The Monday Brief - Put Away the Media Popcorn: We Are In the Battle of Our Lives for the Nation - July 22, 2024

The Monday Brief - Put Away the Media Popcorn: We Are In the Battle of Our Lives for the Nation - July 22, 2024
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Barbara References:

Concerning the Assassination Which Wasn’t; Tell Congress It’s Time for an Independent Congressional Commission Now
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Transcript: The Monday Brief - Put Away the Media Popcorn: We Are In the Battle of Our Lives for the Nation - July 22, 2024

Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. It's Monday. This is your Monday Brief following another quite tumultuous weekend in which Joe Biden exited the presidential race, as many predicted. The title of my Monday Brief is Put the Popcorn Away, we're in a live fight for the republic. Now, the flood of news, the assassination attempt, the Secret Service's gross incompetence, The Triumphant Republican Convention, Joe Biden's exit.

Put you through an emotional ringer and creates a very dangerous kind of psychological tunnel vision. I'm not saying that someone designed precisely this effect. Far from it. What's coming next? The human mind attuned to sense perception and all the immediate drama of the news. What's coming next? We ask expectantly and thereby succumb to the passion of the moment.

[00:01:00] I'm saying that we have to widen our vision to get to the truth of what is happening here. That's why we here at Promethean Action are urgently pushing our call for a congressional commission to get to the bottom of the assassination attempt against Trump now and quickly, and also to the dispatch of Joe Biden, when the reality is that the presidency has been being done by a committee of his close associates, ever since 2020.

That's why we say that the Trump Vance ticket must now recruit a visible Gideon's army across all political lines in every targeted state, and absolutely resist the notion that there will be a landslide because the Democrats have effectively suicided themselves by picking Kamala Harris.

A wish, kind of a wish fulfillment, which is very much out there and it's very destructive. [00:02:00] I was struck as a kind of counterpoint to what we are being flooded with by a post from the lawyer Robert Barnes. Not that I endorse his particular conspiracy theory, far from it. It's one of those things you file away to be revisited as the facts actually unveil themselves.

But it's interesting because it throws in a sharp relief the clumsiness of what we're being flooded with. He says that Mike Pompeo was telling the Iowa delegation at the Republican convention that he was going to be the vice presidential candidate. Barnes adds that he would be the vice presidential candidate on a ticket led by Nikki Haley after Trump had been assassinated.

He notes that the plan to replace Biden had also been already launched as of the debate proposal made to Trump back in May. He says [00:03:00] the elites had decided to scrap both candidates, wash their hands of both of them, although they were favored by the voters, and start over with younger and more pliant political faces.

Now, that hypothesis should be declared with what we know as fact. There was a knife fight so significant with the security state wing of the Republican party about the vice presidency, that Trump had to mask his intention to pick J. D. Vance until the very last moment. According to Tucker Carlson, it was absolutely brutal and nearly violent as the donors and agents of the oligarchy sought to pick someone who would once again seek to neuter Trump.

J. D. Vance is the opposite of all of that. His pick is a victory for our side of the equation, the humanity side of the equation. He agrees with Trump's economic and [00:04:00] cultural agenda. He is a fresh and very anti establishment voice. Pompeo, on the other hand, is the man who coordinated part of the coup against Trump when at the CIA, he fully embraced, endorsed, and forwarded Gina Haspel, who, as London's station chief, actually launched the Russiagate coup against Donald Trump on behalf of the Obama White House and the secret British intelligence services.

So, that is indeed quite a contrast, not to mention Pompeo's obvious neocon, policies as Secretary of State. Biden has been notably senile since 2019. He was placed in the presidency in that state with the ability to read a teleprompter and surrounded by people who would tell him what to do every single minute.

That's what we [00:05:00] faced. That's what was sold to us. That was the ultimate con about what was going on in our nation. So, basically, that debate was picked, and they said it very publicly to see whether or not this charade could be maintained, or whether he would flunk. He flunked. The security state has set up the atmosphere for Trump to be assassinated, with open calls for that coming from prominent media figures, the British Intelligence Services and the current nominal head of the DC Blob, or Foreign Policy Consensus, Robert Kagan, Vicky Nuland's husband. The direct facilitation of that probable event by the Secret Service and its cover up by the FDI were corollary events set into motion long before Trump's appearance at the Butler PA rally, days before the Republican convention.

That effort is still alive, and how we react [00:06:00] now will determine whether it succeeds or not. I am the king and god and law, anarchy astride a white horse declares in Byron Pursh Shelley's The Mask of Anarchy. That's how these elites think of themselves. It's well worth your taking a read of that as you contemplate the events of the last two weeks.

Given the failure of the assassination, the emergence of Trump now, in Mark Zuckerberg's words, as a bad ass folk hero, because of his demonstration of courage, this apparatus is capable for the first time in decades of being vanquished by us. The citizenry. The citizenry which is rising up. That's the other side of this drama.

And as in all drama, the culture of the people, their noble virtues or flaws will determine [00:07:00] what happens. Will the people embrace Trump's stance of fight, fight, fight? Or will they be lulled into being spectators? Being little once again as that. Thinking now the elite has actually embarked on a failing path and cannot recover. They're not required to really do anything.

The Wall Street Journal this morning tells you the storyline. Joe Biden should be dismissed graciously. Trump has blown it by telling the population the truth about this fraud. Kamala Harris is a fool, so we can coast. Given what has happened so far, do you agree that all of this is linear? That Harris will actually end up being the nominee? How can you say so?

Trump has already said no, he doesn't believe it, and there's a hell of a lot of time now for the Democrats before the August convention. [00:08:00] Barack Obama. Obama, the New York Times editorial board, other elite figures including Nancy Pelosi are holding out to see also if Kamala flops.

Think about what is at stake, an eight year coup involving the intelligence community across the world, the globalists, the Anglo Dutch oligarchs who normally function in darkness. They stand to be exposed if Trump becomes president. A field war that has so far killed a half a million people and counting. A plan called the Green New Deal now in implementation, which will destroy all nation states and drive us back to feudal communitarian enclaves with our own, very own, noble lord heading each one.

Will Wertz outlined how to defeat this in his class on Saturday, which is now posted to the Promethean Action website. Lyndon LaRouche's Four [00:09:00] Powers Agreement, uniting the most powerful economic forces in the world, China, Russia, India, and the United States, to take out the British imperial control of the monetary and financial system once and for all. Nothing less than that can be our goal at this point.

The other shoe is that there must be a full investigation, starting with the appropriate targets. Recognize that Secret Service malfeasance is just one aspect of the problem. They become the fall guy. Think about the impact of the Secret Service becoming the fall guy on the day to day protection of Donald Trump and how much this disrupts it.

Look at all the false flags and rabbit holes being promulgated on the internet. Doesn't it remind you of what happened just after the rigged election of 2020? Where we had all sorts of improbable scenarios floated to us? Watch out [00:10:00] for the false flags and rabbit holes. We have to use Congress to get to the truth, and Congress must take up that mantle. We're in a drama. In which the real dynamics of history operate, not linear rabbit holes, not nouns, but verbs. I call to your attention something like the second shooter acoustic analysis, which has become very popular on the web. But the trajectory of the bullets is going to determine what happened.

And right now, the FBI and the ATF have all that information. We do not. And in all probability, right now, it's being compromised. So you've got to control this investigation. So far, Mike Johnson has indicated that he's going to appoint a task force to actually investigate this. This will compete with Congress's natural tendency to split it up, [00:11:00] to have five minutes of fame, and not to be serious.

That's why we've said that Kash Patel must head this investigation. Who is he? He's the guy who, with Devin Nunez at the House Intelligence Committee, actually blew The fraud of Russiagate. He knows where the bodies are buried in this entire eight year and running operation. He knows how to fight this and how to bring the deep state to heel.

We don't have time for somebody else to get up to speed. That's why we're pushing him. Politically, you already know, that the Democrats have the fraud apparatus in place. You already know that many of their constituents are dumb and volatile enough to buy Kamala, the prosecutor of democracy, they say, and the winner of all females bodies' human rights. In our view, the killer of [00:12:00] the unborn, the lady who laughs too much from too much pot.

The lady who laid her way, so to speak, to her now political post. So, It's not a given. And they're trying to lull us into complacency. We must not do that. The way to win is by everyone out there, if you're listening to this, to mobilize. We need to create a virtual Gideon's Army behind the Republican Party platform announced at the convention.

It is indeed a platform for the rebirth of this nation. We need to do a massive job of education. We need to be doing this tirelessly. And most of all, we need to put the pressure on Congress to do the job now to actually unearth this assassination and who was behind it, aiming for the real targets, because you can't do this without the wide vision of the [00:13:00] entire eight year operation to take out Donald Trump by any means necessary.

So, we're going to be providing the ammunition, starting with coverage of this morning's first hearing with the Secret Service in the House, and we'll be following this all week to make sure we get this job done. And we'll, furthermore, we'll be talking to you about the actual perspective of winning this election.

Tune in, join us, we're in a fight for this republic, and for the first time, at least in my lifetime, it really looks like it could be won, in the next two to three months, but we require that fight, fight, fight from everyone. Thanks for listening. We'll see you again on Saturday. Tune in for Susan's Midweek Update on Wednesday.

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