death - October 7, 2024

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Today is the anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and war is expanding throughout that region thanks to Joe Biden's incompetent abandonment of Trump's Abraham Accords.  That criminal incompetence is also on display as the entire Southeast struggles to recover from Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton approaches Florida.  It is now well documented that FEMA is interfering with life saving and calls for direct military relief efforts mount.  In Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump held a rally celebrating victory over death and charting a path to a glorious future if we take up the Cup of Gethsemane as he has.


Transcript: The Monday Brief - Biden's War Spirals Out of Control; Trump Celebrates Victory Over Death - October 7, 2024

Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. It's October 7th, 2024. This is Barbara Boyd, and this is your Monday Wrap. Monday Wrap, Monday Anticipation, Monday Brief. I'm hoping it was a wrap, but you can't do that in the present situation.

So, today is the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, which has led now to an apparent forever religious war in the Middle East. We'll cover that today.

 Saturday, Donald Trump returned to the site of the failed, state sponsored, assassination attempt against him in Butler, Pennsylvania. He held what will go down in history as a truly historic event. The kind of thing that will If you were there or saw it online, that people will talk about for generations to come. We'll talk about the significance of that today.

In North Carolina and other locations in the [00:01:00] American Southeast, the government continues to abysmally and inexplicably fail in disaster response with another hurricane, Milton, now on the way to Florida. The failure is catastrophic, with reliable reporting indicating that government agencies are actively interfering with private and local government attempts to save lives, doing things which can only result in further death and destruction. We'll also talk about that this morning.

As of this writing, Israel is engaged in a relatively full scale invasion of Lebanon in an effort to eradicate Hezbollah and, we believe, to draw the United States into a direct war with Iran.

Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech last week, speaking directly to the Iranian people, and declaring that, [00:02:00] Israel's goal is regime change in Iran. Let's say that again. He gave a speech ominously warning that that was the goal. It appears to be part and parcel of his plan to completely and totally reshape the Middle East, a utopian path to disaster, which we once embraced with Cheney's clean break war policy during the Bush administration.

Now to review, on October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel, which killed 1, 200 Israelis and kidnapped 250 more. Hamas is a branch of the British Intelligence Supported Muslim Brotherhood.

It had recently been funded by Israel, among other nation states, through Qatar, as a controlled counterweight to the Nationalist PLO in representing Palestinians in Gaza [00:03:00] and elsewhere. In other words, they chose a religious war proxy to defeat the Nationalists, which has been their policy all along.

It was the worst security failure in the history of Israel, the October 7th attack and the government of Benjamin Netanyahu was completely responsible for it, believing that it somehow controlled religious fanatics with a policy set on the destruction of Israel itself.

Israel retaliated by attacking Gaza, killing 41, 000 Palestinians in an effort to destroy Hamas, many of the victims were women and children. They had built a Frankenstein, which had grown beyond their control, and they retaliated with apparent abandon. Barack Ravid provides a useful summary over at Axios as to the objective facts of the situation, which we'll link [00:04:00] to.

Here's the writer. who documented Donald Trump's painstaking efforts to bring peace to the region through the Abraham Accords. And the Abraham Accords had, at least before Biden took over, brought peace to this very troubled region of the world. Biden set out to destroy everything Trump had accomplished in a mad and destructive Vendetta.

That faction of revisionist Zionism, which is led by Netanyahu, believes that living by the sword will somehow reshape the entire Middle East at this point in history. There is absolutely no plan being advanced by Israel or its partners, including the United States, which envisions a real plan for stabilization and peace, a plan which establishes an end point for this carnage on both sides.

The impotent, senile, and incompetent Joe Biden has endlessly sought a ceasefire, [00:05:00] leaving the horrific dynamics of religious warfare now consuming the region largely in place. He has gone to war with Russia and tentatively China, two of the powers essential for partnering in the hard job to bring peace to this effort.

They are essential partners. Instead of working with them to stabilize things, he has gone to war against them. He has worked under the strategic thumb of British intelligence from the first day he came into office. He is a long time asset of such, and the British are the sponsors of terrorist ideologies on both sides of these long standing conflicts. Revisionist Zionism, for one. The Muslim Brotherhood for another. Salafi Islamic messianism on the other. These have kept the region in turmoil so that the oligarchy might exploit its oil and other resources.

Last week [00:06:00] on October 1st, Iran launched a retributory attack on Israeli military sites, not civilian sites, for the Israeli assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Iranian supported Hezbollah. Israel has promised a retaliation targeting Iran's nuclear program and oil industry, and oil prices have surged now worldwide in anticipation of the economic impacts of this war. Right now, there are no easy solutions to what Joe Biden's failure has cost us, what Joe Biden's failure has set up, what his failure to take up Trump's Abraham Accords has wrought.

Unlike Donald Trump, Biden and his collective of neocons are ideologically driven. They are blind to the type of deal making and flanking maneuvers Donald Trump employed against Netanyahu by giving him large aspects of what he said he [00:07:00] wanted while working with the Gulf states and the Saudis and the Russians to forge a genuine two state solution to this war torn area in return for the things he gave to Israel in his deal.

Russia, with whom we are, again, in actual war, and China, which we have targeted as an adversary, again, are essential parts to stabilizing this area before it spins completely out of control.

Now, if you did not join the people on the ground in Butler, or the 25 million and counting, Who viewed it in one form or another online, you really missed something, and you should watch it now, or at least short clips of it.

Estimates of the on the ground size vary from 25, 000 to 60, 000, with the fake news media only quantifying it by saying it was, Quote, large or quote in the thousands. If you know how to use the C-span video, you can see JD [00:08:00] Vance's speech, Elon Musk's historic appearance, and Donald Trump's discussion of the assassination attempt and clips of the rally.

For me, this rally is subbed up by two words, or many, a couple more, two phrases, if you will, defiance and a path to the future, an optimistic path to the future. Trump, as he did in Butler on July 13th, defied his assassins with the hand of God helping him to raise his fists in the air and say, fight, fight, fight.

On Saturday, he did so knowing that the Secret Service, which is supposed to protect him, is not doing so and is probably infiltrated by moles. He did so in the face of a hit piece put out by David Ignatius in the Washington Post, saying that the Secret Service could not protect him in Butler or elsewhere, and he was responsible [00:09:00] for continuing to campaign and therefore responsible for his own assassination if it happened. Let that one sink in.

He did so knowing that the FBI is covering up everything and anything having to do with the July 13th assassination attempt at Butler. Claiming that they can't figure out the motive or get into encrypted devices when they do so every single day. He did so knowing that they're doing the same with the Palm Beach assassin, Ryan Routh, who has completely obvious links to the Pentagon and the CIA.

Elon Musk said in his speech that you determine leadership by how someone responds under fire. The state of the courage under fire and that Donald Trump had more than proved his case. Musk also wore a t shirt which declared colonize Mars, providing the optimistic sense of mission and opportunity in daring to challenge the frontiers of [00:10:00] human knowledge, which can reshape our nation and bring it to its best, as John F. Kennedy once said, regarding Apollo. Exercise his best talents for a victory over the limits, which are set for us by nature, as Trump says.

Trump celebrated the life of the firefighter, Corey Compadore. who lost his life on July 13th, with the help of the renowned tenor, Christopher Macchio, who performed Ave Maria in a stunning and beautiful moment of silence. Many don't know that Trump, who many view as the height of American lowbrow, is an ardent fan and student of the classic opera.

The authenticity and the depth of heightened emotion brought to this moment Through his courage and the events proud reaching to the classic heights of humanity, outshone completely the ugly and fake reality which with the news [00:11:00] media and the Biden Harris administration daily pummel this population.

The tide is truly turning. The world's most interesting younger generation billionaire, Elon Musk, now spends his best moments organizing the vote for Donald Trump. Many other former Democrats do the same. Knowing full well that the victory of a lifetime, the victory of a lifetime is now within reach.

In North Carolina, reports accumulate about the malfeasance of the Biden administration in responding to the disaster. Both senators from that state, Tillis and Budd, have called for a single military commander to deploy troops and take over command from the incompetent FEMA as of Friday. Now, playing the political game, they don't really outline FEMA's incompetence, but it is stark, and it is met by the responsible call [00:12:00] to get the military involved and involved now.

Biden yielded somewhat on Sunday, announcing the addition of five more active duty troops from Fort Victory, the sprawling military base formerly called Fort Bragg, sitting right in the middle of the disaster area. That makes a total of 1, 500 active duty troops authorized to be deployed by Biden. But as of Friday, Only 400 had appeared on the ground with any kind of orders.

That is deeply outside the time period when search and rescue can work to sustain life for those who remain really in danger. The apparent active duty sabotaged by FEMA and others of desperate search and rescue missions by private organizations now reliably reported in report after report on the internet has been labeled misinformation by Biden and Harris [00:13:00] instead of being clarified with the necessary federal response.

You know that very soon we'll hear it's the Russians or the Iranians who are controlling these volunteers who risk everything to bring aid to the victims. There's a ton of internet speculation about weather modification, about BlackRock or other oligarchic entities sabotaging the response in order to secure lithium deposits and other riches.

Meanwhile, the supply chain effects, the real ones, are taking effect with hospitals reporting a lack of IV fluid supply from the one supplier, Baxter, which is located right in the heart of the disaster area.

Again, as I've said, we need to shame them into doing the right thing. Trump has emphasized this over and over again and is leading the charge to accomplish it by making it a huge political liability for Biden and crew.

We need to emphasize this [00:14:00] and pound on it throughout the week. It can save lives. It can, although this is not Trump's intent, actually demonstrate why this election must be won by us. Thanks very much for listening. Please tune in for Susan. She'll be here on Wednesday.

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