Lyndon LaRouche Presents America's Manifest Destiny Today
President Trump himself, and his administration, have placed in the forefront the question of America’s Manifest Destiny, ruling over
Three weeks to go and the intelligence community is playing games with our fixed beliefs in an otherwise useful debate about upskilling and adequately paying our labor force and the role of foreign labor.
Three weeks to go and the intelligence community is playing games with our fixed beliefs in an otherwise useful debate about upskilling and adequately paying our labor force and the role of foreign labor. We examine this in light of Trump's determination to unite the nation and build our way out of the looming human and economic disaster created under Biden. We also reflect on the real causes of Jimmy Carter's disastrous presidency and useful post-presidency and the method of thinking necessary to create new realities from seemingly unsolvable paradoxes.
00:00 Introduction and Overview
00:07 Challenges Facing Trump's Coalition
02:15 Historical Context: LaRouche and Carter
05:42 Carter's Post-Presidency and Legacy
08:50 Economic and Political Analysis
13:13 Current Political Climate and Future Outlook
13:59 Conclusion and Call to Action
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Good morning, it's Monday, December 30th. I'm Barbara Boyd, and this is your Monday Brief. As of Wednesday, there will be less than three weeks to go until Donald Trump is inaugurated, and our enemies are doing everything possible to wreck the new Republican Party coalition Trump has brought into being, to unite the country, as well as putting landmines everywhere to try and prevent the implementation of the grand vision the American people voted for.
Thus, we see in the acrimony surrounding the so called H 1B issue about visas, both legitimate and necessary debate, and something else, the kind of sowing of internal dissension based on profile beliefs for which government counterintelligence and counterinsurgency programs is based, are famous.
While Elon Musk has admitted that vast reforms are [00:01:00] necessary to prevent the exploitation of American workers through this program, and others see a clear path to a solution to this problem, others are advocating that Musk, Ramaswamy, and others Trump has appointed to his cabinet be banned by a righteous revolt of the so called True MAGA.
There are other potential fractures in this very necessary coalition Trump has put together. Fractures based on sincere political differences, which have to be worked through. For example, there's an entire constituency out there still blaming Donald Trump for Anthony Fauci, the intelligence community, and Pfizer with respect to the vaccines and the mandates.
It is hardly surprising that social media has quite a few DeSantis advocates now saying that as opposed to Trump, who came out in favor of H 1B visas, DeSantis [00:02:00] is the real deal, not the tool of the billionaires. That's the counterinsurgency line now being used against Donald Trump. Hardly different in some respects and most respects from that of the Democratic Party.
I found it useful over the past weekend, while thinking about this and future debates, to look at Lyndon LaRouche and Jimmy Carter in the context of their history. Lyndon LaRouche and his associates bitterly fought and exposed Carter as a manufactured president placed into the presidency deliberately by the trilateral commission for purposes of implementing that body's plans for, quote, the controlled disintegration of the United States economy, end quote, as they characterize their economic policy.
Carter also legitimized Zbigniew Brzezinski's horrible foreign policy and [00:03:00] clash of civilization's religious warfare schemes, including overt sponsorship of terrorism, all of it to destroy Russia, a satanic legacy in the Middle East and the bloodlands of Europe, which still torments us today.
Much of the deliberate dismantling of the skilled American working class in our trades and scientific and engineering educational programs began as a result of Carter's administration. The deliberate destruction and immiseration of the American working class, which continues today, and underlies and fuels the debate we are now having.
There is an appropriate rage there, a desire almost just to burn things down, rather than search for the solutions we must find in order to effectively proceed to rebuild the nation for ourselves and our children. The only way we're going to prevent that righteous rage from becoming self [00:04:00] destructive is to trigger the imaginations of the people, to inspire them to participate in the grand mission Trump has set out to rebuild this nation as the beacon of hope and temple of liberty once again for the world.
To give those who have been victimized hope and optimism again. Something Trump, so far, has successfully done. In that context, those who seem to exist simply to fan the flames ought to have their bona fides looked at. Are you about to lose your career doing endless agitation and inflaming of the population because Trump could succeed in unifying the country? Does that unification pay off for you? To put it more bluntly.
Now, Lyndon LaRouche had challenged Carter's election as fraudulent based on a pretty rigorous investigation and presentation of evidence showing fake voter registration [00:05:00] and voting from vacant lots and vacant buildings throughout New York City and in Ohio. Unlike 2020, our evidence was significant enough that a Brooklyn federal judge actually held a lengthy evidentiary hearing in which he considered seriously whether he should overturn the entire national election.
Ultimately, he got afraid of his thoughts and backed off. You would think, in that respect, and in terms of everything else that I've said here, that Lyndon LaRouche would have condemned Jimmy Carter to the dustbin of history forever for the sins of his election and deeds done in his name while in office.
But, after what most see as a failed presidency, Jimmy Carter, deeply imbued in his Christian faith, went on to try and make peace in a very troubled world, following out one of the actual achievements of his presidency, the Anwar Sadat Menachem [00:06:00] Begin peace negotiations between Egypt and Israel, which held out, for the first time, a perspective for peace in this very troubled region.
One of the books, which Jimmy Carter later produced in 2007, was called Palestine, Peace, Not Apartheid. LaRouche praised Carter and the title, which was causing quite a bit of controversy at the time. He said, it was truthful, and only, Politicians interested in the animal game of politics and opportunism would say otherwise.
He wrote, and I quote, former president Jimmy Carter had the great misfortune of being elected during a time that the 1970 to 1981 destruction of the U. S. economy was the reigning policy imposed upon any president, who had the historic misfortune of becoming the future scapegoat [00:07:00] for the wrecking of our economy, which occurred under the hegemony of institutions typified by the Trilateral Commission.
He came out of that experience momentarily bitter and confused, but later he played an important role, at times as a virtual maverick, in bringing the legacy of President Dwight Eisenhower's post presidency into play. As President Trump emphasized in his message about Jimmy Carter's death, the American presidency is a type of special club and certain presidents, like Jimmy Carter and John Quincy Adams, have continued to fight for the nation in a hugely beneficial way after their terms of office ended.
LaRouche wrote that Carter's post presidency was in the John Quincy Adams tradition, Peace, not war. A tradition in which he praised the title of that book, Peace, Not Apartheid, [00:08:00] that Carter post presidency struggled to say the truth rather than as an opportunist within a bankrupt realm of accepted political opinions.
In discussing Carter in 2007, LaRouche did what most accurate historians do. He located the actual cause of the problem which bedeviled Carter's presidency and set it on a course in which it did much evil, irrespective of President Carter's actual intentions. LaRouche identified the actual enemy and the actual driving dynamic and force.
Being right and successful in history and in present politics is not the province of feeling states or past opinions or personal ego considerations. Truth, both in science and in politics, is found in the realm of physics and the metaphors of great poetry and classical art.
[00:09:00] Elon Musk understands this when he says that physics, what you produce, and whether it's coincident with the laws of the universe, and therefore whether it works or not, provides you with an analytic framework by which to examine all problems. He doesn't do as well when he enters the field of politics or social relations, apparently thinking that different metrics apply.
The historian Bob Ingram has a piece which will be posted shortly on our website. Reminding us that labor, not capital, is at the heart of the American system. That's what Hamilton and Lincoln said, and they are the founders of that system.
Hamilton also advocated the importance of highly skilled workers coming from abroad, without which the American Republic could not have been built. It is increases in the creativity and productivity of your labor force overall, which is at the heart of the successful survival [00:10:00] and reproduction of any economy.
Fail that and you're in for the gravest of difficulties. Mistake the primacy of capital for the primacy of labor and you'll fail. The Dialogues of Plato, causing you to Socratically examine problems in a search for truth in dialogue, provides the same type of reliable analytical framework as Musk finds in physics itself.
As you struggle with seemingly unsolvable paradoxes right now, The need for a gigantic scientific and engineering residence here in order to produce our way out of the potential crash and depression the Biden administration has left us at, a point when our schools have destroyed the intellectual aspirations of an entire generation of American youth, the correct posing of the problem placed in a dispassionate and self conscious dialogue will, very often, result in a [00:11:00] flash of creative insight which produces a solution and opens up a whole new arena of fresh ideas and hypotheses to explore. As my friend Susan Kokinda has described, Plato's seventh letter provides you with a good insight into this process.
Builders like Trump or Musk certainly will find resonance with it. Vivek Ramaswamy and other lawyers and politicians who deal only in the financial realm of the economy will have a more difficult time.
Counterinsurgency, as developed over the years and deployed against political movements in the United States, works through profiling and exploiting extant prejudices and cultural habits which appear to be fixed. They are also highly emotional. Think about how much the various sociologists and anthropologists who trade in this [00:12:00] field now know about you through the surveillance state they have erected. That's what makes the internal life of many political organizations appear to be on the social level of adolescent high school drama.
The discourse on the internet over the past week has shown the profiles now in play. The viciously victimized American worker or farmer versus the Indian math nerd willing to work for peanuts and send money home. Both players in this play are victims of the system which we are, or should be, currently overthrowing.
The answer in avoiding being played is a self conscious examination of your assumptions and the constant striving to test them against reality, truth, and what you visualize and strive for as a better future. A more perfect future. Again, not just for yourself, but for your posterity and society as a whole. [00:13:00] That's what the preamble to the constitution says. And it remains the best mission statement possible for Trump's second term. All of it. Take it seriously.
We'll see the Speaker's election in the House on Friday. Friday in the beginning of nomination hearings the following week. The people running Biden and the British are doing everything in their power to make the Ukraine war unsolvable through very dangerous escalations and terrorist actions ahead of Trump taking office.
Similarly, in the Middle East, we see the devolution of Syria into a new haven for ISIS and Sofitis Muslim terrorism as the result of conscious British and U. S. policy. It is very possible we will see a military challenge to Russia's bases in Syria this week. Directed not from Syria itself, but from Britain and Ukraine. I'll have a post on this early in the week.
[00:14:00] Again, we depend on our readers for financial support. We don't have sugar daddies or large contributors because we fiercely defend our independent voice. Anything you can put into the fight by financially supporting us is enthusiastically welcome.
Thanks a lot for listening. I hope this was a good lesson. I'll see you again on Saturday.
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