The Monday Brief - Sunday's Elon Musk Achievement Opens a New Chapter for Humanity - October 14, 2024

Elon Musk's SpaceX on Sunday took a huge leap in making interplanetary space travel possible when it recaptured the booster to its superheavy rocket. What was deemed impossible less than 10 years ago, is now possible, opening a new era for mankind, with the US leading the way.

The Monday Brief - Sunday's Elon Musk Achievement Opens a New Chapter for Humanity - October 14, 2024

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Elon Musk's SpaceX on Sunday took a huge leap in making interplanetary space travel possible when it recaptured the booster to its superheavy rocket, at its launch site, after the booster launched into space, separated from its space module, and executed a perfect return to the launch pad. What was deemed impossible less than 10 years ago was demonstrated to be possible, opening the door to an entirely new era for all of mankind with America leading the way.  Otherwise we cover the state of the presidential race, the looming war in the Middle East, and the attempt to normalize a Trump assassination.

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Transcript: The Monday Brief - Saturday's Elon Musk Achievement Opens a New Chapter for Humanity - October 14, 2024

Barbara Boyd: Hi everybody, [00:01:00] it's Barbara Boyd. This is your Monday Brief. What you've just seen is extraordinary. I thought about how to write about it over the weekend, and then I discovered that an engineer by the name of Devon Eriksen had encapsulated my thoughts almost perfectly on Twitter.

He says, this is what will matter a thousand years from now. This guy, i. e. Elon Musk, reignited the space age. He spent his own money, hired a bunch of dudes, and reignited the space age. And together they underbid and outdid NASA and its pet dinosaur corporations on every conceivable level.

This is history happening before you. If you are a puddlefish, if you think this is a wasteful showpiece or science project, like much of the Biden administration, then you don't understand physics, economics, astronomy, or in [00:02:00] fact, the basic layout of the universe you live in.

We live in a tiny puddle at the bottom of a well. Out there is an entire universe. Full not only of stuff to explore, but full of stuff to build things out of, big things, wonderful things. Things that are going to make all the cool stuff you have today, all of human civilization to date, look like early Assyrians, writing stuff down on wet clay with a reed.

Infinite resources, infinite energy, infinite space. Instead of fighting over little patches of land, we will have an infinite third volume. Enclose it in steel, pump it full of air, spin it, and it's a habitat. Instead of scratching tiny scraps of metal out of the crust of one planet, we will break down entire asteroids and smelt them.

Instead of drilling for hydrocarbons and turning [00:03:00] water wheels, we will harness entire suns, split the atom, and eventually draw our fuel from the substance that makes up 99 percent of the entire universe. None of your local temporal earth politics matter compared to this. America's most important function, its one vital purpose, is to serve as an incubator of this, because this changes everything.

All of our arguments about conditions on this planet become obsolete. Because the whole planet becomes just one suburban neighborhood. I might add parenthetically that it might become one wonderful city block since I favor this. All of our wars over resources and territory become obsolete because no one has time to brawl when we're all sitting on top of a dragon horde with sacks and shovels.

Everyone who was alive at the time [00:04:00] remembers where they were when John F. Kennedy died in Dallas. When the towers fell, when the eagle landed, when the wall came down. But this, this is the real moment, one of the first of many. They are what every child will know about a thousand years from now. If the puddlefish don't get in the way, don't be a puddlefish.

That's what he said. That's an engineer's perspective, but I think it's a pretty good one. Now, even Elon Musk, when he started his journey to create a fully reusable rocket, for interplanetary travel, did not know if it was possible. Then prevalent ideas about engineering and physics would seem not to allow it. Yet, having this capacity make space travel relatively inexpensive if compared to the alternative. And on Saturday Musk and as engineers did what was [00:05:00] formerly considered impossible.

So taking that message and bringing it back to earth, there's only one way to ensure that America, once again, fulfills that mission of creativity and innovation, something we have done repeatedly. Although, the engineer who wrote the above, and I read from, probably doesn't know the history of this. It's what this country was founded upon.

And there's one way to ensure that that future happens, which is returning Donald Trump to the White House, with Musk assisting him in creating the economic and the other renaissance necessary to sustain a drive for a leap in human productivity, for a giant leap forward in human history.

Not only is this visionary and inspiring, it is absolutely necessary. Without a giant leap in the physical productivity of this population, we are facing chaos because of [00:06:00] the massive debts and bailouts conducted by Biden Harris, and before them, under Barack Obama and Bush. Without the widened vision, of our place in the universe, it is difficult to imagine civilization itself surviving, having shrunk so far into little men and women tethered to small ideas and petty fights about things which are largely ephemeral.

Real physical economics requires constant exponential growth in the labor power of the population, constant progress in technological innovation, and a culture where there is the central theme and emphasis, of a bright and optimistic future for ourselves and our children, overriding the cynicism and pessimism which come from smallness, which comes from allowing ourselves to be ruled by an elite which hates us and which is itself incapable of reproducing [00:07:00] itself, and at the required levels of growth to sustain a human population.

The space mission is what gives us all at once that something which JFK recognized and Trump revived after Obama killed the manned space program in favor of identity politics and its related power games and engineered smallness here on Earth. So, that's a huge leap forward and I think it's really a huge undercurrent which will probably determine this election.

In the Middle East, we await Israel's response to Iran, and in turn, Iran's response to what Israel has planned. Think about that. That's what the newspapers are saying. Biden administration is completely tying the United States to whatever strikes on Iran Israel has in mind. We now have American troops on the ground in Israel, 100 of them, to [00:08:00] man a sophisticated THAAD missile defense system, which we have just given Israel, because the Biden collective apparently recognizes that the upcoming Israeli strikes on Iran will require an Iranian response, which may well impact American troops stationed in the Middle East.

So you see These guys are all about getting us into a war at this point in the Middle East with their overall theme being Après Moi, Le Deluge. What better way to ensure that that war happens than by telegraphing that you know how Israel will respond and you're fully on board with it. Think about that.

As we highlighted on Saturday, the business of normalizing an assassination of Donald Trump continues apace. It is happening because Trump is surging, and the hate propaganda the media is pumping out against him 24 hours a day isn't [00:09:00] working.

Kamala continues to flounder. She's even being made fun of by Saturday Night Live. Tim Waltz did a video, allegedly to demonstrate his manliness, by going pheasant hunting with a bunch of reporters and cameramen in tow, and taking the wrong gun for pheasant hunting, and then not being able to figure out how to load it. As Twitter is uniformly saying, or X, it's like someone stepped out of the L. L. Bean catalog, not knowing what he or she was supposed to do.

A Las Vegas man, Vern Miller, was arrested outside Trump's rally in Coachella, California over the weekend. It is said he had a car with a phony plates, a parcel of priority entry passes, which were fake for the rally, along with fake media credentials.

His car was not registered, and he had a shotgun, a pistol, and a high capacity magazine in his car. [00:10:00] He has insisted he is a Trump supporter, and not involved at all in any potential assassination of Trump. Others, including General Flynn, have gone to bat for him, and he was released on a low bail, meaning that the proof of an assassination modem was lacking.

We'll have to see how this turns out, but you can say one thing for sure, the more these incidents occur, the more the thought that Trump can be assassinated becomes normalized, eliciting what they hope will be a ho hum response when it happens from a population who they do not understand. or still believe to be kind of asleep.

Everything else will be the campaign, obviously, over the next three weeks. Here at Promethean Action, we have begun to look beyond that, to the policy implementation side of a Trump administration and how it will get done, and the prospects for a wholesale insurrection by the [00:11:00] other side to prevent Trump from exercising the presidency's power.

We need a Trump supporting Senate and a House of Representatives. Basically, to back Trump up as he cannot do it alone, but we need leaders in those positions, not necessarily just the numbers required to assert formal control as we learned from the House over the last two years. If Trump wins by a narrow margin and the Democrats win the House, they are promising that they will seek Trump's immediate impeachment and removal.

Only if the margin of victory is overwhelming can we assure that they will be chastened and on their back foot. The marching orders for the week must be to make that victory overwhelming. We will have our economic policy pamphlet out over the next two weeks, and we are reprinting our dossier on why the British kill American presidents, our inoculation against their present plans.

We obviously need funding [00:12:00] to do that, so giving whatever amount you can to Promethean Action will help us achieve our educational and other organizing goals for the period. Susan will update you on the state of the race on Wednesday, and we'll be back for the weekly wrap on Saturday. Until then, get out and organize the vote.

Take the time, make the effort. We can and will win, but it depends right now on you getting active in the next three weeks. So let's go and win, folks. I'll see you again on Saturday.

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