As Trump’s Tariffs Triumph, Gaslighters Gonna Gaslight…
Despite opposition from self-proclaimed experts who continue to gaslight the American public about the benefits of tariffs and physical economic growth, Trump's policies are working.
The sprint is on to the election. The world itself is on fire with the shock wave of fundamental change at work. We cover the fakery of Kamala, the corporate media, the NATO military and censorship offensive which could kill us all.
The sprint is on to the election. The world itself is on fire with the shock wave of fundamental change at work. We cover the fakery of Kamala, the corporate media, the NATO military and censorship offensive which could kill us all. In Germany, the population is in revolt against the war and the elite. Voted down there, the elites stomp their feet and call for an end to X and Elon Musk. The totalitarian moves in Brazil are echoed by the Democrats here, who through such icons as Robert Reich call for Musk to be arrested for championing speech. In Israel, there is a general strike after the incompetence of Biden/Harris killed six hostages, including an American. We are winning and they are dangerously desperate.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi folks, it's Monday, Labor Day, a wonderful day in which we celebrate the dignity of work and the dignity of workers. That holiday comes from the ground up in the United States. It was celebrated by unions and cities first, then the states adopted it, and finally the country recognized this as something we really should do.
So shock waves are a very interesting phenomenon. Pilots will tell you that as they approach the speed of sound, they encounter incredible turbulence. And then, as they break through to the other side, it's suddenly calm. Is the world changed over there? We're not. Well, the wave didn't do that. The human understanding of what was before and what happened afterwards is what we know about it.
The best side of the phenomenon is on the other [00:01:00] side, but we've got to get there first. I raise that because it may seem to you like we're in something of a shock wave now as we look at the world this Labor Day ahead of the final sprint towards Election Day in the United States. On one side, we have a candidate who is real, who is authentic, warts and all, now living after an assassination attempt, knowing that God has a mission for him to save this country.
He's being joined increasingly by dissident Democrats and others. Who look toward a very different government. You have JFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, others are going to be joining them. Who see the war for the country and the future right now in the same terms as Trump does. It doesn't mean they agree on everything.
But in this new administration, there's going to be open policy debate. You'll hear about the things which [00:02:00] determine your life. You get to decide by voting and by electing new officials and by your support or not. The world will not be determined by classified and sanitized conversations among chosen professionals in the White House Situation Room. It will be decided by the people.
Now, on the other side, we have the empty suit representing the present. The present turbulent failure. It's being filled up with Hollywood by engineered fantasies. You know, the kind that are designed to play what the mind controllers out there say are your best interests and your preferred social media habits.
The things that give you pleasure. That will not actually change this country for the better. It will continue in terms of what we've actually seen over the [00:03:00] past four years of having absolutely no president at all, but a committee running things just like every failed republic in history has had a committee running things and being transformed into a paradise, not for us, but for the oligarchs With us, out there, the deplorables, as Hillary Clinton called us, suffering in a miserable land with no future.
Those are their choices, so let's take a look at the three main battlefronts of this campaign and war as they stand coming into the next week. On war and peace, probably the most important development concerns the elections in Germany. Where the anti war vote of the AFD, what's called the radical right in Germany, and Sahra party, of the left, the populist left, the two of those together have won outright in the [00:04:00] states of Thuringia and Saxony, creating problems for the globalist parties who are totally all on board with ceding national sovereignty to the globalist elite and fighting a war to the death with Russia. This was a thunderous anti war vote, anti establishment vote, and gives us some hope that Europe will be finally coming on board with some measure of sanity.
In the Ukraine war itself, Russia continues to roll up the Donbas, while the NATO forces, inclusive of the U.S. and the British, continue to follow a terrorist war, or plan, attacking Russia in desperation, with increasing recklessness. NATO now wants to be able to strike deep into Russia with missiles. That would, of course, start World War III.
And there is an insane and foolish debate now taking place in our corrupt media about red [00:05:00] lines and whether they mean anything concerning nuclear war in the modern era. Here's a note to you crazy people, they do. And you could, by your recklessness, actually destroy this world. Russia is now focused on knocking out Ukrainian infrastructure in terms of electricity, water, and industry ahead of the winter. And there is no real answer coming from the other side.
In the Middle East, Biden left his vacation spot this morning to head for the Situation Room, where he will showcase the fact that Kamala is there with him. She's joined him. She's a big girl now, worthy of such staging. They're going to discuss an alleged take it or leave it final hostage deal and the force to be put behind it by the United States of America. Of course, none of this will occur except, we're told, two weeks down the road.
[00:06:00] Meanwhile, Israel itself is on fire. The bodies of six of the hostages shot in the head over the last 72 hours were discovered in Israel. There is today a general strike, which has halted the nation. The court stepped in to say people had to go back to work. But you get the picture. The world is really blowing up there.
There are all sorts of messages being given to Netanyahu against what he's doing to block a peace deal. The American hostage, the American Israeli hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, was among the dead. As we have repeatedly emphasized here, this is on Biden's hands, just like Afghanistan.
Trump, through the Abraham Accords, had put this entire region on the path to war. towards peace. Biden, joined by [00:07:00] Kamala, sabotaged that and lit the fires of war yet again in this British imperial battlefield. Biden had his finger on the political wren rather than any principled stance by a president of the United States, and if it continues, this will lead to World War III, if not under Biden, under Kamala, if we allow her to win.
Now, the second battlefront is, of course, the battlefront on speech and censorship worldwide. I want to emphasize that because people are caught up in what's happening in Brazil, which is indeed highly, highly, highly dramatic. There, Elon Musk and X have been banned from the country because they refused to censor members of the Brazilian legislature, members of the British opposition overtly. It's as if all the secret dealings [00:08:00] of 2020 and Facebook and the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story were put out there and said, we're doing this, and if necessary will bring the Army in to enforce it, which in some respects is what they did with the intelligence agencies.
So this is not just the insane Supreme Court justice, Moraes who does indeed run the country on behalf of the international elites. It's a forward movement in a war which is being waged throughout the world against the ability of the population to think and formulate in its own mind what should happen in the future.
It's useful, in that respect, to reflect on the fact that the Democratic Party icon and former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, over the weekend, called for Elon Musk to be arrested, forthwith. [00:09:00] I say to you that, to me, is somewhat astounding, but a natural development of where this man stands on many, many issues, including the economy.
I personally recommend that if you want to see the present state of this battle and get a fast overview of its history, you take a look at Mike Benz on X, any one of his many, many accounts of how we got here in this battlefront. His handle is @MikeBenzCyber And you can go there and get a history of what this is really all about. The history of NATO's institutions of mind control and free speech dating back some time.
That includes complete control at this point of the entirety of the U.S. Media. There is nowhere, nowhere, I emphasize, in the control of corporate media, and that includes Fox and the Wall Street Journal. Where you can go which is not [00:10:00] totally controlled, not partly, totally part of this rigged worldwide game.
Musk, by standing tall with X and buying Twitter and taking it over, created an alternative media landscape which may make it possible for the people of the world to rise again and overthrow their would be controllers. In our prior service to Lyndon LaRouche, many of us here at Promethean Action isolated the British Empire as the center of the anti free speech movement, beginning with the founding of the so called National Endowment for Democracy in the 1980s.
That was the first time, really, that the United States government was given permission to wage a propaganda war on its own citizens. That war evolved over time. We called it, at that point, fascism with a democratic face. Lyndon LaRouche, in his [00:11:00] very profound Storm Over Asia series, actually said that the future of world war was going to be determined by what happened in Eurasia.
That the oligarchs were on an all out mission to seize that entire world island and its mineral and strategic wealth because they don't know how to create wealth themselves. That's what the present war against Russia and the present movement towards China is all about. This corporatist movement has evolved through various crises since then.
Democracy, what they say they're warring for is, what the consensus the elite institutions arrive at after they debate it, not involving anybody from the popular, people of the world. The press then was controlled in various ways and could not cross various red [00:12:00] lines when we started tracing this. Most certainly the coverage, the fair coverage of Lyndon LaRouche.
But it did allow a certain level of speech and debate to take place. That's no longer happening. That is what they need to eliminate because it's shown in their experience in 2016 going forward that any ability of the population to think will result in the rejection of the present elite control of the world.
All of the news that we see now in Brazil are part of and parcel of a British led attempt basically also involving our country, to revive Russiagate for these elections and for the European elections now taking place based on the fact that they lost control or potential control of the world beginning in the financial collapse of 2008.
If you recall [00:13:00] the 2016 election, both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders were targets of the elites because they were both for dismantling the military industrial complex and because they were both for Glass Steagall and banking regulation, which would have taken down the power of Wall Street and the City of London.
Trump continued in that vein. Despite everything he suffered as a consequence, Bernie sold out. Christopher Steele, the author of the dirty dossier against Donald Trump in 2016 and Russiagate, the former MI6 Russiagate desk agent, is playing a leading role in this round of attacks, and we'll be examining that in the course of what we write over the next week.
Mark Zuckerberg made a telltale confession this week saying yes, it's true, the Biden administration pressured Facebook to rig the Hunter Biden [00:14:00] laptop story and perhaps much else, which he hasn't confessed to yet in the last 2020 election. It's because there's no more placating these guys. He sees the writing on the wall. Unless we fight now, it's done for us and for the world. But, we are winning, and that's why they're so freaked out and so desperate.
Finally, the third front, the economy and our physical well being. Both the Fed and Wall Street and London will be pulling out all the stops to figure out a way to make your lives seem more pleasant ahead of the elections.
That your pain will somehow be alleviated enough that you'll jump like a conditioned frog right back into the right box. Don't believe it. The fundamentals out there are awful. The debt is awful, which they've run out. Their vision of the future remains. The vision of the [00:15:00] future put forward by the World Economic Forum, the Green New Deal, the driving down of energy, the open borders, the Inflation Reduction Act system of handouts which skinned you alive and has made it difficult to live.
That's the fundamental policy, Kamala will not deviate from that. It's a policy which will drive this nation back to feudalism and allow for its reabsorption into empire once and for all. They may be able to pause the relentless progress towards a collapse for electoral purposes. But it won't be paused for long. The fundamentals are like that. That's the war.
And Trump has the policy to rebuild the United States and put this country back on firm footing. We have to build our way out of this mess. So it's Labor Day, a [00:16:00] day to celebrate productive work, the dignity of work, the dignity of human creativity and human creation.
The holiday from the ground up. I'd like to recommend that you spend it reading the Republican Party platform. It is a build, build, build platform versus a regress, regress, regress idea on the Democratic Party side. Susan, I'm sure, will talk more about the, on the ground specifics of the battle as we head into the final sprint come Wednesday.
But I thought I would spend today giving it a bit more of a strategic context. Thanks very much for listening. I'll see you again on Saturday in this very exciting turbulent period as we break through to the other side.
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