As Trump’s Tariffs Triumph, Gaslighters Gonna Gaslight…
Despite opposition from self-proclaimed experts who continue to gaslight the American public about the benefits of tariffs and physical economic growth, Trump's policies are working.
Shock waves involve a maximum amount of turbulence until you break through to calm on the other side of the sound barrier. So it is this week. The economies across the world are crashing, a new war looms in the Middle East, riots throughout England prove the insanity of open borders. Meantime we're told that Kamala is our savior by a loud and obnoxious media barrage, that Biden belongs on Mount Rushmore, while the Trump/Vance policies provide the only actual means of salvation. The population hates the Democrats and the media but requires much organization between now and November 5 if we are to win the Republic back.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. It's Monday and this is Barbara Boyd with your Monday Brief. I'm gonna call it, Writing the Shockwave to a New Future. We've got three fronts this week which we're paying attention to. The sinking global economy, war in the Middle East, and a simmering civil war in Britain. Big Brother and how to avoid him or her.
Those are basically the battlefronts in the war for the nation. I don't like Kipling, but my father used to quote him to me, saying, if you can keep your head while others are losing theirs and blaming it on you. Among other noble traits he cites in the same piece, you'll be a man. Of course, since I was a girl and I am a woman, I found that very confusing, but that is the essence of Donald Trump, that and the love he has for this population.
Despite the resort to [00:01:00] chaos and overt brainwashing to win the election, the American people aren't buying it. They are sticking with the resistance, but lack the organized force yet necessary to win, which is what we've got to work on between now and November 5th. Our part in this is to teach the means by which you can use your mind, your brain, as a boxer uses his fists, as Lyndon LaRouche used to say.
We do that by teaching the fundamentals of how to think, based on the minds of the best thinkers and poets in history. The true history of this country, we also teach, and the great future of technological and scientific advance is now in motion, which can reverse the economic collapse. That's the essence of the Trump Vance economic recovery program, by the way.
If you like what we're doing, we need your help every week to keep us going. So I'll start it off with [00:02:00] a little pitch, go to Promethean PAC and donate, Promethean Action and donate also, either one, on the web, and it will help a lot in terms of helping us to expand that aspect, that mission, which we have between now and November 5th.
So the stock market collapse across the world may or may not indicate the slide into recession and a probable depression. The thing that is not in question is that people are suffering hugely, and that's the most uncovered story in the entire media false story landscape.
People have been decimated by inflation. The inflation flowing from nothing less than Biden Harris economic policies, and the necessity with it to, basically bail out the accumulating debt. And that effort seems to now have actually run up against the boundaries of natural law.
Homelessness is prevalent [00:03:00] among the working class and lower middle classes and there's an untold story of people who are making what had been considered good money four years ago, now sleeping in cars or out on the streets.
Rents under Biden Harris have increased 33 percent in four years. Savings were evaporated such as they were because of health emergencies or cars breaking down or family emergencies. The sorts of things they used to be able to afford, but now can't. Across the board, What the regime is telling us is don't believe your lying eyes.
Camelot, camelotting a ding dong, as my husband callers, is Albert Einstein in drag. Trump is the monster who is to be falsely labeled with all of the sins committed by them. Now, Across the world, stock futures collapsed after Friday's bloodbath on Wall Street. There are now calls for a [00:04:00] rate cut under the argument that the Fed is too late in coming to this particular dance.
But the inflation is not under control largely because of the structural problems created by Biden Harris in the world economy. As Trump starts it out, energy is a huge part of that. There comes a time when you are not producing the means of existence and simply printing money and other financial instruments that the chickens come home to roost.
As Jim Rickards outlined last week, the Trump Vance economic proposals aiming to restart production and renationalize the U. S. economy, seizing it from the globalist regime, which is now ruling, is really the American system. It will not produce immediate relief because we are in for a very rough landing, but it can reliably forecast growth and a path to creating a future that will Which, just as we have done [00:05:00] before under Hamilton, under Lincoln, and with Roosevelt.
The key thing is to understand the blame here. This is all on Harris Biden and the imperial faction of world government. The fact that Trump bans are substantially threatening their rules. is the reason they are assassination targets. The operative principle here in any recovery measures must be people first.
We must concentrate on their livelihoods and not that of the multinational corporations. We must build our labor force back for the economy we are creating, educating them for better jobs, skilled jobs, the new industrial revolution which Trump has talked about.
Now, the dynamics in the Middle East fairly shout that we're in for a widening war in the region based on Iran's response to the killing of Ismail Hanayat, the Hamas leading figure residing in Iran on Iranian soil temporarily.
There's a substantial [00:06:00] faction of the British Imperial Empire calling for an all out war with Iran. And they are equally engaged in dragging the U. S. into this war. Sir Richard Dearlove of the Henry Jackson Society, the religious warriors of the forever wars of the last decades, are key to this entire dynamic. If you remember Sir Richard Dearlove, he also led substantial aspects of the Russiagate coup against Trump.
Many believe that Iran's retaliation will be wide ranging. And they have warned of such. U. S. troops and assets are now flowing into the Middle East. Amidst this crisis, Joe Biden is checking in at two and change this afternoon, along with Kamalama Ding Dong, who is now portrayed as a foreign policy genius.
The other dynamic is that most of the world's nations do not want a wide war in this volatile region, which will have an immediate impact on oil [00:07:00] and gas economics and international shipping. This is particularly true of China, Russia, and others, we'll have to see what happens.
The reason for the hatred of J. D. Vance, of course, is centered on his opposition to the forever wars, and his ability to articulate Trump's American system policies. That's the reason, there is nothing else. Forget about all these staunch Republican blowhards saying something different. In Britain itself, riots have broken out all over the country in response to this killing of schoolchildren by a second generation African immigrant.
Gangs of white and Muslim men face off against one another all over the country. And of course, according to Prime Minister Starmer, white supremacists and Russia are responsible for all of this unrest. The reality is that like everything, the economy there stinks [00:08:00] and support of Open borders and unhinged immigration have stretched a non productive economy to its physical limits. People are really suffering, and the type of warfare which is predictable under these economic conditions has broken out.
Finally, the obvious flank which everyone is feeling is the gaslighting of the American population by all of the media. All of the media coverage is noise and brainwashing to make you accept Kamala as the, quote, democratic alternative to authoritarianism, while she never received a single real vote in the population for her candidacy.
She was placed in her present position by Barack Obama once it became impossible to conceal the fact that Biden's brain was fried and had been so for years. The story of her vice presidential election is supposed to drive the Trump assassination attempt off the front page, [00:09:00] obscure the greatness of the J. D. Vance, Donald Trump economic platform, and erase from your memory the significance of what has just happened.
You found out that the American presidency has been occupied by a vegetable for the last four years, and Kamala and others have covered it up. Nancy Pelosi has taken this to an extreme by claiming that now Joe Biden should be put on Mount Rushmore.
What are you going to do? Put him on as a potato head, Nancy? Give us a break.
He implemented the agenda of the World Economic Forum, the Great Reset, the COVID transfer of wealth to the richest, the Green New Deal. And now the real economy, which has been declining since he took office, with people choked to death by inflation, is beginning to crack and crash.
Whether they can throw up a wall of pent up money at it and temporarily stabilize things remains to be seen. It looks doubtful. There is a glimmer of [00:10:00] hope on the assassination investigation front with the announcement that Congressman Cory Mills and Congressman Eli Crane, the only trained snipers and military men in the Congress, are launching a parallel investigation with Kash Patel, the man who debunked Russiagate, and are going to put a lot of pressure on what appears to be a very weak house investigation led for purposes probably of floating the narrative that this was just a bureaucratic screw up by the Secret Service, rather than an actual assassination attempt staged by the United States government.
So, Edgar Allan Poe basically gives you the lead here, as I have repeatedly stressed. If you're going to solve this, you've got to get into the mind of Trump's assassins. You've got to figure out why, and you've got to reverse engineer it, understanding how they think. You have to attack it at the highest level of the conspiracy, the [00:11:00] thought leaders who hire the assassins. It's only that. If you appropriately attacked, which will stop it from happening again.
Even with all of that, the population remains in resistance and fighting. We were at a Detroit street fair over the weekend and the Republican and our table were mobbed, while the Democrats sat silent. That's the real story.
And the issue is we're on the clock. We need to organize. We need to get out this vote. Will you help us and help the actual movement in this country to bring about a future win this time around? That's up to you. We're asking you to get off the couch, get active, sign up for Trump Force 47, follow us, and let's win this thing.
Thanks a lot for listening. We'll see you again with Susan Kokinda on Wednesday.
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