The Monday Brief - Huge Shift of Constitutional/Anti-War Dems Underway - September 30, 2024

A revolt is underway to dethrone the ruling Washington, DC "Uni-Party," including the rise of a citizen's media and movement, featuring RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and thousands of other principled people out to save the Republic.

The Monday Brief - Huge Shift of Constitutional/Anti-War Dems Underway - September 30, 2024
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The desperate elites, led by the likes of Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are trying to block stories about the key political dynamics which will determine the world's fate: the perilous wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the attempt to eliminate the real America as a factor in the world by assassinating or jailing Donald Trump, the coup against the senile sitting President, Joe Biden, the attempt to reshape entire cities into the equivalent of slave labor camps through open borders. But a thorough revolt is underway to dethrone them, including the rise of a citizen's media and movement, featuring RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, thousands of other principled people out to save the Republic. We cover these stories and others in this week's Monday Brief.


Lyndon LaRouche's 90th Birthday, End of the Two Party System

Rescue the Republic, Rally at the National Mall September 29, 2024 

Transcript: The Monday Brief - Huge Shift of Constitutional/Anti War Dems Underway - September 30, 2024

Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi everybody, this is Barbara Boyd, this is your Monday Brief for September 30th, 2024. It's about a month before the election of our lifetimes. This week we'll see the vice presidential debate tomorrow on Tuesday. On Sunday, yesterday, Over 100, 000 people gathered in the rain at the National Mall, reflecting the call of Lyndon LaRouche on his 90th birthday against the corruption of political parties.

The call for nobody to structure their political beliefs around political parties, but instead to structure them around principle and the truth. This is indeed a new movement guiding our country. Ignited by Donald Trump. The featured speakers there were all former Democrats. R. F. K. Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, among them, Matt [00:01:00] Taibbi, the journalist who exposed the censorship industrial complex.

They were organizing against the forever wars, the open borders, the failed government of Washington, D. C. At the same time, across the world, the so called post war rules based international order of the British Empire is failing as people throughout the world turn to reviving the nation state system and principles of international law as opposed to globalism and rule by arbitrary decree.

The Empire is responding to this with a reckless strategy which has placed the world on the brink of thermonuclear war. A perilous strategic situation which they have tried to completely black out from public debate. What is most remarkable about our situation is the total information warfare [00:02:00] against the U. S. population. The gaslighting of the population and, most importantly, the population's response.

Think about it. The major U. S. presidential candidate who is leading the polls has been subject to two assassination attempts, yet you will find virtually no coverage of the investigations concerning his putative assassins, and the Secret Service, which failed to protect him from what appeared to be amateur assassins, effectively stood down in protecting him, and yet they remain in control of his security.

The Secret Service in turn is controlled by his opponents in the Democratic Party, with the U. S. President, Joe Biden, having called for, quote, putting him in the bullseye, and last week, squashing him like a bug.

The senile U. S. president, and he's been senile for [00:03:00] three years, was replaced by a candidate, the vice president, after his political party threw him to the curb, admitted he was senile, a fact known for really over three years, and that the government of the United States has had a vacant presidency. It's been being run by a committee.

She, Kamala, has been his accomplice in globalist, Malthusian population killing policies, including two wars without any exit plan, and a massive death toll in women and children, open borders and migrant sex and labor trafficking, including the documented infiltration of violent gangs, over 13, 000 murderers, a similar amount of violent rapists into the country, including, obviously, the drug dealers who are actively poisoning the population.

They have sponsored energy and economic policies, which decimated what was [00:04:00] left of U. S. manufacturing and industry, and set off a massive inflation, which made it difficult for most ordinary people to simply live. She had been saying that Biden was sharp as a tack for years, and yet now she threatened to be the key vote for the 26th amendment to get him out of the race once they saw that they were losing.

Through Hollywood's fantastic efforts and the controlled media, she announced a candidacy in which she said she would feature brand new policies, a sudden change, new vibes. And she attempted to divorce herself from her policies, which she has advocated throughout her career, not just with Joe Biden. The press has gone along with it.

She herself is incapable of answering questions on published policy without being scripted or run by a teleprompter and a bevy of former aides to Barack Obama. [00:05:00] Typically, she went to the border on Friday to show her concern. It was a 20 minute photo op, which the press portrayed as a major toughening of border policy.

The British are trying to lead us into troop commitments in the war on Ukraine in the Middle East. They are seeking strikes within Russia, which is most remarkable. And in response, Putin declared that this represents an existential threat to Russia, which could evoke a response with nuclear weapons.

This Cuban missile style type of crisis, which is really what it is, has not been covered, really, anywhere in the West, for it's truth. The Ukraine war is lost, they're decimated, this is the result of Biden and Harris's policies. It was Trump who held the first peace meeting in years with Volodymyr Zelensky in [00:06:00] New York last week. He says he's going to settle this.

In the Middle East, we await Iran's response to the decapitation of Hezbollah and the decimation of Gaza, with Israel preparing a ground invasion now into Lebanon. This situation also could quickly roar out of control with a war between Israel and Iran, both of which have huge armies and armaments, a war which would decimate this entire area of the world and throw the world's economies into a deadly spiral.

Through all of this, populations are rising up against these insane policies throughout the world. And they're winning elections and functioning largely outside globalist controls. They are fed up because these elites have clearly lost the mandate of heaven. They have shown that they can only promise us a dark age, and people are [00:07:00] really onto it.

The people themselves have taken on this gaslighting. Not the type of thing you see in a so called conservative controlled media like Fox, who spends all of its time examining the various lies from a different perspective, and engaging themselves in alternative lies. Rather, all over the United States, Citizen journalists are springing up.

Thus, we have learned that Donald Trump's claims about Springfield, Ohio and what has happened there are largely true. There is a burgeoning industry in non governmental organizations and temporary labor firms who are making millions by trafficking Haitians and paying them off to replace locals in housing, jobs, cheap labor, etc. You can find the beginning details concerning this horrific situation at im1776. com. [00:08:00] Springfield Investigation.

Hillary Clinton and John Kerry bemoan this people's revolt in truth seeking and documenting the reality of events this week in prominent interviews. The Witch of Westchester called for new narratives to attack Trump in October, sufficiently ghastly to swing the election.

John Kerry at the World Economic Forum, of course, called for even more censorship because their social controls are being broken. The full import of this was captured, I think, by Matt Taibbi's speech at the rescue of the Republic mass gathering on the Mall in Washington, D. C. Which we here at Promethean Action attended, along with many, many other campaign events over this weekend in Michigan and elsewhere.

Taibbi is a Democrat in transition, typical of many who we are trying [00:09:00] to recruit fully to MAGA. For the policies of truth seeking and against fascism, because the Dems here are the real fascists, the real authoritarians out to quell the populist revolt now occurring throughout the world. He noted in his speech that the First Amendment, which the Biden administration and their British Imperial Controllers are seeking to eliminate, is a way of life in America, a key to the American character and the American culture.

He said, Americans are born knowing propaganda is always someone trying to make you feel bad for their weaknesses, their mistakes. Don't be ground down by it. Stand up straight and give it back. Which is to say, Kerry, Hayden, Cheney, Adam Schiff, Craig Newmark, Reid Hoffman, Pierre Omidyar, Leon Panetta, and especially the Time editor turned self appointed censor, [00:10:00] Rick Stengel should be packed in a rocket and launched into the fucking sun.

That's his language, not mine, but I endorse it. To the people who are suggesting that there are voices who should be ignored because they're encouraging mistrust or skepticism of authority or obstructing consensus. I'm not encouraging you to be skeptical of authority, I'm encouraging you to defy authority.

That is the right word for this time. To all those snoops and nosy parkers sitting in their homeland security funding centers of excellence telling us day after day we must think as they say and vote as they say or else we're traitorous Putin loving fascists and enablers of dangerous disinformation.

Again, his language, Motherfuckers, I'm an American. That shit does not work on me. And how can you [00:11:00] impugn my patriotism when you're sitting in Klaus Schwab's laptop apologizing for the First Amendment to a crowd of Europeans? Look in the mirror. I'm not the problem. We're not the problem. You're the problem. You suck. Thank you very much.

That spirit, exemplified right there, is what's at work when Trump goes to a football game and everyone stands up and cheers and roars. It's captured when Melania shows herself to be the most refined and beautiful woman in a classic sense in her Fox interview which aired last night on Sunday.

She is a stark contrast to the type of woman, the E. Jean Carroll female, who is the hero of the Jacobin Democrats, the hero of the Witch of Westchester. The stories told by her and Barron about the experience of seeing [00:12:00] Trump almost assassinated on live TV breaks the dam that the enemy has attempted to build. It makes us curious to find out more, to demand that this be investigated and stopped.

Finally, the story to watch this week, other than the ones I mentioned, which are the true ones driving the dynamic throughout the world, is what's happening in our south from Hurricane Helene. While key states, including Georgia and North Carolina, have been completely devastated, particularly western North Carolina, Biden and Harris were off, Biden on the beach in Delaware, and Harris raising money from her Hollywood cronies.

Donald Trump, as usual, was the sole guy on the spot recognizing the situation for what it is and expressing his solidarity with the population and promising to help in whatever way he can. It's [00:13:00] clear that the federal response to date has been completely inadequate. Completely inadequate, and Donald Trump telling these people he cares about them is perhaps their only solace at this point.

This is beginning to look like Katrina, the storm which devastated New Orleans, and also devastated the administration of George W. Bush. We'll see how it develops. Again, Promethean action is a key part of this new movement, documenting the truth, forcing public debate about the key things our controllers are trying to hide from us.

We need to set the agenda. We are actively campaigning and covering political events in the battlegrounds. And you can expect to see a roundup of this when Susan Kokinda gives her response on Wednesday, the Wednesday midweek brief. Otherwise, stay tuned. We'll be [00:14:00] covering these stories in much more depth on our website.

Go there and become a member. Go there so that you can participate in this grand discussion, which we're having there, about the New American Renaissance. A movement out to save not only the Republic, but through that act, to rescue the world from the Brits and their Tory friends in Washington, New York, Brussels, and Hollywood.

As Lyndon LaRouche once said, Britain delandia est. This is really the time where we could do that. Thanks very much for listening, and I'll see you again on Saturday.

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