Sage Advice - What are the True Principles for Making the U.S. National Budget? (3/6)
Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's "The Lost Art of the Capital Budget."
The world changed on Saturday. President Trump came within an inch of assassination and the country came within an inch of outright chaos and possible Civil War. Judge Cannon dismissed the Florida lawfare case against Trump as we go to press. There will be other big changes coming. The issue isn't rhetoric, the issue is the British spawned brainwashing machine run by our intelligence and military against the American population and anyone seeking to save this country from rule by the modern British Empire. The danger they represent remains intact. That's where any honest investigation must begin, starting with Obama's consolidation of this machine. Melania Trump asks us to find what is human in us in this moment. That creative genius, mobilized, is what will govern our rebirth as a nation.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi everybody. This is Barbara Boyd and this is your Monday Brief. Well, the world changed drastically on Saturday night. President Trump came within an inch of assassination and the country came within an inch of possible outright chaos and even civil war. Contemplate the magnitude of this event, imagine if it had gone south. If the hand of God had not caused Donald Trump to turn his head at the critical moment, as Malcolm X said of the Kennedy assassination, the chickens would have come home to roost.
As we record today, Judge Aileen Cannon has tossed the classified documents case against Trump, one of many changes to come. She ruled that Jack Smith was illegally appointed, as Clarence Thomas wrote [00:01:00] in his Concurring opinion in the immunity ruling. Undoubtedly, there will be outrage on the left and in the Democratic Party. Undoubtedly, there will be a governor on that, given what has just happened.
All of the people, who have called publicly for Trump's assassination, and that includes many in official Washington, including the Dean of the so called Washington Foreign Policy Establishment, Victoria Newland's husband, Robert Kagan, would have had their wish, but there would be blood on their hands also. Recognized by more than half the country. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, the sick Hollywood and Silicon Valley crowds, the British controlled foreign policy and military and intelligence crowd, Soros, and all the Imperial bag men, all of [00:02:00] whom have sought to take this man out through impeachment, coup, bogus criminal prosecutions, and, at least in creating the atmosphere, now this, would face very uncertain futures, but so would the country. Would the populace simply fold?
The Jacobin servants of the British financial empire, Obama, Clinton, and those who endlessly painted Trump as the new Hitler, who begged the Thomas Matthew Crooks of this world, and that's the name of the putative lone assassin, begged him to come forward and take his place as a hero in human history, an unlikely hero at that, a nerd, someone who had been bullied all his lives, like Crooks is said to have been, would have been the perfect new lone assassin.
They would undoubtedly express their condolences to the Trump family [00:03:00] for all the hurt that has been caused. And they are, as always, oblivious to the damage they have done to our Republic. But then, triumph in their world, divorced from the reality of most day to day Americans, would proceed.
We'd have the Green New Deal fully. The final destruction of this nation. We would devolve into the small city states, they imagine they can rule without dissent and become an economic zone only in a new world empire. A footnote in history of yet another society, which died, from causes which may or may not be found by future historians.
That is, if people simply would let go, remaining disorganized and not stepping up. But that's not what is going to happen now, and it's not what probably would have happened even then. Unique [00:04:00] individuals make human history. They make breakthroughs which result in progress. They are the geniuses who can chart a new course, a new future.
Donald Trump is one of those people. We have had others in our history, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Washington, Lincoln, the Carey brothers, Roosevelt, Kennedy in the very last year of his life. Political movements do not often survive the deaths of their leader. Think about the death of the civil rights movement after Martin was killed. Those complicit in trying to destroy this nation know this. That's why they assassinate geniuses, that and the type of class hatred which a feral animal has to a superior, creative human being.
Knowing that he had been struck by a bullet, Not knowing the extent of his injury, not knowing whether there were other shooters and not knowing [00:05:00] anything else except the immediate shock of the moment, Donald Trump stood up and turned to those who loved him, oblivious to the danger, showing his ultimate courage, probably not knowing if these would be his last words or not, pumped his fist and said, fight. He knew that what he had confronted here was evil. He was determined that those who might come after him would have the same willingness to sacrifice themselves in the fight to save this country. If they found the same type of genius in themselves, if they cultivated that, this movement would have survived that awful moment.
So now it also must go forward, having now been through this test of fire and using Donald Trump as our leader, an example of that courage, knowledge, and skill in ourselves by which this enemy, the Anglo Dutch empire, which has fought to destroy [00:06:00] this nation ever since our birth, is finally defeated. A republic is a tough thing to have and to keep, as Benjamin Franklin told us, because it depends on the citizenry being intelligent, knowing their history, locating the human quality in themselves, which is their creative genius, That is really what it takes.
Lincoln, aside from Trump, is the last man to have actually brought together a spirited and intellectual culture and an economy through statesmanship. That is the task, the great task, which Donald Trump and we now face. The race for president has changed irrevocably. Biden will be the Democratic nominee now, no questions asked.
He has retreated now. Those around him realize the stakes that moment when Trump miraculously turned his head. He's been on TV and [00:07:00] national press conferences three times, calling for an end to the violent rhetoric. Which he himself and his friends largely offered and sold and fed to the Republic for now six long years.
He doesn't apologize for that, but he has taken down the ads, which were scheduled to run this week, continuing to urge that Hitler be defeated, since they have nothing else to run on. He walks a tightrope with his base that is now brainwashed and inflamed and will not easily come to terms with ending the battle against the phantom Hitler who he himself has cooperated in creating.
The danger around Trump thus becomes even more dangerous now, as the enemy beats a retreat in an attempt to save some of its own skin. Don't be stupid. This is not a [00:08:00] fight about words or temperature, although that is a symptom of the problem they have created. Recognize that there is a military Intelligence propaganda machine, which has been working on engineering popular feeling states as a primary mode of warfare for some time now.
Really, it became systematically organized under Obama. The talking heads, for the most part, are a part of that machinery. Contrast Melania Trump. When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband Donald, she writes. I realized my life and Barron's life were on the brink of devastating change. A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to wring out Donald's passion, his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration, the core facets of my [00:09:00] husband's life.
His human side were buried beneath the political machine. Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been through in the best of times and the worst of times. She wrote that her heart broke for the firefighter killed by the assassin's bullet, trying to shield his daughters and their mother. And the family of the two other rally goers who were seriously injured.
She asked us to locate the humans in ourselves, the agapic love which causes us to help others, to go forward together in this miraculous journey called life here on earth, to come together as a nation. It was a piece of poetry that she wrote. As Shelley once told us, Poets like this are the hidden legislators of the world.
Unbowed and unbending, President Trump recognizes that he has been blessed, that God is giving him a new chance and a new beginning [00:10:00] in which he can change this world dramatically, and I believe he will not squander it in any way, as we must not also. He has rewritten a speech for the convention calling upon Americans to find that in ourselves, which made this nation great.
The spirit of discovery, of courage, of going forth where no one has gone before to create great progress for all mankind. It is an entirely different spirit of work here than Joe Biden's cheap retreat, in an attempt to not be responsible for a near assassination. Now, concerning the attempted assassination itself, like much in the Biden administration, the question being asked is where does criminal incompetence and gross negligence cross into deliberate malevolence?
There is really not much of a difference here. Just look at the war in Ukraine. It is pursuit of an [00:11:00] evil delusion. The ancient British dream to snuff out the alliance which once existed between Russia and the United States and incorporate both into a new world empire.
Through it, Europe has been destroyed. It is prone economically. Through it, an entire nation once called Ukraine has been destroyed. That it is no longer capable of fighting, and yet we say just give us one more year in which to test all of our wonder weapons in which you're the guinea pigs for a future war with China. It is indeed a disgrace.
Again, incompetence crossing over into complete malevolence. If you read the latest battle reports, you see that Russia is innovating to defeat all the wonder weapons which our military machine is testing there. They are in it to win it because it is a fight for their survival. They [00:12:00] have a coherent culture. They believe themselves to be a nation state. Our side, the side of NATO, is in it for the money and is in it for crazy notions, crazy utopian notions of a world empire. Those two concepts are clashing and the nation state will win.
Look at the threat level now, which will only increase, and look at the Secret Service and think about what has caused this fiasco, which was a complete failure at the very most of the people who are supposed to protect Donald Trump. You see a threat level which is incomprehensible. You see the entire machinery of the political nation in Washington, D.C. calling for just this. The assassination of this candidate who threatened them, and you see basically that a nerd, a lone assassin, so called, walked [00:13:00] across an empty field in Kaki's with an AR 15 in his hand, went up a ladder, which somehow got there, got into a space which was the only place in the entire environment, from which that shot could have been taken, and you see that no one was there, and that completely is, from every expert I've heard describe it, violates every protocol in the book.
It was an obvious setup, on different levels, and that's what we'll find out once Trump becomes president. Obviously the FBI, which has been in on this entire game, cannot be trusted to investigate it and cannot be trusted to conduct anything other than a overt cover up.
What we're going to find is the hand of the British Empire as we have traced it over and over and over again in the pamphlet which we wrote called Why the British Assassinate American Presidents. They're on a rampage now across [00:14:00] the world.
FICO, who actually is the president of Slovakia, opposed the war in Ukraine. But the issue here is the same one. Opposition to the war is a capital offense against the empire at this point. They shot him. They talk about having made multiple attempts against Putin. In many ways, the environment is very much like that of the assassination of Kennedy, in which internationally nationalist leaders were taken out by organizations like the CIA's permadex. Context, as I said in our pamphlet, will show the British hand.
Tonight we'll do a show which will be me going through what happened here in terms of all of the security failures and the context. Bruce Director discussing what Trump will do and the hand of God in this entire incident, and Robert Ingram, the historian, throwing a historical light on all of this.
We're at the convention and [00:15:00] we'll be reporting on that aspect of things all week. We truly are on the verge of something triumphant. Something in which we can finally throw off the shackles of this enemy and make a new America once and for all. A time when we can truly come together based on principles and concepts and those which live in our institutions if we only seek to recreate them and find them.
It is a great moment in history, but as Schiller said about the French Revolution, a great moment in history found a small people. Let us not be that small people. That's a heavy message, but the times are indeed quite heavy. Hope to see you throughout the week as we cover this. If you can make a donation, please do so. We have a major, major task ahead of us, and I'm very enthusiastically looking forward to the same. Thanks very much for listening. I'll [00:16:00] see you soon.
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