The Monday Brief - Only a Trump Victory Can Quench A World On Fire - September 23, 2024

Monday's brief takes a tour of the international landscape, focusing on the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and the fateful decision this week as to whether Biden will surrender the US to the British demand to directly attack Russia. What's really at stake with this presidential election?

The Monday Brief - Only a Trump Victory Can Quench A World On Fire - September 23, 2024
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Monday's brief takes a tour of the international landscape, focusing on the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and the fateful decision this week as to whether Biden will surrender the United States to the British demand to directly attack Russia. The war in the Middle East now involves Israeli attempts to decapitate Hezbollah in Lebanon with no checks on that war expanding because of the Biden/Harris war with Russia. Finally, we look at the developing sector, now caught up in a modern slave labor trade, involving both offshored manufacturing and export of vast populations to the U.S. and other advanced nations for low wage servitude.  Whole countries like Venezuela and Haiti are controlled by gangs in the primitive hell of a Dark Age.  That defines the stakes for the world in the U.S. election.  

Transcript: The Monday Brief - Only a Trump Victory Can Quench A World On Fire - September 23, 2024

Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Good morning. I'm Barbara Boyd, and this is your Monday Brief for September 23rd, 2024. Today we're going to be taking a tour a bit beyond the battleground of the United States going up to 32, 000 feet or so and looking at the international picture. That's because key decisions will be made this week concerning war and peace and the future existence of the nations of the world. It might very well be that the senile Joe Biden would get to mutter those words from Hindu sacred texts made famous in the recent movie Oppenheimer . Now I become death, destroyer of worlds.

That's because Vladimir Zelensky from Ukraine will be here at the U. N. Backed by the British government, NATO, the substantial fascist Ukrainian diaspora here in the United [00:01:00] States, along with the arms merchants who make their livelihoods from our forever wars. They will be arguing to an expansion of the Ukraine war to its actual honest nature, a fulsome attack on Russia itself. By the United States, Britain, and the world government in waiting, Ursula von der Leyen's European Union.

Now, this is not to say that the election in the United States is not playing a role in all of this. It is playing a major role. It is the primary ingredient, since Donald Trump is presently winning in the United States, and the oligarchy knows that a win for Trump here turns this nation back towards sanity and its role as a beacon of hope and a temple of liberty for all of mankind.

We will see this week a continuation of fake polls, [00:02:00] major media turned into Democratic Party propaganda sheets, and the fake gaslighting of the American population ramped up to incredible proportions and outright noise. It involves the cover ups of all that Harris and Biden have created as the hell for those residing in the United States, in order to make it plausible that she could be, as she says, mapping a new way forward.

It will not be new. It will be the old way, dressed up in new identitarian clothing which will lead us inevitably to a slower destruction, if not nuclear war. As a parenthetical note, if you want to figure out why your congressman seems to become an insane warmonger upon landing in Washington, D. C., look up the Ukraine caucuses in the Congress, and his or her donations from the Big Five military contractors, and the role [00:03:00] the same forces play in the Democratic Party.

Since Biden is senile, the words which could create a new world war, if the Pentagon's sanity does not prevail, will be written on notecards, which he will read. Or maybe Jill Biden, who led a cabinet meeting last week, will read them for him. The equally empty vessel, Kamala, will go along to get along, as she always has, with any perverse position her donors wish her to take. This is occurring against a backdrop in which oligarchy is being challenged throughout the world.

Their economic model of world government, enriching the already approved bureaucratic political retainers and entertainment and news media moguls while the rest of us pay rent to them for our subsistence. That model is once again on the verge of an inevitable breakdown crisis. People all over the world have noticed this as their lives become impossible, [00:04:00] with the rents being charged for necessities outside of their reach.

The bubble of illusion, created for them by such platitudes spewing entities as Oprah Winfrey, is breaking. After all, you can only completely violate natural law for short durations at a time until reality intervenes, as J. D. Vance has been saying, a full scale economic crisis right after the elections, if not before, has a very high probability.

The U. S. side of this British instigated insanity is led by the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, an out and out British agent and neocon, who in league with Robert Kagan, the current Dean of the American Foreign Policy Establishment basically leads this alliance for world war.

Kagan is a rabid war hawk, and he's the husband of Victoria Nuland, who, with Joe [00:05:00] Biden, orchestrated the 2014 coup, which began this particular war, from which the Biden family, of course, profited massively.

If Edgar Allan Poe were leading the assassination investigation concerning Donald Trump, he would start there, with Kagan, who took to the pages of the Washington Post this year to say that assassination is the only solution for Trump, for the Trump challenge, which will work for the elites. It is sort of like the purline letter lying right there in plain sight.

It is important to emphasize that under Joe Biden, the United States has been acting as a simple pawn of British imperial policies. There is no American empire. There is only the British empire controlling the United States. You see that with the declaration of the heads of the two intelligence agencies, MI6 led by Richard Moore and the CIA, led [00:06:00] by William Burns, who gave a press conference in London last week in which they actually declared that they were completely inseparable. They work as one unit.

You see it in the Green New Deal, which has killed our economy. A policy which isn't native to Joe Biden or the United States. It is the policy of the oligarchy, hatched in such forms as Davos and the Bilderberg Conference, to subjugate the world to their desires.

Across the world and in the Middle East, the war appears to be expanding. Bibi Netanyahu is taking advantage of the fact that the present U. S. government is being run as an incompetent collective with no real president at the helm. And he's doing it to wage what amounts to, in his view, a reshaping of the Middle East itself in what he believes to be his favor.

If you remember the neocon dream of Dick Cheney, the Bushes, and the neocons, [00:07:00] During the time of the hubris, when they believed that history had ended with the fall of the Soviet Union, that dream was to reshape the Middle East under the policy they called Clean Break, in which Israel emerged as a U. S. and British hegemon.

That's what gave us the Iraq War, and the continuing destabilization of the area, which was only interrupted in reality by Donald Trump's Abraham Accord and his back channel relationship with Russia to stabilize the area.

After exploiting the inherent security vulnerabilities of our present electronic communication system, a topic in and of itself, Israel basically blew up pagers and other devices held by Hezbollah soldiers last week in Lebanon. It killed 12 and basically maimed and wounded over 3, 000. Israel has now undertaken a bombing campaign [00:08:00] into Lebanon to break Hezbollah by decapitating its leadership, if possible. As it should have been learned in the war on terror, that tactic hardly works. It only creates more terrorists.

Bibi Netanyahu's overriding obsession is to neutralize Iran through warfare, not diplomacy, rather than the economic tactics Trump employed, and to draw the United States into that scheme, which would, of course, cause a horrible conflagration throughout the Middle East. There are many factors in this, including the fact that the Israeli economy has been paralyzed by war and is collapsing, and its entire northern area basically has been abandoned because of Hezbollah terrorist strikes and hybrid warfare.

If these incompetents had sought an alliance rather than a war with Russia, this entire situation could have been stabilized a long time ago. [00:09:00] Now, it is descending into a pit of limited small wars for speeding a pace for apparent eternity if allowed to continue. Again, Russia, China, the Gulf States, Egypt, and Jordan, and even some factions in Iran and the United States military are doing everything they can to avoid this insanity. But they lack the essential leadership from the United States where the presidency is presently vacant. It will remain so if Kamala and her backers succeed.

There is opposition to this descent into hell from the Middle East and Eurasia in Europe itself, particularly in Germany, France, and other countries where populist movements are rising and winning elections. But Ursula van der Leyen, one of the oligarchy's favorite bureaucrats at this point, operating out of Brussels, has just consolidated control of the EU and is [00:10:00] seeking to destroy Europe's rising populist movements while securing the continuing war drive against Russia. Again, the rallying point of hope which the Europeans who are in revolt have, which most of the nations of the world have at this point, is the MAGA movement and Trump in the United States. If we lose, the world will quickly descend into a new dark age. That's really what's at stake, and it's on the edge of that now.

Finally, let's look at the third world, or the developing sector, from which people are fleeing to come to the United States and other advanced countries, and which the oligarchs are welcoming, so long as they can be exploited as cheap labor in what is essentially a modern slave trade.

Let's just take a look at Haiti or Venezuela as examples, both in our hemisphere. Both countries have been subjugated by the Malthusian policies [00:11:00] enforced ever since the destruction of the gold reserve monetary standard in 1971. They exist in the primitive condition resembling the worst of the Dark Ages in Europe.

In Haiti, the favored charity of the Clintons and the Democratic Party, armed gangs now control the entire country. There is not a government. The U. N. has tried to intervene with a peacekeeping force from Kenya, of all places, because of past failures to provide even a semblance of civilization.

Such development as is allowed is only the outsource and controlled fleeing jobs from American and other advanced sector manufacturing companies and industries there to exploit cheap labor or so called appropriate technologies to maintain these countries in a primitive, bestial state.

This is satanic, a violation [00:12:00] of God's command to go forth, multiply, and subdue the earth, which is slowly strangling this world to death by controlled economic disintegration amidst a cultural attack through drugs, sex trafficking, and obsession with other bestial devices. It is a murderous process. Which nuclear weapons can only make faster.

I'll be doing tonight's strategic briefing, focusing on the assassination conspiracy against Trump. We're calling it the reason why the British kill American presidents updated. We produced a pamphlet, of that name, outlining the times through the history of the United States, where Americans leaders, particularly those, as Trump says, of consequence, who embraced the American system of political economy, were murdered by British means.

Donald Trump and his new Republican party have adopted [00:13:00] exactly this far reaching economic revolution. There's a tendency to view the war to elect Trump and fight against the totalitarian censorship and mind control regimes by the oligarchs as somehow two separate issues. They represent the very same issue.

It's not a question of political rhetoric. Causing the assassinations against Trump. It is a question of controlled speech, weaponized by PSYOP and other warfare techniques against the American public and creating a climate in which controlled assets of the intelligence community can carry out their preferred scenarios.

It is all a result of the fact that we are presently winning, that the American population is awake and mobilized. We have to close the deal. In the next five weeks, driving the support for Trump in this mobilized population to an overwhelming [00:14:00] victory. Set your sights on getting 10 votes to the polls for Trump and work on that.

Our enemies are reading the real polls and while they may freak out and do desperate things, the only thing standing in the way of our victory is, as Franklin Roosevelt said, their ability to mobilize our fears. With the appropriate mobilization of courage, the fight, fight, fight of Donald Trump, we win. If we are cowards, we will lose much more than an election, and I think I've made that clear.

So, tune in tonight. I think I'll be able to show you some things which you haven't thought about before. And otherwise, I'll see you again on Saturday, and tune in to Susan's Midweek Update on Wednesday.

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